Author Topic: withdrawal symptoms  (Read 2647 times)

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #33 on: September 17, 2010, 07:25:00 PM »
Quote from: brianl
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: brianl
So go ahead and give her a little cry, I get she will bang the shit out of you!!!!
Isn't that backwards? Isn't he supposed to bang the shit out of her? lol
That's a negative dave. She will bang the shit out of him!!! Banging is a two way street brother!
no shit i got to try the crying thing

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2010, 09:21:00 AM »
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: brianl
So go ahead and give her a little cry, I get she will bang the shit out of you!!!!
Isn't that backwards? Isn't he supposed to bang the shit out of her? lol
That's a negative dave. She will bang the shit out of him!!! Banging is a two way street brother!

Offline theo3wood

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2010, 08:24:00 AM »
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: brianl
So go ahead and give her a little cry, I get she will bang the shit out of you!!!!
Isn't that backwards? Isn't he supposed to bang the shit out of her? lol
I'm with Brian...I got five bucks says that if he cries, she's all over him. Anybody want a piece of that?
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2010, 07:30:00 AM »
Quote from: brianl
So go ahead and give her a little cry, I get she will bang the shit out of you!!!!
Isn't that backwards? Isn't he supposed to bang the shit out of her? lol
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2010, 06:49:00 AM »
Hey- hot chicks respect a man than can show their true feelings. And I bet she will respect the fact that your a man taking charge of his life. So go ahead and give her a little cry, I get she will bang the shit out of you!!!!

By the way- hang in there brother, we are here for you.


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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2010, 09:38:00 PM »
Quote from: misterbeeds
thanks brothers it is nice to no that I am not alone in this. Everyone around me thinks there is someting wrong as this can not be just nicotine withdrawals. I am just wondering if when any of you had you deal with the depression was it an all day thing or did it come and go kinda like a craving, buy that I mean it last for maybee 10 to 15 minutes then you feel a little better not great but better. I am on day two of this hell and i swear if it last any longer i am going to have to go check myself into a mental hospital to get through this. I cant even function anymore I just had to cancel a date with the hotest chick I know because i dont know how I am going to feel and if I am going to break down when I am with her. Ya this sucks.
hang in there - it hits different for different people. I'm on day 95 and I've had times where it would hit for a few hours, and I've had times where it hit for a week. The best thing for me was exercise and praying. I recommend both and if your dating a hot chick, I'm thinking there might be something else you can do to burn a little stress. Just can't remember what that is cause I've been married for over 24 years! :)

stay quit and strong - it will pass and IT DOES GET A LOT BETTER!

Quit Date: 6/14/10 Hof Date: 9/21/10

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Philippians 4:6 - Don?t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2010, 05:48:00 PM »
thanks brothers it is nice to no that I am not alone in this. Everyone around me thinks there is someting wrong as this can not be just nicotine withdrawals. I am just wondering if when any of you had you deal with the depression was it an all day thing or did it come and go kinda like a craving, buy that I mean it last for maybee 10 to 15 minutes then you feel a little better not great but better. I am on day two of this hell and i swear if it last any longer i am going to have to go check myself into a mental hospital to get through this. I cant even function anymore I just had to cancel a date with the hotest chick I know because i dont know how I am going to feel and if I am going to break down when I am with her. Ya this sucks.

Offline theo3wood

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2010, 09:06:00 AM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Spurbow
Quote from: klark
Quote from: misterbeeds
I feel like if I just started chewing again, life would go back to normal. I didnt cave as I never want to feel this hell again. I just had the hardest day so far, I heard depression is part of this quitting process, but man I cried all day today and for no reason either my life is not that bad, ya I have had ral bad anxiety as of late and i started seeing a hypnotherapist for that. But this depression just hit me like a ton of bricks today. Everyone that knows me thinks all of this is from my divorce that happened about 5 moths agao, but I still think it is just the the fing whore nicotine tring to find a way to get me to come back. I will never chew again if this is what it takes to quit, I am just wondering if anyone else is going throught the whole depression and feeling like crying stage, as I feel like I am losing my mind and almost want to check myself into a mental hospital but I know I am not crazy. I am not a sissy guy either who cries often, I mean I played college football for f-sackes Please someone tell me this is a stage like the fog and it will pass in a day or two, i cant take a week or two of this......
misterbeeds, 38 days on your own is bad ass. No one said quitting is easy, but it is totally worth it. I don't think no nic is the problem, I think you need to see a doctor or talk to someone. We are all here to help, jump into chat as there is usually someone in there. You can do this.
Hey man, i had very similar symptoms in at my mid twenty days. I am very new to my quit as well but i never had depression or panic attacks prior to quitting. I got better after a couple of very melancholy days. I was a state qualifying wrestler from my freshman year on and also felt like i was being a pussy - YOUR NOT! KEEP UP THE QUIT
I went through some depression. Like we always say go see a doc if you think you need to. Quitting this shit is harder than anyone can imagine.

