Author Topic: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip  (Read 1383 times)

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2014, 01:36:00 PM »
I have been reading this thread and just wanted to say thanks to all of you for what you have done for all the rest of us. What a great thing to see a warrior post in here asking for help and to have so many of you who have walked in his shoes to reach out. I am moved.
dusmc28 I am pulling hard for you brother. Take full advantage of the support that has been offered you. And thank you again!

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2014, 12:54:00 PM »
Hey man, and thank you for your service.

PTSD is some scary shit, and I feel for ya. I've also read studies that nicotine use makes PTSD symptoms worse (SOURCE) and that there is no relationship to quitting and having PTSD (SOURCE). I'm not saying that you need to take these medical opinions to heart, but I am saying that I know you can quit.

While I'm not going to pretend that my issues constitute anything you've gone through, I will tell you that many of us here "self medicated" with nicotine for YEARS. Hell, I'd get pissed at my kids, wife, and life, separate myself from them, and just fill my head with cancer juice (praying for relief). I'd get all woosy, end up sick by the end of the day, and my lips were torn paper thin.

Yet I did the same shit the next day.

When I quit, I started learning coping mechanisms to deal with this. Guess what? I still got pissed on occasion, but I handled it differently. I dealt with it, and I faced the problems I could. I realized that I couldn't change what I was and that the future "me" was dictated by my present actions. Did it fix everything? Nah...but I'm free from that cancerous can.

I ran my first marathon 2 years after quitting. When I quit, I was a plump 270 pound shell that couldn't move without seeing spots in front of my eyes. I regularly threw up little brown specks. During the first week, I started taking small steps. I walked the dog a mile or so, and soon I jogged it (18 minute mile buddy). Soon, I went from 1 and half miles to 3 to 5 and eventually to a couple half marathons. My leg even blew up on me and I got surgery on it. That didn't even stop me!

I learned (as I crossed the line at the marathon) that running, quitting, using, is always about moving forward. When I used, I would push myself to the brink to get my buzz. When I quit, I used every ounce of power to not post a "day 1" again". When I ran, I didn't worry about the end.

I simply took the next step.

You can do this man. I got your back.

Semper Fi, man.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2014, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Bulldog0311
Quote from: dusmc28
Does anyone on here have ptsd and use dip to cope with your symptoms? I have tried and tried to quit and failed. I could really use the support on quitting for good. Those of you that know how crippling ptsd is, you know it's hard to kick the crutch. I need help. Semper Fi.
Semper Fi brother. You must listen carefully. You can quit chewing. You do not need chew to deal with your issues. That is a lie the poison tells you. We are on the other side of the fence. We can see what you cannot. The poison wants you to ignore us. The poison will do anything it can to keep you. It is a parasite that leeches your money, your health, your feelings, your personality, your ability to stand alone without it, and finally your life.
You can take back these things and more. Throw out the poison. Join us and quit. Post roll every day and promise us for just one day you will quit nicotine. Just one day. You can do anything for just one day. Then tomorrow I will do it with you.
Well brother I do in fact have PTSD, spent quite a bit of time getting my brainwashed after suffering through some nasty shit myself. I also used nicotine as a crutch for that as well.

However, once I finally got into my quit I realized that nicotine wasn't helping me cope with the problem but was actually masking some of the shit.

The one great thing I can say is that after therapy for PTSD my brain has been rewired and since I have not had a dream since that time. That is actually great news for me because I read about some horrendous stories on here from dip dreams.

Send me a PM and we can exchange phone numbers if you want to talk specifically about this with me. I am not a Psychologist but I certainly understand PTSD and how much facing a fucked up occurrence can do to the psyche.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2014, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: dusmc28
Does anyone on here have ptsd and use dip to cope with your symptoms? I have tried and tried to quit and failed. I could really use the support on quitting for good. Those of you that know how crippling ptsd is, you know it's hard to kick the crutch. I need help. Semper Fi.
Semper Fi brother. You must listen carefully. You can quit chewing. You do not need chew to deal with your issues. That is a lie the poison tells you. We are on the other side of the fence. We can see what you cannot. The poison wants you to ignore us. The poison will do anything it can to keep you. It is a parasite that leeches your money, your health, your feelings, your personality, your ability to stand alone without it, and finally your life.
You can take back these things and more. Throw out the poison. Join us and quit. Post roll every day and promise us for just one day you will quit nicotine. Just one day. You can do anything for just one day. Then tomorrow I will do it with you.

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 09:30:00 PM »
Quote from: dusmc28
Does anyone on here have ptsd and use dip to cope with your symptoms? I have tried and tried to quit and failed. I could really use the support on quitting for good. Those of you that know how crippling ptsd is, you know it's hard to kick the crutch. I need help. Semper Fi.
Hey Devil, I don't have ptsd myself, but I have a few Marines who do. First off, dipping won't help you, ever, with anything, at all. Get locked in here with us. Branch out, get numbers and post roll daily. We are here to help you, no matter what you're going through. you can vent to us. Brother, I know the things you've gone through, our situations may be different, but I can take an educated guess. I quit with you. Don't be tricked by the nic bitch, she cant help you. We can. It will be hard, it will suck, it will feel hopeless at times, but it will get better, and WE WILL BE THERE FOR YOU. Semper Fidelis.
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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2014, 08:46:00 PM »
First and foremost, thank you for your service. I just took a class and learned a little about ptsd. Tuff stuff man, i feel for you. I'm going to repeat what emulator just stated. You keep up the fight brother. There is a lot of new understanding about ptsd and help is out there.

Now some facts, in which you can read for yourself. Nicotine only does one thing besides take. It fills the void it created. There is no vitamins, precious minerals or healing medicines in a can of poison. It has hijacked your reward system and has you believing it is helping you. You are being duped by a poisonous weed.

After time your life will improve without it. It will be difficult at first, but in time you will kick yourself for believing the lies.

Take your life back or continue believing the lies. Your move.
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2014, 08:30:00 PM »
dont give up. Dont use PSTD as an excuse. Fight the freakin nicotine like a Marine.

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2014, 05:54:00 PM »
Copenhagen does not help you cope with anything. It is just one of a million lies that the nic bitch has you believing.
You may not necessarily need the support, but others most definitely do. Be a shining beacon for others. Blaze the path for them to follow!!!

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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 02:42:00 PM »
Feel free to PM me. Essayons.
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Re: Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 02:39:00 PM »
Quote from: dusmc28
Does anyone on here have ptsd and use dip to cope with your symptoms? I have tried and tried to quit and failed. I could really use the support on quitting for good. Those of you that know how crippling ptsd is, you know it's hard to kick the crutch. I need help. Semper Fi.
Odds are there is someone here with PTSD. It's just a matter of you committing to this quit thing and getting to know people. I recommend you quit nicotine an post roll. Post every day in your quit group and in the wildcard section.

The recipe for quitting nicotine is simple here. First you want to quit. Then you post roll every single morning. Then you make some friends. Keep doing that and you'll quit nicotine.

As for the PSTD I can't help you. But I'm pretty sure there are some guys here who might be able to offer some guidance. It's your choice to quit. I recommend you do.
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Veterans with PTSD and quitinng dip
« on: February 16, 2014, 10:49:00 PM »
Does anyone on here have ptsd and use dip to cope with your symptoms? I have tried and tried to quit and failed. I could really use the support on quitting for good. Those of you that know how crippling ptsd is, you know it's hard to kick the crutch. I need help. Semper Fi.