Author Topic: My introduction  (Read 951 times)

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Re: My introduction
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2016, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Apathy
So here i am. Sitting in my car waiting for my son's soccer practice to end while knowing I will be lucky to see him play more than a few more seasons. No, I don't have cancer. At least I am reasonably sure I don't. I just can't see any positive ending to the ongoing addiction to nicotine. I am 43 and have a wife and 2 kids. I feel like every dip I take is cheating on them. So any way I quit again today. Got all the wonky sensations in my mouth to prove it.
You say you "quit again". I say you only stopped before. Quitting is when you PROMISE not to use nicotine for the day and KEEP your promise, every damn day. If you are ready, head over to the January 2017 group and make your promise. Keep your promise and do what you can to help the folks in that group keep theirs too. We quit as a team here.

Post roll here!

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Re: My introduction
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2016, 08:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Dipbegone
Welcome AP! You have made the absolute best choice of your life. Now, it's time to promise your daily quit and keep your word. It's that simple. It's hard, but simple.

This house is full of bad ass quitters ready to walk in lockstep with you. Embrace the site, read everything in here you can. I know the Tom Kern story would motivate me when my guard was down.

Get a substitute (fake, seeds, toothpicks) and get a shit load so you don't run out! Avoid alcohol early on ....and keep yourself over hydrated with water and the occasional juice (sugar)

The suck is gonna last till it doesn't. It's the price we pay for poisoning our bodies all these years. I am also 43 with two kids and I'll be damned if I'm not working hard to be here with them for many many years to come. You are too by taking this journey. I was you one year ago at this time. Trust me if I can do this so can you!

The basis of this place is your daily roll post of a promise to quit, the day quit (if you dumped the cans today this is day 1). Head on over to the January 17 quit group. These guys and gals are going through the same and will make up a big part of your intimate support group. Post your promise; and don't worry the only way to screw up is to not post. Others will correct any mistakes gladly!

If you haven't already btw dump all the worm shit. I quit with you today. Let's take this ODAAT (one day at a time). Hell, one minute at a time when its needed!

DBG 358
Only thing I can add to this is remember....while you're going through the SUCK, nicotine withdrawal won't actually kill you. It may seem like it at times, but it won't....continuing to dip just very well MAY, though.....

edit: And you may want to rethink the name. Apathy means complete indifference and lack of better damn well care if you want to be quit. Just my opinion....

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Re: My introduction
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2016, 08:20:00 PM »
Welcome AP! You have made the absolute best choice of your life. Now, it's time to promise your daily quit and keep your word. It's that simple. It's hard, but simple.

This house is full of bad ass quitters ready to walk in lockstep with you. Embrace the site, read everything in here you can. I know the Tom Kern story would motivate me when my guard was down.

Get a substitute (fake, seeds, toothpicks) and get a shit load so you don't run out! Avoid alcohol early on ....and keep yourself over hydrated with water and the occasional juice (sugar)

The suck is gonna last till it doesn't. It's the price we pay for poisoning our bodies all these years. I am also 43 with two kids and I'll be damned if I'm not working hard to be here with them for many many years to come. You are too by taking this journey. I was you one year ago at this time. Trust me if I can do this so can you!

The basis of this place is your daily roll post of a promise to quit, the day quit (if you dumped the cans today this is day 1). Head on over to the January 17 quit group. These guys and gals are going through the same and will make up a big part of your intimate support group. Post your promise; and don't worry the only way to screw up is to not post. Others will correct any mistakes gladly!

If you haven't already btw dump all the worm shit. I quit with you today. Let's take this ODAAT (one day at a time). Hell, one minute at a time when its needed!

DBG 358

Offline Apathy

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My introduction
« on: September 30, 2016, 08:08:00 PM »
So here i am. Sitting in my car waiting for my son's soccer practice to end while knowing I will be lucky to see him play more than a few more seasons. No, I don't have cancer. At least I am reasonably sure I don't. I just can't see any positive ending to the ongoing addiction to nicotine. I am 43 and have a wife and 2 kids. I feel like every dip I take is cheating on them. So any way I quit again today. Got all the wonky sensations in my mouth to prove it.