Read up on our little drug of choice. I have some articles on my intro page that may help you understand why you feel like you do. For me the physical part of quitting was much easier than the mental part.

We will help with what we can, but if you feel like you need to see a doc by all means do so.
Nicotine , or the lack thereof, is absolutely a big part of what you are experiencing right now. Add that to your other situation and its not surprising you are sobbing the fetal postition. This is quite normal. You are in a well documented period of funk. As greg suggests, take time to read the articles here. Take a step farther and pick out some old quit groups and read them back to front. You will see that the ups and down are similar from group to group.

Never be afraid to shout out if you need help. There are many people that have been in your shoes.

Nice quittin bro!
Mr. Beeds: Most, if not all of us experienced some level of depression in the first couple months of our quits. If you think about it, it would be amazing if we didn't feel depressed.

Over the years, our emotions became managed by nicotine...plain and simple. When you deleted the managing chemical from the equation, everything was bound to go haywire.

I can guarantee you, though, that if you keep going with your quit, two things will happen:

1. it will get better. It does for ALL of us who maintain the quit.
2. You'll never, ever have to go through this shit again.

For many of us, it took about a year for our noggins to be running at full capacity again. Until that happens, by all means, go see a doctor if you feel you need to. That doesn't make you a pussy.

The truth: you were a pussy when you allowed youself to be controlled by your addiction. Now that you've kicked it to the curb, you're a man. The only thing that could change that would be if you caved, and we all know that can't happen as long as you keep posting.

...theo 779
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2010, 08:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Spurbow
Quote from: klark
Quote from: misterbeeds
I feel like if I just started chewing again, life would go back to normal. I didnt cave as I never want to feel this hell again. I just had the hardest day so far, I heard depression is part of this quitting process, but man I cried all day today and for no reason either my life is not that bad, ya I have had ral bad anxiety as of late and i started seeing a hypnotherapist for that. But this depression just hit me like a ton of bricks today. Everyone that knows me thinks all of this is from my divorce that happened about 5 moths agao, but I still think it is just the the fing whore nicotine tring to find a way to get me to come back. I will never chew again if this is what it takes to quit, I am just wondering if anyone else is going throught the whole depression and feeling like crying stage, as I feel like I am losing my mind and almost want to check myself into a mental hospital but I know I am not crazy. I am not a sissy guy either who cries often, I mean I played college football for f-sackes Please someone tell me this is a stage like the fog and it will pass in a day or two, i cant take a week or two of this......
misterbeeds, 38 days on your own is bad ass. No one said quitting is easy, but it is totally worth it. I don't think no nic is the problem, I think you need to see a doctor or talk to someone. We are all here to help, jump into chat as there is usually someone in there. You can do this.
Hey man, i had very similar symptoms in at my mid twenty days. I am very new to my quit as well but i never had depression or panic attacks prior to quitting. I got better after a couple of very melancholy days. I was a state qualifying wrestler from my freshman year on and also felt like i was being a pussy - YOUR NOT! KEEP UP THE QUIT
I went through some depression. Like we always say go see a doc if you think you need to. Quitting this shit is harder than anyone can imagine.

Read up on our little drug of choice. I have some articles on my intro page that may help you understand why you feel like you do. For me the physical part of quitting was much easier than the mental part.

We will help with what we can, but if you feel like you need to see a doc by all means do so.
Nicotine , or the lack thereof, is absolutely a big part of what you are experiencing right now. Add that to your other situation and its not surprising you are sobbing the fetal postition. This is quite normal. You are in a well documented period of funk. As greg suggests, take time to read the articles here. Take a step farther and pick out some old quit groups and read them back to front. You will see that the ups and down are similar from group to group.

Never be afraid to shout out if you need help. There are many people that have been in your shoes.

Nice quittin bro!

