Author Topic: today  (Read 871 times)

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Re: today
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2017, 04:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Mccrae
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: Mccrae
Quote from: Bean
That sucks about your stomach. But you know what else sucks? I bet chemotherapy, tongue and jaw removal, feeding tubes, and telling your loved ones goodbye sucks worse. Let's just quit and not find out, huh?

Read the Tom and Jenny Kern Story. I read it every year. My kids are now older than his little girls were. But the part where his little girl is at his feet in the hospital bed pleading, "Daddy, don't go" as he takes his last breaths. That's what sucks.

Sorry to bring spirits down. But I had to bring a little perspective. EMBRACE the suck!!! It is the feeling of healing, brother! Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch. Think of it this GET to feel this shitty because you CHOSE to be free. Quitting is a privilege reserved to those who have the guts to do it. YOU DO! And you should be pumped about that. Shit, I am. I'm pumped that you feel like shit right now because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
Thanks for the perspective Bean! I am pumped I feel like shit as well!!
Hey Mccrae, glad to have you here! I'm almost 500 days quit and I had all sorts of mouth issues for months. Life DOES GET BETTER, and the worst thing that you can ever do is give up and go back to day 1.

I quit with you today! :)
Hey Stranger!

Congrats on your almost 500 days, that's great work bud. Thanks! Today is day 3 and I am feeling pretty good actually. It's a rainy day here in the office and I am missing dip but not necessarily craving it.

I'm quit today.
It looks like you are killing it, keep it up, PM if you need anything
ID Spuds

Offline Mccrae

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Re: today
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2017, 02:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: Mccrae
Quote from: Bean
That sucks about your stomach. But you know what else sucks? I bet chemotherapy, tongue and jaw removal, feeding tubes, and telling your loved ones goodbye sucks worse. Let's just quit and not find out, huh?

Read the Tom and Jenny Kern Story. I read it every year. My kids are now older than his little girls were. But the part where his little girl is at his feet in the hospital bed pleading, "Daddy, don't go" as he takes his last breaths. That's what sucks.

Sorry to bring spirits down. But I had to bring a little perspective. EMBRACE the suck!!! It is the feeling of healing, brother! Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch. Think of it this GET to feel this shitty because you CHOSE to be free. Quitting is a privilege reserved to those who have the guts to do it. YOU DO! And you should be pumped about that. Shit, I am. I'm pumped that you feel like shit right now because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
Thanks for the perspective Bean! I am pumped I feel like shit as well!!
Hey Mccrae, glad to have you here! I'm almost 500 days quit and I had all sorts of mouth issues for months. Life DOES GET BETTER, and the worst thing that you can ever do is give up and go back to day 1.

I quit with you today! :)
Hey Stranger!

Congrats on your almost 500 days, that's great work bud. Thanks! Today is day 3 and I am feeling pretty good actually. It's a rainy day here in the office and I am missing dip but not necessarily craving it.

I'm quit today.

Offline Stranger999

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Re: today
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2017, 01:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Mccrae
Quote from: Bean
That sucks about your stomach. But you know what else sucks? I bet chemotherapy, tongue and jaw removal, feeding tubes, and telling your loved ones goodbye sucks worse. Let's just quit and not find out, huh?

Read the Tom and Jenny Kern Story. I read it every year. My kids are now older than his little girls were. But the part where his little girl is at his feet in the hospital bed pleading, "Daddy, don't go" as he takes his last breaths. That's what sucks.

Sorry to bring spirits down. But I had to bring a little perspective. EMBRACE the suck!!! It is the feeling of healing, brother! Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch. Think of it this GET to feel this shitty because you CHOSE to be free. Quitting is a privilege reserved to those who have the guts to do it. YOU DO! And you should be pumped about that. Shit, I am. I'm pumped that you feel like shit right now because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
Thanks for the perspective Bean! I am pumped I feel like shit as well!!
Hey Mccrae, glad to have you here! I'm almost 500 days quit and I had all sorts of mouth issues for months. Life DOES GET BETTER, and the worst thing that you can ever do is give up and go back to day 1.

I quit with you today! :)

Offline Mccrae

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Re: today
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2017, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
That sucks about your stomach. But you know what else sucks? I bet chemotherapy, tongue and jaw removal, feeding tubes, and telling your loved ones goodbye sucks worse. Let's just quit and not find out, huh?

Read the Tom and Jenny Kern Story. I read it every year. My kids are now older than his little girls were. But the part where his little girl is at his feet in the hospital bed pleading, "Daddy, don't go" as he takes his last breaths. That's what sucks.

Sorry to bring spirits down. But I had to bring a little perspective. EMBRACE the suck!!! It is the feeling of healing, brother! Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch. Think of it this GET to feel this shitty because you CHOSE to be free. Quitting is a privilege reserved to those who have the guts to do it. YOU DO! And you should be pumped about that. Shit, I am. I'm pumped that you feel like shit right now because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
Thanks for the perspective Bean! I am pumped I feel like shit as well!!

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Re: today
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2017, 04:46:00 PM »
Btw, everything I'm telling McCrae goes for all of you badass quitters. His name jumped out at me because McMurtry's books are my favorite. But all of you newbie badass quitters are in my thoughts each an every minute of the suck. YOU ALL CAN DO THIS!!!

