Author Topic: My Intro/Day 2  (Read 1562 times)

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Offline matthewb51

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2013, 11:55:00 AM »
Diesel and Evil nailed it. There will be a time to pay it forward, but all I suggest right now is to get and stay closely connected to your group. All of them? In a way, yes. But if you can saddle up with four of five guys, communicate early and often, you'll have that IMMEDIATE ring of support for each other. I will tell you, that was what got me, lcwb96, Dr. Dirt, mfkuss, The Dali and diplessinjax to the HoF. We still communicate via text and email, almost all day, every day. We just locked arms and took that bitch on day after day and today.

Reach out for you, and the help will be mutually felt.
Thank you all for the replies (DLee, Diesel, Evil, Boelker). That's what I needed to hear. Dlee had some good words that he shared with me in a PM. I think that until I can be confident in my own quit and string together some +1's, I have to focus on me. Again, thanks for the insight. Between you all, it actually sounds like you know what the hell you are talking about. Who knew??? :) Glad to be quit with all of you!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2013, 04:58:00 AM »
Diesel and Evil nailed it. There will be a time to pay it forward, but all I suggest right now is to get and stay closely connected to your group. All of them? In a way, yes. But if you can saddle up with four of five guys, communicate early and often, you'll have that IMMEDIATE ring of support for each other. I will tell you, that was what got me, lcwb96, Dr. Dirt, mfkuss, The Dali and diplessinjax to the HoF. We still communicate via text and email, almost all day, every day. We just locked arms and took that bitch on day after day and today.

Reach out for you, and the help will be mutually felt.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2013, 01:04:00 AM »
Listen to Diesel2112. Focus on you right now. This is a great time to be selfish. My first 30+ days I posted roll and got to know my brothers in my group. I read Intros, but didn't respond because I was lost (but realized I was not alone). I also read HOF speeches to kill craves. I didn't wander into other groups and forums. If I did I don't remember because the fog was so thick.

ODAAT right now.
Your group right now.
YOU right now.

Worry about newbies when the time is right, you will know when that is.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2013, 11:05:00 PM »
Pump the breaks there big fella. 16 days is HUGE and you're doing great but your still very wet behind the ears. Don't worry about helping anyone but yourself right now. Do get numbers from guys in your quit group though. Lean on eachother when you struggle but 16 days just too soon to be feeling bad about not helping others.

You got this shiznit bro. Let the heavy hittes with multiple floors of quit beneath them help YOU. Then when your +1's will add up, you pay it forward to guys who are where you are right now. But that is a ways off yet. Focus on TODAY. Patience Danielson.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
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14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline matthewb51

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2013, 09:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: matthewb51
Quote from: matthewb51
So I am about to wrap up day 8 of my quit, and boy let me tell ya, I feel good.  There is no doubt in my mind that quitting the nic bitch has been the best decision I have ever made.  I wake up feeling better every morning, I am getting better sleep at night, I feel better after working out, and don't want to immediately throw a dip of that shit in my face when something bothers me or things don't go my way. My relationship with my wife is only getting better.  I know that I am still early on in my quit, but for anyone who has any doubts about this program or qutting, it fucking works.  You have to want it though.  Reach down in them panties, grab them balls of yours and man the fuck up.  I also wanted to give a shout out to Evil_Won for checking up on me and his support, as well as AgLawyer and the other guys I got to know in the chat room.  My quit is strong.  How about yours?

Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Great Job on the quit!  Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind.  The wintergreen helped me a bit.  Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor.  I typically used it in the car.  Hate those long drives.  Like you I chew gum all day.  Anything without nic is cool.  Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew,  this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. After reading all of your responses, I know that I can kick this things ass. I'm acutally looking forward to totally dominating the horrible habit! Bronco, your words stuck out the most, "pussies hope, real men quit." That will stick with me and be my motivation. Not only will I not let myself down, or my wife and famiy, but I look forward to not letting you all down. Thanks guys!
Nicely done Matthew. Every day gets better. But be vigilant. Always be vigilant. You're still very early in your quit. AgLaywer and Evil_Won didn't get this far without recongizing that SHE is always there.

Be quit today. That's what matters. And NEVER, EVER think "I got this." -- because the moment you think you got this, SHE strikes. And make no mistake, she's watching. She's always watching.

