Author Topic: It's Time  (Read 1773 times)

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2013, 05:09:00 PM »
Nrt gum. I heard the price of that one time and dropped a turd. My sister in law has been chewing that for I don't know how long. Slavery to gum. Don't know which is worse. Save yourself some time. I don't care!!

I'm free from it all. No longer does the poison control me. Freedom is sweet.

Slavery,,, it's all the same. Chew it, suck it, pop it, push it. Whatever your addicted self has to do to get your fix. Don't want none of it myself.

Want your freedom, the poison don't give it up freely. You gotta take it. 1000's have used this sight to take there life back. Your no different. Stop giving your hard earned money to something that does nothing but take. It sucks the life out of you while taking your dignity. Think about it. Stop letting it control you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Mike_Land

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2013, 03:38:00 PM »
Well? What did you decide? Have you thrown the gum in the trash or down the toilet? Like everyone before me has said, this is a no nicotine site. Cold Turkey is the only way. I have been where you are. 36 years at about 2 cans per day. I am the worlds biggest addict but I went cold turkey and was able to stay quit because of the support I got from the people at this site. Man up, sack up and get to quitting.

pm me if you need a mentor or just a brother to lean on during the tough times.


Offline Erussell

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2013, 01:58:00 PM »
Quote from: 05wrxing
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Erussell
Zed go read my intro day 2 by Erussell. I was using the patch when I showed up here. Go to the earliest page and start there. It will be a fun read, as some have had fun with my patch comments! It will also show you how this site will save your quit. That shit will only hold you back bro, some good advice below so no need for me to regurgitate but today is day 60 for me without any nicotine of any form. It's gotta come out of your system sometime to have day one, today is that day for you Zed!
Erussell is a quit machine. You have had a lot of quit machines reach out to you. There is no easy way to quit. There is only one way. To quit. All of these strong quitters are reaching out to you and telling you the truth, from their heart. All of us went through a kind of hell in our quit. But we did it. And you can too. The pride, the satisfaction, plus the benefit of getting to keep your face and jaw once you get the quit underway are beyond anything you have ever imagined.

I have been pretty lucky in life in many ways, and I work damn hard. But dude, this is one of my biggest accomplishments. Please take the words we are sharing to heart and join us. What do you have to lose by quitting? Think about it...
Listen to all of these bad ass quitters and throw out any form of nicotine that have.
Zed..... Today is the day man. Man up and post roll with us. I will quit as hard as I possibly can with you.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2013, 09:10:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Erussell
Zed go read my intro day 2 by Erussell. I was using the patch when I showed up here. Go to the earliest page and start there. It will be a fun read, as some have had fun with my patch comments! It will also show you how this site will save your quit. That shit will only hold you back bro, some good advice below so no need for me to regurgitate but today is day 60 for me without any nicotine of any form. It's gotta come out of your system sometime to have day one, today is that day for you Zed!
Erussell is a quit machine. You have had a lot of quit machines reach out to you. There is no easy way to quit. There is only one way. To quit. All of these strong quitters are reaching out to you and telling you the truth, from their heart. All of us went through a kind of hell in our quit. But we did it. And you can too. The pride, the satisfaction, plus the benefit of getting to keep your face and jaw once you get the quit underway are beyond anything you have ever imagined.

I have been pretty lucky in life in many ways, and I work damn hard. But dude, this is one of my biggest accomplishments. Please take the words we are sharing to heart and join us. What do you have to lose by quitting? Think about it...
Listen to all of these bad ass quitters and throw out any form of nicotine that have.
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

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QUIT 9-13-21

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2013, 08:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Erussell
Zed go read my intro day 2 by Erussell. I was using the patch when I showed up here. Go to the earliest page and start there. It will be a fun read, as some have had fun with my patch comments! It will also show you how this site will save your quit. That shit will only hold you back bro, some good advice below so no need for me to regurgitate but today is day 60 for me without any nicotine of any form. It's gotta come out of your system sometime to have day one, today is that day for you Zed!
Erussell is a quit machine. You have had a lot of quit machines reach out to you. There is no easy way to quit. There is only one way. To quit. All of these strong quitters are reaching out to you and telling you the truth, from their heart. All of us went through a kind of hell in our quit. But we did it. And you can too. The pride, the satisfaction, plus the benefit of getting to keep your face and jaw once you get the quit underway are beyond anything you have ever imagined.

I have been pretty lucky in life in many ways, and I work damn hard. But dude, this is one of my biggest accomplishments. Please take the words we are sharing to heart and join us. What do you have to lose by quitting? Think about it...

Offline Erussell

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2013, 06:24:00 PM »
Zed go read my intro day 2 by Erussell. I was using the patch when I showed up here. Go to the earliest page and start there. It will be a fun read, as some have had fun with my patch comments! It will also show you how this site will save your quit. That shit will only hold you back bro, some good advice below so no need for me to regurgitate but today is day 60 for me without any nicotine of any form. It's gotta come out of your system sometime to have day one, today is that day for you Zed!
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.


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Re: It's Time
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Hey Man,

Listen to these guys! That gum is nothing but a con-artist! It is simply a different method of using. Come on man get rid of that Shit! You can do it!