Offline Bean

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Re: today
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2017, 04:41:00 PM »
That sucks about your stomach. But you know what else sucks? I bet chemotherapy, tongue and jaw removal, feeding tubes, and telling your loved ones goodbye sucks worse. Let's just quit and not find out, huh?

Read the Tom and Jenny Kern Story. I read it every year. My kids are now older than his little girls were. But the part where his little girl is at his feet in the hospital bed pleading, "Daddy, don't go" as he takes his last breaths. That's what sucks.

Sorry to bring spirits down. But I had to bring a little perspective. EMBRACE the suck!!! It is the feeling of healing, brother! Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch. Think of it this GET to feel this shitty because you CHOSE to be free. Quitting is a privilege reserved to those who have the guts to do it. YOU DO! And you should be pumped about that. Shit, I am. I'm pumped that you feel like shit right now because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

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Re: today
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2017, 01:30:00 PM »
Be aware that it will likely get worse before it gets better, but when you make it through the white knuckle phase it gets easier every day. Hang in there man; it's worth the work.

Offline Mccrae

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Re: today
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2017, 01:24:00 PM »
Hey guys,

The drive in was real hard today, only day 2 and boy-oh-boy I used to look forward to tossing in a dip and listening to sports radio on the drive to work. But it was a beautiful morning, and I did't have to look for something to spit in which allowed me to enjoy the scenery and the radio a bit more.

My stomach has been, for lack of a better word, tense feeling. not like my abs are flexing but like the actual stomach or intestines are clenching. It's not painful, i am just aware of it. I assume it's probably my body figuring out life without dip. crewing a much of sun flower seeds when the craving gets big.

I'm quit today.

Offline Mccrae

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Re: today
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2017, 11:57:00 AM »
Thanks Bean and Thumblewart. I gave my word and I'm quit today.

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Re: today
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2017, 10:12:00 AM »
No luck from me but because you and I posted roll, I'll quit all day with you!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: today
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2017, 09:42:00 AM »
Congrats on a great choice, McCrae. One quick note...fuck luck. You don't need it. You are a badass quitter. You gave us your word by posting roll. And we are counting on you to keep it. When you post roll, you are saying that no matter what happens today, you won't have anything to do with nicotine.

Nobody said anything about tomorrow, next week or next year, etc. I used to get overwhelmed at the thought of "quitting forever." But here's the good news, you don't have to. Nobody here is quitting "forever." All we're doing is quitting today. And anybody can go one little day without nic, right?

The Nic Bitch is all about head games, rationalizing "just one more last one," and what you're going to do tomorrow. FUCK THAT. Quitting is getting in the ring TODAY and going toe to toe with the Nic Bitch. Quitting is saying I don't give a fuck what happens, I gave my word. And I am sure as shit going to keep it. Come hell or high water, that's what I'm doing today.

Don't worry about tomorrow, next week, next year. We'll deal with them when they get here. All you got to do is keep away from nicotine TODAY. And luck ain't got nothing to do with that.

This is about YOU. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Offline Mccrae

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Re: today
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2017, 07:07:00 PM »
Thank for that and I hear you on the luck. I'll just be a badass quitter.

Offline Tjschu

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Re: today
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2017, 07:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Mccrae
Well I planned on quitting the 1st, but that plan went to shit real quick. But I guess the 3rd is as good as the 1st.

I am 31 and only started dipping about 2 years ago, it seemed like a good idea at the time (idiot)! I started slow then recently was stunned by the amount of empty cans in my car and work bag. Then the realization that I was easily doing a can a day.

A few months ago I realized that everyone I work with knew I was dipping, guess my permeant coffee cup wasn't as good of a disguise as I thought it was.

I started a new job this year and my wife and I welcomed our first child into the world a year ago and started dipping heavier than ever.

I want to quit for my health, so my son doesn't grow up thinking this is cool, and so my wife doesn't mind kissing me.

So glad I found KTC. wish me luck.
Welcome! You have made the right decision. Head over to topic/30106725/62/#new and post roll. Posting roll is the price of admission here. We make our promise not to use nicotine first thing in the morning and then we keep our promise. Wake up and repeat. Drink lots of water and exercise as much as you can. This will help get the nicotine out of your system. Use whatever you need to keep nicotine out of your mouth. Don't rage at your family they didn't make you use nicotine. Come here and rage at us we can take it. Make connections in your group and build accountability. Lastly we don't use luck here. We quit one day at a time every damn day.

Offline Mccrae

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« on: January 03, 2017, 06:35:00 PM »
Well I planned on quitting the 1st, but that plan went to shit real quick. But I guess the 3rd is as good as the 1st.

I am 31 and only started dipping about 2 years ago, it seemed like a good idea at the time (idiot)! I started slow then recently was stunned by the amount of empty cans in my car and work bag. Then the realization that I was easily doing a can a day.

A few months ago I realized that everyone I work with knew I was dipping, guess my permeant coffee cup wasn't as good of a disguise as I thought it was.

I started a new job this year and my wife and I welcomed our first child into the world a year ago and started dipping heavier than ever.

I want to quit for my health, so my son doesn't grow up thinking this is cool, and so my wife doesn't mind kissing me.

So glad I found KTC. wish me luck.