Author Topic: So I'm powerless  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: So I'm powerless
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2012, 07:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Ecco5foxtrot
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.
Semper Fi Sgt, and belated Happy Birthday.

We are here, en mass. Lots of us. Stop in Tun Tavern and give us a sit rep.

PM me if you need anything.

And oh, btw, former Sgt here. Dipped my face off. Didn't think I would ever Quit. I did. 979 days ago. You can do this.

Reach out. We know how you feel.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Wt57

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Re: So I'm powerless
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 12:19:00 PM »
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Ecco5foxtrot
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.
I'll stand with you. Sounds like you have come to terms that you are an addict. I know you are and so am I! ;)

I quit march 14th, 2012. I never missed posting roll. I kept my word and it was hell. Now at 250 days undefeated with the nic bitch, I am living proof that this site and this program works.

I was powerless too. No more. I am an addict still. However, I followed the vets instructions without question and now my quit is pretty easy to handle.

Welcome to hell. Soon you will look back and embrace the journey you just began. Stay close to us. Every minute you have to spare, come to the site to gain strength and knowledge.
Ecco, Yes. Embrace the suck. You are in it. It will get better.

Just like in our PM's:
Post Roll

And so on.

You already have my number if you need anything.
Welcome! My first response to you was going to be bullshit to being helpless. Then I started thinking that is exactly how I felt 235 days ago. When I found the site I spent every spare minute online and my confidence slowly grew. Today I still recognize I'm a addict and am susceptible to caving if I fail to use the tools I've learned. Listen to the advise that has been given and get #'s for contacts of other quiters, the brotherhood will save you and your quit!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: So I'm powerless
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Ecco5foxtrot
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.
Let me say a little to you so that you can relate to me a bit. First, I was a corpsman with the Marine Corps. I started dipping in order to get nicotine but still be able to run - something smoking just didn't allow. Besides, a lot of my devil dogs dipped, too.

Now, let's talk straight up. For you to say you are "powerless" over dip is TOTAL BS. THAT is the addict in you CONTINUING to rationalize your addiction and tell you that YOU are a failure and weak. BS. If you want to believe that, then do it somewhere else. YOU have to KNOW that you are strong enough to kick the shit out of this addiction. You have to embrace the QUIT - the same as when you would force yourself through those runs and when that gunny was all over you about whatever you were sucking at.

Don't you dare come in here and not give 100%. Don't you dare come in here and become a member of this brotherhood and then let us down by caving or not giving 100% to the quit.

Yeah, I guess when guys come in here saying they were military - especially Marines - I hold them to a higher standard that the others. Is it right? Some might say no, but those of that have been there KNOW that this is NOT ONLY RIGHT BUT REQUIRED. So, welcome aboard. Strap it up and come ready to fight - for yourself and everyone else you support by being a brother here.

Semper Fi.
CD laid it out for you. The man speaks the truth.

LOOT's been in your shoes. The desperation. The self disappointment. The self loathing. The feeling of powerlessness.

Thanks for the reminder of where LOOT came from. A very, very dark place that won't and can't be revisited. No way man.

Now...get your shit together. Read what we are about. Read why we are here. Understand what we do and how we do it. Buy into it. It's a very simple concept...much akin to breathing. And, just like breathing, you die without it. Sounds kinda stupid...but truth if it's ever been told.

Be a man of honor on this board. Give your word...then live it. Daily. LOOT really don't give a shit what kinda person you are outside this place. But in here, you WILL be accountable. Accountability is the cornerstone and something you should fully understand having been in the service. However, unlike the military, you can't get by with anything less than 100%.

You are not powerless. You are nothing short of a quit beast. A living, breathing, UST tobacco slaying motherfucker. Get rid of the negativity. A Positive Mental Attitude is essential. And when the time comes that you can't bear a PMA on your own...the people in this place will prop you up and shoulder your burden.

Sound hokey. LOOT knows. Took LOOT a little bit to grasp the concept too. But, in time, if you commit to your own life and the process outlined here, you'll have better friends that you've never met...than you have in "real" life. Promise.

Get the negatively out. You are in control.

Welcome to the site. Pull up a chair and get comfy. Your life depends on it.

Now...drop and give ol LOOT 25.

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Re: So I'm powerless
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 08:06:00 AM »
Quote from: Ecco5foxtrot
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.
Let me say a little to you so that you can relate to me a bit. First, I was a corpsman with the Marine Corps. I started dipping in order to get nicotine but still be able to run - something smoking just didn't allow. Besides, a lot of my devil dogs dipped, too.

Now, let's talk straight up. For you to say you are "powerless" over dip is TOTAL BS. THAT is the addict in you CONTINUING to rationalize your addiction and tell you that YOU are a failure and weak. BS. If you want to believe that, then do it somewhere else. YOU have to KNOW that you are strong enough to kick the shit out of this addiction. You have to embrace the QUIT - the same as when you would force yourself through those runs and when that gunny was all over you about whatever you were sucking at.

Don't you dare come in here and not give 100%. Don't you dare come in here and become a member of this brotherhood and then let us down by caving or not giving 100% to the quit.

Yeah, I guess when guys come in here saying they were military - especially Marines - I hold them to a higher standard that the others. Is it right? Some might say no, but those of that have been there KNOW that this is NOT ONLY RIGHT BUT REQUIRED. So, welcome aboard. Strap it up and come ready to fight - for yourself and everyone else you support by being a brother here.

Semper Fi.
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

Quit Date: 2/25/10 and every day since
HoF: June 4, 2010
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10th Floor: November 20, 2012

Offline Boelker62

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Re: So I'm powerless
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 06:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Ecco5foxtrot
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.
I'll stand with you. Sounds like you have come to terms that you are an addict. I know you are and so am I! ;)

I quit march 14th, 2012. I never missed posting roll. I kept my word and it was hell. Now at 250 days undefeated with the nic bitch, I am living proof that this site and this program works.

I was powerless too. No more. I am an addict still. However, I followed the vets instructions without question and now my quit is pretty easy to handle.

Welcome to hell. Soon you will look back and embrace the journey you just began. Stay close to us. Every minute you have to spare, come to the site to gain strength and knowledge.
Ecco, Yes. Embrace the suck. You are in it. It will get better.

Just like in our PM's:
Post Roll

And so on.

You already have my number if you need anything.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: So I'm powerless
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 02:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Ecco5foxtrot
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.
I'll stand with you. Sounds like you have come to terms that you are an addict. I know you are and so am I! ;)

I quit march 14th, 2012. I never missed posting roll. I kept my word and it was hell. Now at 250 days undefeated with the nic bitch, I am living proof that this site and this program works.

I was powerless too. No more. I am an addict still. However, I followed the vets instructions without question and now my quit is pretty easy to handle.

Welcome to hell. Soon you will look back and embrace the journey you just began. Stay close to us. Every minute you have to spare, come to the site to gain strength and knowledge.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Ecco5foxtrot

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So I'm powerless
« on: November 18, 2012, 02:25:00 AM »
I picked up dipped in the Marine Corps and fell in love. I did it every day as often as I could for 5 years, then one day I stopped. I would occasionally bum a cigarette, but dip never came back into the picture. That all changed with a breakup. I told myself I could have a dip each evening after work and that would be manageable. You all know the mind try's to find a way back to a dip at all costs. 1 year and change later, here I am at a can a day. I seem to be able to put a little time together, but without support, I give in to my rationalising mind an pick up again.

I'm powerless over it and ready to do this one day at a time.