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Re: Quitting
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2017, 04:36:00 PM »
Hi Randy.

Quitting is simple - hard as hell to do - but simple.

Post your promise first thing every morning, and keep your promise. Reach out for help if needed.

I know that dipping seems like it is a part of your very being. But after you've made it through the hell of the first three days, and the fog that follows, you will learn, like all of us have, that nicotine hasn't done a damn thing for you. It doesn't help you celebrate, or mourn, or cope, or happy. Nicotine does one thing - satisfies a craving for itself.

Refuse to cave. Nothing more than that. After you've made your promise, nicotine is off the table for the entire rest of the day.

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Re: Quitting
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2017, 03:17:00 PM »
Hello Randy, you and I are in about the same spot. We can do this! This place is massive resource That I have only just scratched the surface.
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Re: Quitting
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2017, 03:13:00 PM »
Randy - sent you a PM (private message) with some information and my number. Scroll all the way to the top of the page and look in the upper right hand corner for a link that says "Inbox".

You've made a great decision. Saw you post roll in August already - that's fantastic, and they are turning out to be a great bunch of quitters. Post roll every day, first thing in the morning, and then keep your word. It's both amazingly simple and incredibly hard (especially for the first few weeks!), but it does work.

Happy to quit with you today. It's going to be a rough ride at first, but trust me - it is so, SO worth it.
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« on: May 16, 2017, 03:06:00 PM »
I quit yesterday about this time of day so I guess it's day 2. When I started dipping a can of Copenhagen cost a quarter!!! I was probably 12 or 13. I chewed tobacco 3 or 4 years before getting turned on to Copenhagen. Yep...I started on tobacco around 8 or 9 years old. I grew up in the heart of dark fired tobacco country so I guess I didn't stand much of a chance. Daddy smoked 2 packs of Camels a day and a pipe and cigars until he caught the mumps from me when I was 3. He fired up a Camel and said it was the worst tasting thing he ever put in his mouth. He never smoked again but soon pick up chewing tobacco. RT Junior was his brand. Everyone in my family used tobacco whether chew, smoke or snuff. Daddy's mother dipped the old Garrett and Bruton snuff. So here goes. Quitting an addiction that started over 45 years ago. I tried twice before. Made it about a week both times. Yall pray for my wife!!!