Stay strong. stay quit.
So I feel that I have to vent a little here since I haven't posted much in about a week or so. Granted I've posted roll everyday during my quit, and plan to do so one day at a time. The reasoning for my vent is my displeasure with myself. I'm disappointed with myself that I haven't reached out to very many people at all to offer any kind of help, as I know it is there at a moments notice should I need it. I'm disappointed that the excitement of being quit has worn off, even though I have no desire to put this shit in my face anymore as the fear of cancer scares the shit out of me. I still get craves at Day 16, and I suspect that I will continue to get them, but I have no desire to put a dip in. So why am I not overly pleased with the progress that I have made? Why am I being such a douche about not offerring to help anyone? I've always considered myself as the type of person that thought "you are only responsible for yourself" and all that shit. I hate that this attitude has carried over into KTC. Thats not what this place is about at all, and shame on me for being that way. I guess I just felt like I owed my Quit Group and apology for not being as good as I can be and paying it forward as others have done. I love coming to this site on a daily basis and reading it all day long. I love the fact that if I need help its there for me. It truly helps me, as it has so many others. I just want to get that fire back that I had when I originally joined. I appreciate all those in our May Quit group that have stepped up and I apologize for not being one of them. I will make a better effort to pay it forward and do my part. Still Glad to be Quit with all of you today!
Not in your group but felt led to reply. I'm not sure you were even asking for someone specifically from your group or someone out of it to reply, but it kind of hit me as one of those, "Um, that sounds like me some days" kind of post.

So here's my take. I think today was 42 for me (I have to check the number every day; the number's not important, the quit is.) I don't yet feel worthy of really "helping" anybody. I have tried it and maybe even helped, but I don't really feel worthy yet. I also didn't want to reach out early on because, truth be told, a stupid, Satan-looking bitch in the back of my mind told me not to let anybody down if I caved. If that bitch isn't in there taunting you, you are one lucky man. I hate that bitch. Lastly, the reason your post sounded like me was that if you're anything like me, you're still (or just starting) to figure out who you are as a normal human being. This shit was a big part of your life; it controlled your life, in fact. I know it did mine. How can you really give back when you've barely given yourself anything yet? I still can't answer that question yet either, and I'm three laps ahead of you.

I'd suggest slowing down with feeling bad about not giving back yet. At day 16, you haven't given YOURSELF enough back yet. Just remember the nickname these vets give a lot of guys and know that 16 days is BADASS!!!
Dlee I think you may be on to something there brother. Thanks for the words, I really appreciate it. Sooner or later everything will click. Again, thanks for the encouragement. Glad to be quit with you brother!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Offline Dlee3

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2013, 09:07:00 PM »
Quote from: matthewb51
Quote from: matthewb51
So I am about to wrap up day 8 of my quit, and boy let me tell ya, I feel good.  There is no doubt in my mind that quitting the nic bitch has been the best decision I have ever made.  I wake up feeling better every morning, I am getting better sleep at night, I feel better after working out, and don't want to immediately throw a dip of that shit in my face when something bothers me or things don't go my way. My relationship with my wife is only getting better.  I know that I am still early on in my quit, but for anyone who has any doubts about this program or qutting, it fucking works.  You have to want it though.  Reach down in them panties, grab them balls of yours and man the fuck up.  I also wanted to give a shout out to Evil_Won for checking up on me and his support, as well as AgLawyer and the other guys I got to know in the chat room.  My quit is strong.  How about yours?

Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Great Job on the quit!  Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind.  The wintergreen helped me a bit.  Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor.  I typically used it in the car.  Hate those long drives.  Like you I chew gum all day.  Anything without nic is cool.  Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew,  this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. After reading all of your responses, I know that I can kick this things ass. I'm acutally looking forward to totally dominating the horrible habit! Bronco, your words stuck out the most, "pussies hope, real men quit." That will stick with me and be my motivation. Not only will I not let myself down, or my wife and famiy, but I look forward to not letting you all down. Thanks guys!
Nicely done Matthew. Every day gets better. But be vigilant. Always be vigilant. You're still very early in your quit. AgLaywer and Evil_Won didn't get this far without recongizing that SHE is always there.

Be quit today. That's what matters. And NEVER, EVER think "I got this." -- because the moment you think you got this, SHE strikes. And make no mistake, she's watching. She's always watching.

