Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 2006 times)

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Offline Zombie Jak

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2016, 09:53:00 PM »
THumblewort - You guys are great, just the kind of folks I like to have in my corner. Ive been talking to my fellow quitter Viking a bit lately. Good to know that so many are here to be serious about killing that damn can of shredded shit.

Ive been reading alot lately, some of it being some seriously hippy shit, but hear me out. The main point of the book was "seek what is good". I have latched on to that idea. My body, mind and soul are seeking things that are good, so I must conciously seek that which is good. Healthy eating is good, exercise is good, time teaching my children is good. Alcohol, junk food, laziness, and ABOVE ALL THAT WRETCHED DIP...not good. Seems simple enough.

If we must chew, lets chew the fat. If we must dip, then lets dip the ladies while we dance. Seek that which is good.
positivity zombie says "Positivity is contagious....go bite your coworkers"

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2016, 02:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Zombie
the weekend is no place for a quitter. I'm at the end of day 3. At this point I'm stuck on one thought. And this is going to sound shitty and self centered, but it's what I'm feeling right now. ... I deserve a dip right now.

seriously. I spent the whole day rebuilding a fire pit and pulling stumps of old trees. I have worked my ass off today and i deserve a big pinch of grizzly right now. This is bullshit and I hate it.

I need someone to tell me it gets better from here. Because right now I'm angry as hell and feeling entitled. Fuck you nicotine. You've ruined good honest yard work.
The rage means you are healing. Bring it here, we have big shoulders and have heard it all before. Tell me my picture is ugly. Just don't dip.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Zombie Jak

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  • Interests: Im just your average neighborhood Zombie. I go fishing, play guitar and gnaw on the occassional brain. I may chew brains from time to time....but I sure as shit dont chew tobacco. Not any more. I am a quitter!!
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2016, 10:58:00 AM »
Hey all - Thanks for the words and advice. I think the day 4 raging was the worst of it so far. Im feeling better and pushing back against that voice. Ive been reading alot of self help information, mainly mental and emotional healing. Its tough to admit, but even in the last few days Ive learned I am not an emotionally healthy person. SO add that to the list of things I can get better on.

Keep quitting my friends, thansk for the support. And I think you all might be right, things are getting better.
positivity zombie says "Positivity is contagious....go bite your coworkers"

Offline Bill Dance

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2016, 07:33:00 PM »
Quote from: scottludwig
One other thing, my first 10 days were manageable. 11 almost killed me but now I'm eating again and feeling better. I read how your body needs to reprogram and fucking believe it after shitting all over myself and wife's friends bathroom proved that I need some recalifuckinbration
Anybody seen or heard from zombie jak??
The BEST day to quit was Yesterday, the second best day is TODAY!

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2016, 06:54:00 PM »
One other thing, my first 10 days were manageable. 11 almost killed me but now I'm eating again and feeling better. I read how your body needs to reprogram and fucking believe it after shitting all over myself and wife's friends bathroom proved that I need some recalifuckinbration

Offline scottludwig

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2016, 06:49:00 PM »
Zombie, told my wife on day 11 something that would make her mad, then make her happy. Trust me bro, she'll be a lot happier if she isn't crying over your sick dying body explaining to your daughter what a fucking great dad she had. Buy into the instructions here. Get in with your brothers. We all quit together.

Offline ChristopherJ

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2016, 07:42:00 AM »
ZombieJak - I promise you it does get better in so many ways that will unfold to you as you continue to quit one day at a time. That voice that told you that you deserved a dip - it probably felt pretty convincing didn't it? I used to hear that voice so many times and so strongly early in my quit that only KTC and the promise that I made to my brothers each day kept me from being deceived. That voice still haunts me, but its just a whisper that I can flick away like a mosquito. It''s going to take time even after the nicotine molecules are out of your body for your brain to physically heal and not equate the craving for nicotine as a legitimate need. Lean on us. Use KTC's tools. Proud to be quit with you. CJ
Don't be afraid.  You are not alone.

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2016, 06:11:00 AM »
Your body is going to tell you so much stupid shit to try to get that dip back. Don't ever give in, not even 1.

The fact of the matter is, if it were 1/16th as miserable to start dipping as it is to quit, none of us would be here, because we never would have started.

