Author Topic: Ready to quit?  (Read 960 times)

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Offline zam

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Re: Ready to quit?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2012, 11:16:00 AM »
Adam, allow me to use my adapted "Matrix" analogy:
Morpheus: Nicotine is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.  And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
First of all, I agree that quoting the Matrix is ghey.

Secondly, the key is that many just are not ready to be "unplugged" from nicotine. It frightens them because life with nicotine is the only life they remember. So, through some screwed up logic, they just throw in another pinch and assume that this is as good as it gets, and nicotine is making it tolerable. The chose to ignore the possibility that another, better life can exist. Hell, some will fight like hell to protect that addicted life (I did for years).
Allow me another "Matrix" analogy: Life has opened your eyes a bit wider today. And life is now offering you a choice. Are you gonna take the red pill and return to an existence of ignorant "bliss" where your life is controlled by a drug? (and it is controlling you, I promise.) Or are you gonna take the blue pill and throw off your nicotine master? The first option is comfortable. The second option is hard. The second option is discomfort x2, at least short term. That choice is scary, anxiety filled. It is also the only option for those who want to see the world clearly and interact with it WITHOUT the shackles and limits of nicotine addiction. But it IS doable, and it IS your choice.

Enough with the deep BS. It boils down to this, Adam: Are you ready to be "unplugged?"
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Ready to quit?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2012, 10:31:00 AM »
Adam listen up we know exactly what you are saying. 162 days ago at 1:30 in the morning I sat at the toilet on my hands and knees and cried like a baby as I opened and dumped 2 1/2 cans of copensnuff ending 40 yrs of use. 98 days ago I sat and watched Diesel go through anxiety from quitting that he thought was killing him. I felt his pain, but in 2 days I get to welcome him on the HOF train being victorious for the first 100 days if the rest of his life! Our stories are all very similar so is the pain!
Now for you. If you want to quit for Adam you can and will be successful. PM me if you need help. Go to the December quit group and post roll! If you can't find it click Here. After you get posted I'll introduce myself and will be willing to trade #'s.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Ready to quit?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 08:41:00 AM »
Quote from: aoden0472
I will be honest. I have considered quitting for awhile now. I am not going to give my laundry list of reasons why as they are all the same as everyone else's in some form. However, I can't believe how terrified of quitting I am. I am sitting here right now looking at the two cans I just bought today and thinking about quitting. I have read several posts about people just throwing them away and starting. I am thinking that is what I need to do but can bring myself to do it. I thought well I will just put them up and begin my quit. But that seems deceitful in some way. Why do I want to keep them around? Am I already assuming I will give into cravings and saving the cans will save me the 3am trip to the shoppette? Sorry about going on a rambling there. I guess what I what is first to introduce myself. I have been dipping since I was 16 years old. I am now 29. I am pretty much at a can a day. Even though I play my usage down to my wife. She is one of the many in my family thats wants me to quit. I have ignored them and actually gotten upset with them about the constant prodding to quit. But, now I want to quit. For myself! But yet here I am staring at these two cans. I feel my day 1 quit is near. Maybe I am just missing the boot up my A$$ that hopefully someone that understands the terror in throwing these two can away. I apologize up front for the rambling and also I hope this was the right place for this post. I want to respect those folks whom have already quit. Thanks for taking the time to read.
Well if you want a boot up your ass to's a size 12 from someone who was so scared shitless when I first quit I left the sight for a few weeks. I'm now 2 days from the hof and feel great!!!

Grow some balls and flush your shit!!! Of course keeping it around is basically setting yourself up to cave. An alcoholic wouldn't keep two bottles of vodka in the house...unless he was a pussy who couldn't commit to quitting. Stop assuming you will give into cravings. Start with that attitude and you might as well dick tuck now and hit the road as you'll never make it. Have some confidence bro!!! If you REALLY want to quit come at it with a "fuck this shit I can do this shit' attitude". I wish I would have. Instead it took me months to get my thumb out my mouth and come to the adult table.

Your "terrified" shit. Every mother fucker on here was when they first quit. I ain't gonna lie, this shit ain't easy, its fucking hard as hell, especially in the beginning. But all you have to do is post roll every day and keep your promise to quit that day, then repeat the next day. There will be bumps and bruises along the way but that's what we are hear for. If you are felling down or like your getting bitch slapped by the nic bitch, jump on here and we will help you through. You will not be doing this alone. There is a pleathera of quitting knowledge from some bad ass quittiers on this site, and all are willing to help you succeed.

Every day you keep that shit out your mouth you win and over time you will fell better and better. Huge point...try not to think in terms of "forever" it will fuck with your brain and make the process worse. I say this from first hand experience. When you're struggling in the beginning try not to think "this is my life now, fucking great". You chewed for a long time its gonna take awhile to get to feeling "better". Think.of this as a snap shot in your life that one day you can look back on as the greatest decision of your life.

Take your life back bro. It will be hard but will get easier. Change your half assed attitude and jump in here with real men who will have your back. It will be the best decision you'll ever make. And I'm one of the biggest pussies ktc has ever seen. If I can do it any pussy can do it!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
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16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline baudy

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Re: Ready to quit?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 05:01:00 AM »
First thing I want to say is welcome!! Next thing is just go ahead open both of those cans and flush that shit down the toilet!! Everyone here was in the same boat you are in trying to decide, should I quit or should I keep dipping, well the answer is easy, QUIT NOW AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!! If you need help there is a whole world of support on this site. I know I am still a short timer here,but I am willing to step up and be a big brother to any newbies that need one.

We are all here to help each other, remember you will never be alone in this quit, myself and everyone here have your back!!!
4 June 2012-Quit
11 Sept. 2012-HOF
4 June 2013 -1 Year
16 Oct. 2013-5th Floor
4 June 2014 -2 Years
28 Feb. 2015 - Comma
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Offline aoden0472

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Ready to quit?
« on: September 09, 2012, 03:51:00 AM »
I will be honest. I have considered quitting for awhile now. I am not going to give my laundry list of reasons why as they are all the same as everyone else's in some form. However, I can't believe how terrified of quitting I am. I am sitting here right now looking at the two cans I just bought today and thinking about quitting. I have read several posts about people just throwing them away and starting. I am thinking that is what I need to do but can bring myself to do it. I thought well I will just put them up and begin my quit. But that seems deceitful in some way. Why do I want to keep them around? Am I already assuming I will give into cravings and saving the cans will save me the 3am trip to the shoppette? Sorry about going on a rambling there. I guess what I what is first to introduce myself. I have been dipping since I was 16 years old. I am now 29. I am pretty much at a can a day. Even though I play my usage down to my wife. She is one of the many in my family thats wants me to quit. I have ignored them and actually gotten upset with them about the constant prodding to quit. But, now I want to quit. For myself! But yet here I am staring at these two cans. I feel my day 1 quit is near. Maybe I am just missing the boot up my A$$ that hopefully someone that understands the terror in throwing these two can away. I apologize up front for the rambling and also I hope this was the right place for this post. I want to respect those folks whom have already quit. Thanks for taking the time to read.