Author Topic: The "Bromance" is over  (Read 2874 times)

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Offline Wt57

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2012, 12:36:00 AM »
Wish the heck I had said that!! Damn I was tired of being a pussy! One thing I wish, I sure wish my big boy pants would have been a little smaller than my pussy pants. Oh well something for another day.

Yote I'm proud to be quit with you!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2012, 11:55:00 PM »
Nicely done yote. Like kubrick I hated being so completely owned by nicotine. By being her little bitch. For the record, I'm not the owner of that quote, it's probably wisdom from the likes of the great souliman. Im proud to pass it along, hope you will do the same.

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2012, 12:32:00 PM »
Good point. I was sick of being a slave, which I guess could be considered "any pussy can dip". It has not been easy keeping that stuff out of my mind and body for 45 days, but it sure has been worth it to man up and quit.
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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2012, 12:17:00 PM »
Freedom is good.

Keep up the good work!

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2012, 12:10:00 PM »
You da man, yote. This is the right attitude to have when staring down the whore.

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #32 on: May 07, 2012, 11:42:00 AM »
Why quit? Cancer (over a dozen different kinds), hypertension, heart failure, GI problems, financial concerns, etc. The list of sensible reasons for giving up your tobacco addiction goes on forever. The shit is bad for you. I think that point is well-established.

However I, like many of you, went on stuffing my face with the crap for over 10 years. Apparently, rotting my face off wasn't a good enough reason to quit. So what was? What was the final straw, the impetus for my quit? Well I had an idea, a vague inclination, of what it was 17 days ago. It wasn't until I'd spent a fair amount of time on this site, while struggling and dragging through my first 10 days of quit, that through the help of others I began to see a clear picture of the reason or the "theme" for my quit. Those of you who introduced me to this concept may not even be aware of it. It has a subtle way of coming up in conversation and I've only seen few members discuss it, most of those long time vets.

"Any pussy can dip. Only a man can quit." DennyX wrote that in one of his posts and you'll see it appear in my signature. The saying embodies the concept to which I refer in this post. It's a "grab yourself by the balls, pull on your big-boy pants, quit playing grabass and grow the fuck up" kind of mentality. In short, it says "man up, everybody's got shit to deal with, you're no special butterfly."

I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) this is the reason for many of the vets' quit on this site. Sure, maybe it started out as a desire to be more healthy, but if you're like me, it quickly transforms into something much bigger and more important. It's an overall life-philosophy change. A daily oath between you, your quit brothers, and your family that "today I will man the fuck up and take responsibility for myself and my actions." This new mentality has grown to infect not only my quit, but all areas of my life.

The legacy a man leaves is essentially the sum total of everything he does (or doesn't) do throughout his lifetime. This is what you'll be remembered by. Personally, I don't want my legacy or people's memories of me to include thoughts of me stuffing my face and slobbering everywhere. I don't want it to include turned-over spitters or midnight runs to the corner store because I am the nic bitch's bitch. I want to be remembered as a a man who took responsibility for myself and my actions and had the self-discipline to participate only in things that affect me and those around me for the better. That's the reason for my quit. What's yours?

I'm Yote and I'm addicted to dip, but for the last 17 days straight I've manned the fuck up with my KTC brothers and said no to the nic bitch.

"Any pussy can dip. It takes a man to quit." - DennyX

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2012, 10:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Yote
Day 12.

Day 10 absolutely sucked balls. I made the mistake of getting drunk on the evening of day 9 and woke up hung over. DO NOT make yourself go through a day-long hangover this early in your quit. It turned me into a bomb that only the gheys on chat could diffuse. Went in there and raged on, they loved every minute of it.

The past 2 days have gone really well. I've learned I can not only do things outdoors without dip, but I can also get shit done in the office without it. I have had to rely more on caffeine though.

So, let's recap. Things I've learned in the last 12 days:

1) Dip makes everything worse, not better (a problem + a dip = 2 problems)
2) All those things you don't think you can do without dip, you can
3) Don't get drunk early in your quit for sure
4) Use chat, use chat, use chat. This is where I've developed relationships, which are key to this site.
5) One day at a time is for real. The second you get big balls and think you've got the nic bitch beat, she'll knock you back down. Remember bigger balls = bigger target.
6) Sometimes your quit will be minute to minute. When this happens, get support, embrace the suck and fight/quit like fuck.
7) My name's Yote, I'll always be addicted to dip, but I won't use today.
Read what you wrote often. This is good shit.
Missed this the first time. Glad it was recalled.

BRILLIANT! I Like Yote. He's a quitter!
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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2012, 06:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Yote
Day 12.

Day 10 absolutely sucked balls. I made the mistake of getting drunk on the evening of day 9 and woke up hung over. DO NOT make yourself go through a day-long hangover this early in your quit. It turned me into a bomb that only the gheys on chat could diffuse. Went in there and raged on, they loved every minute of it.

