Author Topic: Jay HoF  (Read 901 times)

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Offline jasont93

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Re: Jay HoF
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 10:59:00 PM »
I remember my first dip like it was yesterday. I was 16 years old sitting in class with my buddy who had Grizzly WG. I always saw my dad and everyone else doing it, granted wasn't always popular in highschool and I was like hey why not. I asked if I could try it, he goes "Sure, make sure you got something to spit in and don't swallow it" . Well...... I didn't but I swallowed the spit, ran out the door and started just heaving chunks.. Fast forward 2 years. I was 18. Got to buy it my own no more waiting on others.. well that was when things started to get interesting. I was spending 30 a week to just have a can a day.. I backed off some considering I had to finish school and was still playing sports.. I'd hide dipping from any girl and anytime I saw one who walked by and they looked at me with it I just felt like a idiot . 'bang head' Well I watched all these girls being turned off by so many people doing it I decided to try to quit for the first time I made it a month about mid way my senior year of school. Well it quickly changed, I graduated and started back again, working full-time being stressed out, and you may ask what at 19 do you gotta be stressed about? Well I'll tell ya, the fact of trying to just keep from telling so many people off and wanting to flip the bird to the world. As well any time you get in a argument. I stumbled upon this site approx 120 days ago, and I met Sir Derek in the chat room. Great guy, inspired me with how many days he's been nic free. Well I wanted to set the example for my family, I quit a 4 year habit and it was the roughest time of my life each day felt like hell getting up going to work. But each day I had the KTC bracelet on reminding myself I'm not doing this for anyone else, not for the girls, not for family but for ME. I owed it to myself to better my life and to stop having to worry about the receding of a gum line or tooth decay or being addicted. I Admit I was Addicted to the Nic bitch. An to this day 103 days in I feel great, running (well not temporarily due to a sprained knee), being at the gym 6 days a week when I get off work. I have so much more confidence now to talk to girls no more hiding a dip and saying hi or spitting in a bottle or swallowing it... I Pledge to my fellow brothers/sisters of KTC to keep strong each day and I hope you all will to and continue to add a day each day of a successful quit. An look at the accomplishment you are achieving. It's better winning the lotto... I'd rather be Healthy and Nic Free than be money struck... Well some money but a promise against the nic, a life against the nic. I'm "Destined For Greatness" in life and, so are you!.

103 days free and counting! Anyone who ever needs to talk, feel free to just talk

Offline jasont93

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Jay HoF
« on: March 24, 2014, 10:59:00 PM »