Chewing that gum is no different that a Heroine addict switching from intravenous (injection) to snorting or smoking. Flush that shit! 'flush'
Quit Date 6/26/2013
'KICKIN THE CAN' All Day Long!
Complancency sucks,one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow

The connection of a common problem is strong, but the connection of a common solution is even stronger.-gorilla1

When we think we can't quit... We can... Cause ducks fly together... When the craves are to much to handle... Us ducks fly together.... When you want to cave... You won't... Because ducks fly together. Per our Jpete328
Freedom Started 06/26/2013....Freedom continues because of my choice and accountability from MY FELLOW DUCKS! QUACK ! QUACK! Thank You!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2013, 02:52:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: jake
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: ZEDS21089
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
will do. Thank you!
Cold Turkey or nothing here.
Listen to what your told here ...DO NOT POST ROLL TIL YOU HAVE QUIT NICOTENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Using nic gum will make you go through withdrawal a little bit each day for a much longer time. Usually months! It only takes 3 days for your body to rid itself of the poison if you go cold turkey. Rip the band aid off, you will heal much faster! It already sucks for you, might as well suck it up a little more for a few days and be done with it! After three days it's just mind games. You failed at cold turkey before because you did not have the support you will have here today! Once you go cold turkey! Man up and do it the right way. Thousands of us have gone before you. Send me a message if you want a number to call or text for advice/encouragement/or a kick in the ass!
What this guy ^^^^^^ said...
Whether nicotine dependency was established and/or maintained by being chewed, smoked, drank, snuffed, sprayed, swallowed, sucked, licked or patched, in the end there is only one way out - no nicotine today.

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2013, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: jake
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: ZEDS21089
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
will do. Thank you!
Cold Turkey or nothing here.
Listen to what your told here ...DO NOT POST ROLL TIL YOU HAVE QUIT NICOTENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Using nic gum will make you go through withdrawal a little bit each day for a much longer time. Usually months! It only takes 3 days for your body to rid itself of the poison if you go cold turkey. Rip the band aid off, you will heal much faster! It already sucks for you, might as well suck it up a little more for a few days and be done with it! After three days it's just mind games. You failed at cold turkey before because you did not have the support you will have here today! Once you go cold turkey! Man up and do it the right way. Thousands of us have gone before you. Send me a message if you want a number to call or text for advice/encouragement/or a kick in the ass!
What this guy ^^^^^^ said...
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

Offline jake frawley

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2013, 02:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: ZEDS21089
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
will do. Thank you!
Cold Turkey or nothing here.
Listen to what your told here ...DO NOT POST ROLL TIL YOU HAVE QUIT NICOTENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Using nic gum will make you go through withdrawal a little bit each day for a much longer time. Usually months! It only takes 3 days for your body to rid itself of the poison if you go cold turkey. Rip the band aid off, you will heal much faster! It already sucks for you, might as well suck it up a little more for a few days and be done with it! After three days it's just mind games. You failed at cold turkey before because you did not have the support you will have here today! Once you go cold turkey! Man up and do it the right way. Thousands of us have gone before you. Send me a message if you want a number to call or text for advice/encouragement/or a kick in the ass!

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2013, 01:30:00 PM »
Quote from: KKLJINC
Quote from: ZEDS21089
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
will do. Thank you!
Cold Turkey or nothing here.
Listen to what your told here ...DO NOT POST ROLL TIL YOU HAVE QUIT NICOTENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2013, 01:15:00 PM »
Quote from: ZEDS21089
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
will do. Thank you!
Cold Turkey or nothing here.

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2013, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
will do. Thank you!

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2013, 01:13:00 PM »
Quote from: ZEDS21089
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.

You're not on Day 2. This is a nicotine cessation website, which means you haven't quit yet. Throw the gum in the toilet. Whatever you do, please do not post roll until you are off the gum. That's as nice as I can be about the subject.
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It's Time
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:07:00 PM »
hey zach here and I am on day 2 of my quit. I suppose that puts me in the october class. I am tired of lying to my friends my loved ones, and co-workers. I want to be true to myself and stop living a lie. Not to mention my health and bank account will also benefit from this decision. This deciasion is all about me. I have tried several times in the past and to be honest I have given up and given in far too easily. this time is different. I am tired of spending money on the shit and I am tired of waking up each morning and deciding which side of my lip is not messed up as bad as the other and throwing it in the side that I feel is less damaged that given morning. Went to the dentist and he said that I have an early onset of pre cancerous symptoms within my oral cavity because it is terribly wrinkled and white and i feel that when i run my tongue along it. It disgusts me but I am addicted. I am weening my self off of it throught nicotine gum. I know that is probably not the best choice but shoot I have to do something. I have tried cold turkey countless times to find myself caving. I am 24 and from wyoming. currently in California. No wife, no kids, but i'd like to someday if i still have a flipping face and jaw to kiss them. been dipping for around 7 years. every week of every year i tell myself i am going to quit and I don't i am a huge hypocrite and coward. it's time to start living properly, purely, and abundantly. I have not been doing that. I am embarrased and ashamed. The nic gum is helping day two is well thus far. I am still learning on how to post roll and all that so bear with me and thank you for your time and support.