Author Topic: Living a Lie  (Read 1290 times)

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2010, 10:25:00 AM »
Quote from: blakeadams
Instigator and MikeA,

Your right. That was a poor excuse for a whatever the hell you want to call it. I didnt word my plan very well either. Let me try it again.

Everyday, I will get on this site and post roll. After posting roll, I will look at the previous posts from today. I will do my best to offer any type of support I can to any of the other quitters on this site. If I am having even the slightest craving, I will look back through the 'words of wisdom' and the 'hall of fame' sections for some added motivation to put the craving behind me. If, I get to the point where I have done the above and the craving still is giving me issues I will call one of the others quitters on this site and let them know of my situation. If I were to still be having problems with the cravings, I will call my wife and go over everything with her. I will use my 6 month old son as my last line of defense. I will pick him up (or get out his picture) and explain that as much as I love him, I love something that is killing me more.

Bottom line is I understand your skepticism. I dont have anything to give you other than my word that I am in this for the long haul.

Much better. Please, bear in mind, every tobacco chewer WILL quit one day. The difference between us and them is we are driving the boat and have decided "enough is enough." I have a guy I work with who dips Copenhagen, swallows the spit AND the dip along w/ a gallon of Dr. Pepper a day. He constantly complains about not feeling well, has indigestion, and a god-awful white patch on his lower lip. He is a dipper of 30 years. I gave him a can of my Hooch and he gave it back to me a day later and said, "you can keep this shit, I'll stick with my Copenhagen." This was a month or so ago.

Fast forward to a few days ago. Same dude was complaining about not feeling well and a buddy of mine at work said to him, "Kevin quit dipping, how about going on like he did and quit." Dipshit replied, "yeah, well, Kevin has been dipping for 15 years. I have another 15+ on him. It's too hard."


Moral of this true story: QUIT NOW, because chances are he will die young if he doesn't.
( . )( . )

Offline FHY16

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2010, 07:31:00 AM »
Welcome back and welcome to the Sept group. I took a look at your previous intro from 2007. At that time you said your wife didn't know. Now she is part of your plan. Thats good. Like the others have said, she can help some, but we are all walking the same path and facing the same challenges.

Find a few words of wisdom or HOF posts that mean something to you. Paste them or a link to them here on your intro so you can find them again when you need them. Print them, keep them in your wallet beside your son's pictures.

You came into Sept a bit late, so you may want to read back to catch up on the shit we've all discussed. We may seem like a bizarre crew (and some of us are), but we are who we are and none of us will be recycling.

Basically, the "third time's a charm" thing is bullshit, so don't fuck up this time.

PM me if you need anything. Glad to have you in the group.
?Upon the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions, who when on the dawn of victory paused to rest, and there resting died.?
Your quit must be defended against complacency and a false sense of control over your addiction. There is no such thing as "just one." Stay quit.

Quit: 06/11/2010 - HOF: 09/18/2010

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2010, 11:53:00 PM »
Quote from: blakeadams
Instigator and MikeA,

Your right. That was a poor excuse for a whatever the hell you want to call it. I didnt word my plan very well either. Let me try it again.

Everyday, I will get on this site and post roll. After posting roll, I will look at the previous posts from today. I will do my best to offer any type of support I can to any of the other quitters on this site. If I am having even the slightest craving, I will look back through the 'words of wisdom' and the 'hall of fame' sections for some added motivation to put the craving behind me. If, I get to the point where I have done the above and the craving still is giving me issues I will call one of the others quitters on this site and let them know of my situation. If I were to still be having problems with the cravings, I will call my wife and go over everything with her. I will use my 6 month old son as my last line of defense. I will pick him up (or get out his picture) and explain that as much as I love him, I love something that is killing me more.

Bottom line is I understand your skepticism. I dont have anything to give you other than my word that I am in this for the long haul.

That sounds a bit more like a plan. PM if you need anything man.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline blakeadams

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2010, 10:20:00 PM »
Instigator and MikeA,

Your right. That was a poor excuse for a whatever the hell you want to call it. I didnt word my plan very well either. Let me try it again.

Everyday, I will get on this site and post roll. After posting roll, I will look at the previous posts from today. I will do my best to offer any type of support I can to any of the other quitters on this site. If I am having even the slightest craving, I will look back through the 'words of wisdom' and the 'hall of fame' sections for some added motivation to put the craving behind me. If, I get to the point where I have done the above and the craving still is giving me issues I will call one of the others quitters on this site and let them know of my situation. If I were to still be having problems with the cravings, I will call my wife and go over everything with her. I will use my 6 month old son as my last line of defense. I will pick him up (or get out his picture) and explain that as much as I love him, I love something that is killing me more.

Bottom line is I understand your skepticism. I dont have anything to give you other than my word that I am in this for the long haul.


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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2010, 09:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: blakeadams
I dont know why I didnt man up and start posting on day 1.  I guess I was still a little embarrassed that I couldnt cut it a few years ago. 

I plan on using this site and my wife to keep me quit.  If I even think about caving, I will be on this site posting and reading others posts.  I also have my wife as my last line of defense.  I have promised her that I will call and talk to her when the cravings are getting me down.
Um...ok. Pardon me for saying, but this seems like a really half baked 'apology/come back' or whatever you want to call it.

I welcome you back if you are serious, but your language suggests at least one issue. Ok, two issues.

