One major thing I've figured it really helps my quit reaching out to other addicts! Own your quit, when you post roll you are not only promising to yourself but every brother and sister in here that you will not use nicotine that day. Here it's today, worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Odaat! EDD! If you cave you will definitely not like this place because we take it damn serious because we care! And you will understand so join, help yourself and others along the way!
Hi Justin welcome to killthecan! We are all proud to welcome another badass quitter to the family! I guarantee you that these are some of the nicest people you will ever talk to. You'll love it here it's ok you don't know how to use the site, hell half the people here don't know how to use it, I'm still learning. You'll be fine we don't care if you mess up a post all we care about is that you're quit and you promise to stay quit. I love it here the people are great and new ones are welcomed daily. Here's a few links these are the basics of the site, read these and you should learn the basics:
forum/55560/topic/1003072/This is the link to the June quit group, this is where you will post your daily promise to stay quit for that day, it is my group as well so if you do mess it up its no big deal I will fix it for you when I post my roll. Here's June's link:
topic/10990123/Read the first link, it's the welcome center. That covers the basics of the site, you're all set once you read those. By the way you posted your introduction correctly and you're what 22 days quit so I'd say you're well on the right path. Best of luck Justin you got this. I'll send you a pm with my number so we can get in touch throughout the day. Check your inbox and text me when you get it. I'm proud to quit in the same group as you pal! We got this! Tell me if you need anything else I'd be more than happy to help you out.