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2010, 06:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Spurbow
Quote from: klark
Quote from: misterbeeds
I feel like if I just started chewing again, life would go back to normal. I didnt cave as I never want to feel this hell again. I just had the hardest day so far, I heard depression is part of this quitting process, but man I cried all day today and for no reason either my life is not that bad, ya I have had ral bad anxiety as of late and i started seeing a hypnotherapist for that. But this depression just hit me like a ton of bricks today. Everyone that knows me thinks all of this is from my divorce that happened about 5 moths agao, but I still think it is just the the fing whore nicotine tring to find a way to get me to come back. I will never chew again if this is what it takes to quit, I am just wondering if anyone else is going throught the whole depression and feeling like crying stage, as I feel like I am losing my mind and almost want to check myself into a mental hospital but I know I am not crazy. I am not a sissy guy either who cries often, I mean I played college football for f-sackes Please someone tell me this is a stage like the fog and it will pass in a day or two, i cant take a week or two of this......
misterbeeds, 38 days on your own is bad ass. No one said quitting is easy, but it is totally worth it. I don't think no nic is the problem, I think you need to see a doctor or talk to someone. We are all here to help, jump into chat as there is usually someone in there. You can do this.
Hey man, i had very similar symptoms in at my mid twenty days. I am very new to my quit as well but i never had depression or panic attacks prior to quitting. I got better after a couple of very melancholy days. I was a state qualifying wrestler from my freshman year on and also felt like i was being a pussy - YOUR NOT! KEEP UP THE QUIT
I went through some depression. Like we always say go see a doc if you think you need to. Quitting this shit is harder than anyone can imagine.

Read up on our little drug of choice. I have some articles on my intro page that may help you understand why you feel like you do. For me the physical part of quitting was much easier than the mental part.

We will help with what we can, but if you feel like you need to see a doc by all means do so.

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2010, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: klark
Quote from: misterbeeds
I feel like if I just started chewing again, life would go back to normal. I didnt cave as I never want to feel this hell again. I just had the hardest day so far, I heard depression is part of this quitting process, but man I cried all day today and for no reason either my life is not that bad, ya I have had ral bad anxiety as of late and i started seeing a hypnotherapist for that. But this depression just hit me like a ton of bricks today. Everyone that knows me thinks all of this is from my divorce that happened about 5 moths agao, but I still think it is just the the fing whore nicotine tring to find a way to get me to come back. I will never chew again if this is what it takes to quit, I am just wondering if anyone else is going throught the whole depression and feeling like crying stage, as I feel like I am losing my mind and almost want to check myself into a mental hospital but I know I am not crazy. I am not a sissy guy either who cries often, I mean I played college football for f-sackes Please someone tell me this is a stage like the fog and it will pass in a day or two, i cant take a week or two of this......
misterbeeds, 38 days on your own is bad ass. No one said quitting is easy, but it is totally worth it. I don't think no nic is the problem, I think you need to see a doctor or talk to someone. We are all here to help, jump into chat as there is usually someone in there. You can do this.
Hey man, i had very similar symptoms in at my mid twenty days. I am very new to my quit as well but i never had depression or panic attacks prior to quitting. I got better after a couple of very melancholy days. I was a state qualifying wrestler from my freshman year on and also felt like i was being a pussy - YOUR NOT! KEEP UP THE QUIT
"Silly rabbits, nicotine wasn't filling the void it was creating it." - Skoal Monster

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2010, 06:16:00 PM »
Quote from: misterbeeds
I feel like if I just started chewing again, life would go back to normal. I didnt cave as I never want to feel this hell again. I just had the hardest day so far, I heard depression is part of this quitting process, but man I cried all day today and for no reason either my life is not that bad, ya I have had ral bad anxiety as of late and i started seeing a hypnotherapist for that. But this depression just hit me like a ton of bricks today. Everyone that knows me thinks all of this is from my divorce that happened about 5 moths agao, but I still think it is just the the fing whore nicotine tring to find a way to get me to come back. I will never chew again if this is what it takes to quit, I am just wondering if anyone else is going throught the whole depression and feeling like crying stage, as I feel like I am losing my mind and almost want to check myself into a mental hospital but I know I am not crazy. I am not a sissy guy either who cries often, I mean I played college football for f-sackes Please someone tell me this is a stage like the fog and it will pass in a day or two, i cant take a week or two of this......
misterbeeds, 38 days on your own is bad ass. No one said quitting is easy, but it is totally worth it. I don't think no nic is the problem, I think you need to see a doctor or talk to someone. We are all here to help, jump into chat as there is usually someone in there. You can do this.
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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2010, 06:14:00 PM »
I feel like if I just started chewing again, life would go back to normal. I didnt cave as I never want to feel this hell again. I just had the hardest day so far, I heard depression is part of this quitting process, but man I cried all day today and for no reason either my life is not that bad, ya I have had ral bad anxiety as of late and i started seeing a hypnotherapist for that. But this depression just hit me like a ton of bricks today. Everyone that knows me thinks all of this is from my divorce that happened about 5 moths agao, but I still think it is just the the fing whore nicotine tring to find a way to get me to come back. I will never chew again if this is what it takes to quit, I am just wondering if anyone else is going throught the whole depression and feeling like crying stage, as I feel like I am losing my mind and almost want to check myself into a mental hospital but I know I am not crazy. I am not a sissy guy either who cries often, I mean I played college football for f-sackes Please someone tell me this is a stage like the fog and it will pass in a day or two, i cant take a week or two of this......