Everything is a milestone that you do not want to relive every headache is a headache out of the way. As long as you keep that shit out of your mouth, you never have to feel that one again. It does get one hell of a lot better, and doesn't take long to do it. You'll still have rough days, but not as often.

You've got this man, and we've got your back.
Quit day: 9/23/16   HOF day: 12/31/16   2nd Floor: 4/10/17   3rd Floor: 7/19/17   1 Year: 9/23/17   4th Floor: 10/27/17   5th Floor: 2/4/18   6th Floor: 5/15/18   7th Floor: 8/23/18   2 Years: 09/23/18

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2016, 10:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Zombie
the weekend is no place for a quitter. I'm at the end of day 3. At this point I'm stuck on one thought. And this is going to sound shitty and self centered, but it's what I'm feeling right now. ... I deserve a dip right now.

seriously. I spent the whole day rebuilding a fire pit and pulling stumps of old trees. I have worked my ass off today and i deserve a big pinch of grizzly right now. This is bullshit and I hate it.

I need someone to tell me it gets better from here. Because right now I'm angry as hell and feeling entitled. Fuck you nicotine. You've ruined good honest yard work.
That anger is a good thing. Get mad, get real mad at that can of poison that controlled your life. Just don't take that anger out on your family. Bring it here and let it out. That is what we are here for and we can take it. Stat quit it will get better. Become as addicted to the quit as you were to the can.
Quit date: September 25, 2016
HOF date: January 2, 2017
Comma date: June 21, 2019

Become as addicted to your quit as you were to nic.

Offline Bill Dance

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2016, 09:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Zombie
the weekend is no place for a quitter. I'm at the end of day 3. At this point I'm stuck on one thought. And this is going to sound shitty and self centered, but it's what I'm feeling right now. ... I deserve a dip right now.

seriously. I spent the whole day rebuilding a fire pit and pulling stumps of old trees. I have worked my ass off today and i deserve a big pinch of grizzly right now. This is bullshit and I hate it.

I need someone to tell me it gets better from here. Because right now I'm angry as hell and feeling entitled. Fuck you nicotine. You've ruined good honest yard work.
Day 1 was the worst for me...followed closely by day 3. I just kept thinking about how shitty day 1 was and that I never wanted to have to go back through that again. Day 4 is a 100% difference from 3. Remember it takes about 3 days for your body to rid itself of all nicotine. After that it's all mental my man. I kept thinking the wrong thoughts at first. It was like I was just in some kind of contest where I had to go X a out. Of days and the. My reward was a dip....its fucking foolish but that's how your. Ind tries to trick you....or if you ever sit and think that you won't ever be ab,e to dip again in your entire you can't live without it or something. Just remember it's all in your head and you have to flush that shit out. I'd suggest you shower and hit the bed. It took me an wile before I could even sleep at night and finally I'm too the point that last night I was ab,e to sleep a good full night and have felt great today. ..never look back and on,y live for the moment. There ARE no other options. You can quit with the rest of us or go back to being a bitch to a round can filled with poison. I have kids, do you? All I ever need to keep me from running back to the can is the thought that sooner or later, that shit WILL kill me..there's no if ands or WILL KILL YOU, if you give it enough time.

Stay strong brother and hit me up if you need my digits to vent
The BEST day to quit was Yesterday, the second best day is TODAY!

Offline ReWire

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2016, 09:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Zombie
the weekend is no place for a quitter. I'm at the end of day 3. At this point I'm stuck on one thought. And this is going to sound shitty and self centered, but it's what I'm feeling right now. ... I deserve a dip right now.

seriously. I spent the whole day rebuilding a fire pit and pulling stumps of old trees. I have worked my ass off today and i deserve a big pinch of grizzly right now. This is bullshit and I hate it.

I need someone to tell me it gets better from here. Because right now I'm angry as hell and feeling entitled. Fuck you nicotine. You've ruined good honest yard work.
Let's think about how you're thinking
I deserve a dip right now.
Really? Are you that bad a person, that you deserve to poison yourself to death? What did you do to deserve such punishment?

No you don't deserve a dip right now, but you deserve to be free, if you're wiling to fight for it. Today I am free, and proud to be quit with you.