The past 2 days have gone really well. I've learned I can not only do things outdoors without dip, but I can also get shit done in the office without it. I have had to rely more on caffeine though.

So, let's recap. Things I've learned in the last 12 days:

1) Dip makes everything worse, not better (a problem + a dip = 2 problems)
2) All those things you don't think you can do without dip, you can
3) Don't get drunk early in your quit for sure
4) Use chat, use chat, use chat. This is where I've developed relationships, which are key to this site.
5) One day at a time is for real. The second you get big balls and think you've got the nic bitch beat, she'll knock you back down. Remember bigger balls = bigger target.
6) Sometimes your quit will be minute to minute. When this happens, get support, embrace the suck and fight/quit like fuck.
7) My name's Yote, I'll always be addicted to dip, but I won't use today.
Read what you wrote often. This is good shit.

Offline Copehater

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2012, 06:35:00 PM »
Yote -
12 days in and I can tell you get this, proud to be a quitter with you. See you in Chat.

Copehater day 549
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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2012, 06:28:00 PM »
Day 12.

Day 10 absolutely sucked balls. I made the mistake of getting drunk on the evening of day 9 and woke up hung over. DO NOT make yourself go through a day-long hangover this early in your quit. It turned me into a bomb that only the gheys on chat could diffuse. Went in there and raged on, they loved every minute of it.

The past 2 days have gone really well. I've learned I can not only do things outdoors without dip, but I can also get shit done in the office without it. I have had to rely more on caffeine though.

So, let's recap. Things I've learned in the last 12 days:

1) Dip makes everything worse, not better (a problem + a dip = 2 problems)
2) All those things you don't think you can do without dip, you can
3) Don't get drunk early in your quit for sure
4) Use chat, use chat, use chat. This is where I've developed relationships, which are key to this site.
5) One day at a time is for real. The second you get big balls and think you've got the nic bitch beat, she'll knock you back down. Remember bigger balls = bigger target.
6) Sometimes your quit will be minute to minute. When this happens, get support, embrace the suck and fight/quit like fuck.
7) My name's Yote, I'll always be addicted to dip, but I won't use today.

"Any pussy can dip. It takes a man to quit." - DennyX

Yote's HOF Speech

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2012, 02:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Yote
Yesterday made 1 week. Hell yes. A buddy brought his car by and we drank beers while changing the brake pads. Several triggers at once- not a problem. Afterwards, us and our wives hung out until late in the evening. I honestly think I was more fun to be around than I have been in a loooong time.

It's so awesome being able to just hang out and enjoy yourself without thinking about that next chance you're gonna get to cheat on everyone with the bitch.

Another breakthrough occurred earlier in the day yesterday. Wife and I got home from work and went for an ATV ride around the farm. Of course, in my past life, this would've been done with a dip in. If you've read my previous posts I, like many of you, thought this made everything better. That simply is not true. It's just the fucked up way an addict's brain justifies that next fix. The time spent together outdoors was so much sweeter without that ball and chain.

Last night, the bitch payed me a reminder of what I'm up against. I had my first cave dream. The feeling was like the sick stomach you get after receiving terrible news. Of course, my first thought was, "How am I gonna break it to the guys on KTC?" Although I've only been on here for right at a week, I respect my fellow quitters and their thoughts of me that much. We quit together one day at a time and, if I cave, it hurts not only my quit but theirs as well. That's why I can't cave today and, if tomorrow comes, I can't cave then.

I'm Yote and I'm addicted to chew. However, 8 days ago I quit like fuck and burnt the bridge that is the way back to that former lifestyle. This morning I woke up, posted roll, and quit like fuck again. If tomorrow comes I'll do the same.

Great post brother. I am finally realizing that things are BETTER without the bitch. It is amazing that you can still function and get things accomplished without a dip in, huh. Love your posts brother . keep em coming. STAY QUIT.
agree 100% I didn't even think that it was possible for me to do things without a dip!! Learning slowly 1 day at a time and 1 event at a time that "I CAN" and it is fun. A life time can't be changed overnight but I will savor each day and each new experience that I have with a new enthusiasum.

Stay Quit and Love it!!!
Great post Yote - thanks for sharing. Great job getting through hell week - now keep grinding it out one day at a time.

I Quit Like Fuck with ya

Offline Wt57

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2012, 02:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Yote
Yesterday made 1 week. Hell yes. A buddy brought his car by and we drank beers while changing the brake pads. Several triggers at once- not a problem. Afterwards, us and our wives hung out until late in the evening. I honestly think I was more fun to be around than I have been in a loooong time.

It's so awesome being able to just hang out and enjoy yourself without thinking about that next chance you're gonna get to cheat on everyone with the bitch.