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2010, 10:34:00 AM »
Quote from: DizzyDude
Quote from: kb81
Lance described it the best. Matter of fact, I was looking for a way to describe what a crave is and how I feel when I crave. It is that huge desire to stuff that shit in my face. It's almost like a blowjob when you've been away from the misses (this is of course assuming you are not a cheating asshole) just need to have it LOL. I decided to respond to this thread, because I've been dealing w/ the craves really bad today. I mean, today is almost like day fucking one for me. What the fuck is this shit? Oh well, I'm quit w/ you fuckers.
Lance definately hit the crave that I see as the panic crave. Somethimes my whole skeleton wants to jump out of my skin and go down to the corner store and get it's own can. When this happens I see the NIC Biotch screaming at me and the only proper response to this is "Fuck off" 'Finger' .

I find a second "flavor" of the crave that I find scarier than the first. It is when I hit a trigger and without any fanfair or thought what-so-ever, my hand is reaching into my Copenhagen pocket for a dip. Sometimes i realize it as my hand starts to move, but sometimes my hand is digging out the tin of sugarless mints I put in place of the can, and then I remember, "Oh yeh, I quit today".

I am constantly sparring with the crave right now and staying mean about it helps my resolve. I know that fight eases a bit over time but I also know that even after a 2 1/2 year quit, the "Just one won't get you hooked again" crave pops up and 15 years later your quiting from ground zero all over again.

It is always your decision and it is always Now. I just choose to quit NOW, and all NOWs that happen until I post roll in the morning. And I will stay angry and that lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, NIC Bitch because nothing should own anybody the way she owns me, and I ain't gonna take it anymore.
It is always your decision and it is always Now. I just choose to quit NOW, and all NOWs that happen until I post roll in the morning. And I will stay angry and that lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, NIC Bitch because nothing should own anybody the way she owns me, and I ain't gonna take it anymore.
Fuckin A, DizzyDude - well said, well said. thanks - I'm not gonna take it anymore either. That whore can go pound sand today, tomorrow, and forever. FUCK YOU, BITCH!

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Re: withdrawal symptoms
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2010, 11:05:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
Lance described it the best. Matter of fact, I was looking for a way to describe what a crave is and how I feel when I crave. It is that huge desire to stuff that shit in my face. It's almost like a blowjob when you've been away from the misses (this is of course assuming you are not a cheating asshole) just need to have it LOL. I decided to respond to this thread, because I've been dealing w/ the craves really bad today. I mean, today is almost like day fucking one for me. What the fuck is this shit? Oh well, I'm quit w/ you fuckers.
Lance definately hit the crave that I see as the panic crave. Somethimes my whole skeleton wants to jump out of my skin and go down to the corner store and get it's own can. When this happens I see the NIC Biotch screaming at me and the only proper response to this is "Fuck off" 'Finger' .

I find a second "flavor" of the crave that I find scarier than the first. It is when I hit a trigger and without any fanfair or thought what-so-ever, my hand is reaching into my Copenhagen pocket for a dip. Sometimes i realize it as my hand starts to move, but sometimes my hand is digging out the tin of sugarless mints I put in place of the can, and then I remember, "Oh yeh, I quit today".

I am constantly sparring with the crave right now and staying mean about it helps my resolve. I know that fight eases a bit over time but I also know that even after a 2 1/2 year quit, the "Just one won't get you hooked again" crave pops up and 15 years later your quiting from ground zero all over again.

It is always your decision and it is always Now. I just choose to quit NOW, and all NOWs that happen until I post roll in the morning. And I will stay angry and that lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, NIC Bitch because nothing should own anybody the way she owns me, and I ain't gonna take it anymore.

Quit Date : 9/2/10
HOF : 12/10/10

"Quit or Quit Not. There is no try."