Author Topic: Introducing myself - WarriorChief  (Read 912 times)

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Re: Introducing myself - WarriorChief
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2017, 10:10:00 PM »
Warrior you said "see you on the battlefield."

That was yesterday afternoon.

You've had two days to join the fight and your name is still not yet on roll. Based on your intro, it does not appear that you had actually quit as of the time of writing. Based on the lack of follow up, I'm concerned that you haven't quit yet now either.

I can only ask what you are waiting for? You obviously have tackled addiction before and you seemed eager to get clean again, but the lines are formed, the flags are unfurled and the muskets are primed, but WarriorChief is not on the field.

You've got all the support that you need here, but you have to take the first step. We'll be here when you are.

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Re: Introducing myself - WarriorChief
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2017, 09:51:00 PM »
Great decision WarriorChief. You will be part of the June group located here: topic/30163365/96/?x=20#new. It's not too late today to get your name on roll. Today is your day 1 of quit. Tomorrow will be your day 2.
When you wake up tomorrow, go to June, and find the most recent roll post. Follow the directions for putting your name on roll. By putting your name on the list, you are committing to not using nicotine that day. Wake up the next day and repeat. You do that, you will beat this.

I quit with you today.


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Re: Introducing myself - WarriorChief
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2017, 04:18:00 PM »

Find the June '17 Quit Group. That is your home group. Everybody there will be within 30 days +/- of your quit date. That's where you will draw most of your support.

Make your promise. Keep it. It's that simple. I've been clean for 410 days - something I wouldn't have believed 411 days ago. If you've beaten back alcoholism and depression, you can beat back the nicotine monster too.

Post roll, and the floodgates of support will open.

Proud to quit with you.

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Introducing myself - WarriorChief
« on: March 06, 2017, 02:52:00 PM »
Good Morning!

Today I am going to stop chewing tobacco. I am a 46 year old professional with three daughters. I need to do this for me and them. Some background - I am overcoming 6-7 years of severe depression and at different points one addiction or another. Something I picked up in-between was chewing tobacco because at that point in my life I really didn't give a shit about anything and didn't care if I lived or died or got cancer or what. I frankly was hoping my life would be over.

I have been in hardcore recovery from depression and alcoholism since 11/28/16 which was my sobriety date. I have been through just about every type of therapy, medication, etc. for my depression you could think of. What finally worked for me was unplugging from the world and going to a great inpatient care facility where I received a tremendous amount of love, support and motivation. And that's where my name WarriorChief comes from.

You see, at the facility we live in lodges with other men respectfully called "Warriors" because we are all Warriors in our battle against addiction. A strong brotherhood was formed much like this online community. I now need to battle my addiction to dip like we are here. I am a Warrior and we all are Warriors against our piece of shit addictions robbing us of greater joys in life.

My dipping is constant, like many others here, so I don't need to go into details. Before I went into treatment, my wife decided to divorce me and I am going through that now which has been an excuse to keep my dipping constant. BUT, I no longer want that to be an excuse, I don't want my loneliness or isolation to be an excuse because dipping is not making me any better. It is only making me worse and will continue to make me worse.

Life is good. Life is going to be awesome. And I am looking forward to being clean.

See you on the battlefield my Warrior brothers.