Another breakthrough occurred earlier in the day yesterday. Wife and I got home from work and went for an ATV ride around the farm. Of course, in my past life, this would've been done with a dip in. If you've read my previous posts I, like many of you, thought this made everything better. That simply is not true. It's just the fucked up way an addict's brain justifies that next fix. The time spent together outdoors was so much sweeter without that ball and chain.

Last night, the bitch payed me a reminder of what I'm up against. I had my first cave dream. The feeling was like the sick stomach you get after receiving terrible news. Of course, my first thought was, "How am I gonna break it to the guys on KTC?" Although I've only been on here for right at a week, I respect my fellow quitters and their thoughts of me that much. We quit together one day at a time and, if I cave, it hurts not only my quit but theirs as well. That's why I can't cave today and, if tomorrow comes, I can't cave then.

I'm Yote and I'm addicted to chew. However, 8 days ago I quit like fuck and burnt the bridge that is the way back to that former lifestyle. This morning I woke up, posted roll, and quit like fuck again. If tomorrow comes I'll do the same.

Great post brother. I am finally realizing that things are BETTER without the bitch. It is amazing that you can still function and get things accomplished without a dip in, huh. Love your posts brother . keep em coming. STAY QUIT.
agree 100% I didn't even think that it was possible for me to do things without a dip!! Learning slowly 1 day at a time and 1 event at a time that "I CAN" and it is fun. A life time can't be changed overnight but I will savor each day and each new experience that I have with a new enthusiasum.

Stay Quit and Love it!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2012, 01:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Yote
Yesterday made 1 week. Hell yes. A buddy brought his car by and we drank beers while changing the brake pads. Several triggers at once- not a problem. Afterwards, us and our wives hung out until late in the evening. I honestly think I was more fun to be around than I have been in a loooong time.

It's so awesome being able to just hang out and enjoy yourself without thinking about that next chance you're gonna get to cheat on everyone with the bitch.

Another breakthrough occurred earlier in the day yesterday. Wife and I got home from work and went for an ATV ride around the farm. Of course, in my past life, this would've been done with a dip in. If you've read my previous posts I, like many of you, thought this made everything better. That simply is not true. It's just the fucked up way an addict's brain justifies that next fix. The time spent together outdoors was so much sweeter without that ball and chain.

Last night, the bitch payed me a reminder of what I'm up against. I had my first cave dream. The feeling was like the sick stomach you get after receiving terrible news. Of course, my first thought was, "How am I gonna break it to the guys on KTC?" Although I've only been on here for right at a week, I respect my fellow quitters and their thoughts of me that much. We quit together one day at a time and, if I cave, it hurts not only my quit but theirs as well. That's why I can't cave today and, if tomorrow comes, I can't cave then.

I'm Yote and I'm addicted to chew. However, 8 days ago I quit like fuck and burnt the bridge that is the way back to that former lifestyle. This morning I woke up, posted roll, and quit like fuck again. If tomorrow comes I'll do the same.

Great post brother. I am finally realizing that things are BETTER without the bitch. It is amazing that you can still function and get things accomplished without a dip in, huh. Love your posts brother . keep em coming. STAY QUIT.
Buddy Mac

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2012, 12:48:00 PM »
Outstanding shit Yote. Keep fighting. One day at a time.

Looks like there's a guy there without nicotine.

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Re: The "Bromance" is over
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2012, 12:47:00 PM »
Yesterday made 1 week. Hell yes. A buddy brought his car by and we drank beers while changing the brake pads. Several triggers at once- not a problem. Afterwards, us and our wives hung out until late in the evening. I honestly think I was more fun to be around than I have been in a loooong time.

It's so awesome being able to just hang out and enjoy yourself without thinking about that next chance you're gonna get to cheat on everyone with the bitch.

Another breakthrough occurred earlier in the day yesterday. Wife and I got home from work and went for an ATV ride around the farm. Of course, in my past life, this would've been done with a dip in. If you've read my previous posts I, like many of you, thought this made everything better. That simply is not true. It's just the fucked up way an addict's brain justifies that next fix. The time spent together outdoors was so much sweeter without that ball and chain.

Last night, the bitch payed me a reminder of what I'm up against. I had my first cave dream. The feeling was like the sick stomach you get after receiving terrible news. Of course, my first thought was, "How am I gonna break it to the guys on KTC?" Although I've only been on here for right at a week, I respect my fellow quitters and their thoughts of me that much. We quit together one day at a time and, if I cave, it hurts not only my quit but theirs as well. That's why I can't cave today and, if tomorrow comes, I can't cave then.

I'm Yote and I'm addicted to chew. However, 8 days ago I quit like fuck and burnt the bridge that is the way back to that former lifestyle. This morning I woke up, posted roll, and quit like fuck again. If tomorrow comes I'll do the same.

"Any pussy can dip. It takes a man to quit." - DennyX

Yote's HOF Speech