my story is typical and i am extremely tired of hiding this bad habit from family and most importantly my girlfriend. its time to man up and do what ive wanted to do for quite some time. i play college baseball and have always psychologically leaned on the can. i always tried to quit on my own which proved to be to hard when nobody is holding you accountable. thanks to this site i feel determined and inspired by all the great stories. the bed time dip or the dip first thing in the morning will be hard to pass but its there is no time like the present. i hope to meet some great people and be encouraged as i head into the uncharted waters.
alright glad you are here. we can put this in baseball terms:
Let's warm up by taking any stashes you may have laying around and flushing them down the crapper.
Step up to the plate and make that promise, today, to stay quit for 1 day.
Get that home run by honoring that word that you have made to yourself and to your quit group (hope you have read through the welcome center for this)
Next inning is to wake up the next day and step to the plate again, post your word again for the 1 day.
Sounds simple, and it will be a fight and like the season a very long one, but if you stick with it, keep hitting it out of the ballpark, you will win this game of life and be an all star in burying the nic bitch into your past.
yell if you need anything