Rewire, 316 days free
Old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new

Offline Zombie Jak

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  • Interests: Im just your average neighborhood Zombie. I go fishing, play guitar and gnaw on the occassional brain. I may chew brains from time to time....but I sure as shit dont chew tobacco. Not any more. I am a quitter!!
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2016, 09:17:00 PM »
the weekend is no place for a quitter. I'm at the end of day 3. At this point I'm stuck on one thought. And this is going to sound shitty and self centered, but it's what I'm feeling right now. ... I deserve a dip right now.

seriously. I spent the whole day rebuilding a fire pit and pulling stumps of old trees. I have worked my ass off today and i deserve a big pinch of grizzly right now. This is bullshit and I hate it.

I need someone to tell me it gets better from here. Because right now I'm angry as hell and feeling entitled. Fuck you nicotine. You've ruined good honest yard work.
positivity zombie says "Positivity is contagious....go bite your coworkers"

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2016, 10:57:00 AM »
Watch out for the dreaded Day 3 and 4 combined with the weekend. Stay close to the site and have a plan to keep being quit. Get other quitters numbers.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Bean

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2016, 09:22:00 AM »
First, thanks for your service, Zombie!!! And CONGRATS on a great choice!!! Give your word first thing everyday. Then fight like hell to keep it.

Check out the other Quit Groups...not just your own, but a few other months and years. Then just think...all of those names are other bad ass quitters who have been right where you are right now and are winning ONE DAY AT A TIME.


Offline Stranger999

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2016, 10:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Bill
Quote from: Zombie
THanks all, Im at 24 hours dip free and Im ready to kill the next person I see.....serisouly though. Im glad you guys are here and sticking it out with me. Im going to try that gallon of water idea. I need to get this stuff out of my system anyway. 'zombie'
I think the first day is by far the hardest...especially that night! I quit ( again) on This past Sunday so today is 4 days for me and I can tell you that Sunday and Sunday night was the worst day so far....followed closely by today ( day 4). I woke up like every 5 minutes all night long Sunday night until I finally just got up out of bed and cut the tv on and stared at the wall.

You have to keep everything on a much smaller level bc even know when I think if "never getting to dip again" it overwhelms me and it tears my nerves up. I been dipping for 24 years and quit once before for almost 9 months why in the hell I ever let myself put another dip in I will never know and will never forgive myself for doing it either. I had it beat and let my guard down for one little second by thinking that I could just have 1 little dip for old time sake and then put it back down and walk away.....well every one of us here has an addictive personality so that one last little dip for old times sake was just another lie that I told myself...

I have to take it minute by minute. And I have talked to myself more in the last 4 days than I have in the last 40 years. One of the things that pisses me off the most is knowing that I'm trapped by my addiction and can't just walk away from it with no side effects or hangovers. I always been a strong willed free thinker....a leader and never a follower.....and to realize that something has this much control over my life pissed me off to no end and was one of the biggest reasons that I was determined to finally quit once and for all

After about 3 days all the nicotine is out of your system and from that point on , it's a mind game.. You have to train your mind to follow your heart and after that your body will follow, it has too. There is nobody alive that can stay sitting down if their mind is telling them to stand up or vice versa.....your body HAS to obey what your brain tells it to do, period. Therefore you have to train your mind and then your body will follow

I have thought about running back to the can several times in the last 4 days but I tell you the truth, the first day was so freakin bad on me that I didn't want to ever have to go through that again so I refused to go buy a can and take a dip.

Tomorrow stArts day 5 and I will again take it minute by minute and hour by hour.....I really believe that if I can make it through Sunday and a full week then in my mind I will have it beat and will never look back. I just need to get to Sunday to prove to myself that I can lay it down and walk Away.....After that it's game on and I will be free because at this point in my life, I simply refuse to lose!

Good luck brother! Remember keep your head down and keep your goals short term for now
Bill Dance, there is no luck in this - there is only quit. Get to the February 17 quit group and start posting roll every day. We can all quit for 24 hours and if we need help in between those 24 hours we use live chat, digits, email, PMs - whatever tools we need to use to stay clean for another day.

I used nicotine for 35 years and today I am quit because I am here every day actively quitting. I quit with you and Zombie Jak today!

Stranger999 - day 433.