One, someone asked for a plan. You are familiar with this site and yet you got no plan (no, really, reread your own post--you got no plan).

Two, you state that you will use this site and read when you think about a cave?!?! gotta read, plan and use this site way before that or the thought of a cave will do you in before you can even log on.

You need to do sum evaluatin' my friend. Let's think this through. Get this going and be serious about it, or we'll see you again in 2014.
3rd, your wife does not know what your going through. She can support you by getting you a beer in the evening and fondling "the boys" every night but in the middle of the day when the nic bitch kicks your ass who ya gonna call....get some numbers of brothers in your group and call them. Call 1 of them today for no reason accept to break the ice.
There, I have made your plan for the day.

Offline Instigator

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 11:26:00 PM »
Quote from: blakeadams
I dont know why I didnt man up and start posting on day 1. I guess I was still a little embarrassed that I couldnt cut it a few years ago.

I plan on using this site and my wife to keep me quit. If I even think about caving, I will be on this site posting and reading others posts. I also have my wife as my last line of defense. I have promised her that I will call and talk to her when the cravings are getting me down.
Um...ok. Pardon me for saying, but this seems like a really half baked 'apology/come back' or whatever you want to call it.

I welcome you back if you are serious, but your language suggests at least one issue. Ok, two issues.

One, someone asked for a plan. You are familiar with this site and yet you got no plan (no, really, reread your own post--you got no plan).

Two, you state that you will use this site and read when you think about a cave?!?! gotta read, plan and use this site way before that or the thought of a cave will do you in before you can even log on.

You need to do sum evaluatin' my friend. Let's think this through. Get this going and be serious about it, or we'll see you again in 2014.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline blakeadams

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 11:18:00 PM »
I dont know why I didnt man up and start posting on day 1. I guess I was still a little embarrassed that I couldnt cut it a few years ago.

I plan on using this site and my wife to keep me quit. If I even think about caving, I will be on this site posting and reading others posts. I also have my wife as my last line of defense. I have promised her that I will call and talk to her when the cravings are getting me down.

Offline MikeA

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 10:25:00 PM »
Quote from: blakeadams
I originally joined this site in Sep of 2007. I was a couple weeks into a quit when I caved. After almost 3 additional years of chewing on June 23, 2010 I finally decided enough was enough and threw out my last can of grizzly. I let many people on this site down when I caved a few years ago and for that I am sorry. I am 100% committed to this quit and I will not fail. I have 23 days behind me and I look forward to watching that number grow.
It's not like you just found this site at day 23. You knew we were here, why did you not post your day 1 with us again?
What made you cave last time and what is your new plan.

Offline blakeadams

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 09:45:00 PM »
I originally joined this site in Sep of 2007. I was a couple weeks into a quit when I caved. After almost 3 additional years of chewing on June 23, 2010 I finally decided enough was enough and threw out my last can of grizzly. I let many people on this site down when I caved a few years ago and for that I am sorry. I am 100% committed to this quit and I will not fail. I have 23 days behind me and I look forward to watching that number grow.

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2007, 08:50:00 PM »
Quote from: bobbyjones
I hid it from lots of people for years. It's easy to cover up. It makes quitting that much tougher because I can't come clean nor can I share successes in quitting with my family and friends.
you've got yourself a whole new family and group of friends right here that you can share your successes with!
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2007, 06:51:00 PM »
I hid it from lots of people for years. It's easy to cover up. It makes quitting that much tougher because I can't come clean nor can I share successes in quitting with my family and friends.

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2007, 10:13:00 AM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: blakeadams
For the last 3 years I have been slave to the can.  What might make my story a little different is that nobody knew that I chewed...not my best friend, not my wife, not my one.  I would wait until I was alone and dip by myself.  I decided last friday, September 21 that I was done and I threw my last can away.  Through the weekend I struggled, but I did not break and buy another can.  I know the road is going to get even tougher and I know it will be much easier knowing that everyone here is going to hold me accountable for my actions.  My name is Blake and I need all of your help.
welcome blake...

go join the January 08 group by making Roll Call'll be the first, but not the last
Good luck to you blake.. i know that you can do it if you made the weekend you can make today and then tomorrow... just take it one day at a time. dont get a head of yourself. Enjoy not spending the money and time on a crappy old habit.
stay quit, jarsmom :D
Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.

I Quit and So Can You

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Re: Living a Lie
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 10:10:00 AM »
Quote from: blakeadams
For the last 3 years I have been slave to the can. What might make my story a little different is that nobody knew that I chewed...not my best friend, not my wife, not my one. I would wait until I was alone and dip by myself. I decided last friday, September 21 that I was done and I threw my last can away. Through the weekend I struggled, but I did not break and buy another can. I know the road is going to get even tougher and I know it will be much easier knowing that everyone here is going to hold me accountable for my actions. My name is Blake and I need all of your help.
welcome blake...

go join the January 08 group by making Roll Call'll be the first, but not the last

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Living a Lie
« on: September 24, 2007, 10:09:00 AM »
For the last 3 years I have been slave to the can. What might make my story a little different is that nobody knew that I chewed...not my best friend, not my wife, not my one. I would wait until I was alone and dip by myself. I decided last friday, September 21 that I was done and I threw my last can away. Through the weekend I struggled, but I did not break and buy another can. I know the road is going to get even tougher and I know it will be much easier knowing that everyone here is going to hold me accountable for my actions. My name is Blake and I need all of your help.