Stay strong. stay quit.
So I feel that I have to vent a little here since I haven't posted much in about a week or so. Granted I've posted roll everyday during my quit, and plan to do so one day at a time. The reasoning for my vent is my displeasure with myself. I'm disappointed with myself that I haven't reached out to very many people at all to offer any kind of help, as I know it is there at a moments notice should I need it. I'm disappointed that the excitement of being quit has worn off, even though I have no desire to put this shit in my face anymore as the fear of cancer scares the shit out of me. I still get craves at Day 16, and I suspect that I will continue to get them, but I have no desire to put a dip in. So why am I not overly pleased with the progress that I have made? Why am I being such a douche about not offerring to help anyone? I've always considered myself as the type of person that thought "you are only responsible for yourself" and all that shit. I hate that this attitude has carried over into KTC. Thats not what this place is about at all, and shame on me for being that way. I guess I just felt like I owed my Quit Group and apology for not being as good as I can be and paying it forward as others have done. I love coming to this site on a daily basis and reading it all day long. I love the fact that if I need help its there for me. It truly helps me, as it has so many others. I just want to get that fire back that I had when I originally joined. I appreciate all those in our May Quit group that have stepped up and I apologize for not being one of them. I will make a better effort to pay it forward and do my part. Still Glad to be Quit with all of you today!
Not in your group but felt led to reply. I'm not sure you were even asking for someone specifically from your group or someone out of it to reply, but it kind of hit me as one of those, "Um, that sounds like me some days" kind of post.

So here's my take. I think today was 42 for me (I have to check the number every day; the number's not important, the quit is.) I don't yet feel worthy of really "helping" anybody. I have tried it and maybe even helped, but I don't really feel worthy yet. I also didn't want to reach out early on because, truth be told, a stupid, Satan-looking bitch in the back of my mind told me not to let anybody down if I caved. If that bitch isn't in there taunting you, you are one lucky man. I hate that bitch. Lastly, the reason your post sounded like me was that if you're anything like me, you're still (or just starting) to figure out who you are as a normal human being. This shit was a big part of your life; it controlled your life, in fact. I know it did mine. How can you really give back when you've barely given yourself anything yet? I still can't answer that question yet either, and I'm three laps ahead of you.

I'd suggest slowing down with feeling bad about not giving back yet. At day 16, you haven't given YOURSELF enough back yet. Just remember the nickname these vets give a lot of guys and know that 16 days is BADASS!!!

Offline matthewb51

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2013, 06:10:00 PM »
Quote from: matthewb51
So I am about to wrap up day 8 of my quit, and boy let me tell ya, I feel good.  There is no doubt in my mind that quitting the nic bitch has been the best decision I have ever made.  I wake up feeling better every morning, I am getting better sleep at night, I feel better after working out, and don't want to immediately throw a dip of that shit in my face when something bothers me or things don't go my way. My relationship with my wife is only getting better.  I know that I am still early on in my quit, but for anyone who has any doubts about this program or qutting, it fucking works.  You have to want it though.  Reach down in them panties, grab them balls of yours and man the fuck up.  I also wanted to give a shout out to Evil_Won for checking up on me and his support, as well as AgLawyer and the other guys I got to know in the chat room.  My quit is strong.  How about yours?

Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Great Job on the quit!  Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind.  The wintergreen helped me a bit.  Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor.  I typically used it in the car.  Hate those long drives.  Like you I chew gum all day.  Anything without nic is cool.  Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew,  this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. After reading all of your responses, I know that I can kick this things ass. I'm acutally looking forward to totally dominating the horrible habit! Bronco, your words stuck out the most, "pussies hope, real men quit." That will stick with me and be my motivation. Not only will I not let myself down, or my wife and famiy, but I look forward to not letting you all down. Thanks guys!
Nicely done Matthew. Every day gets better. But be vigilant. Always be vigilant. You're still very early in your quit. AgLaywer and Evil_Won didn't get this far without recongizing that SHE is always there.

Be quit today. That's what matters. And NEVER, EVER think "I got this." -- because the moment you think you got this, SHE strikes. And make no mistake, she's watching. She's always watching.

Stay strong. stay quit.
So I feel that I have to vent a little here since I haven't posted much in about a week or so. Granted I've posted roll everyday during my quit, and plan to do so one day at a time. The reasoning for my vent is my displeasure with myself. I'm disappointed with myself that I haven't reached out to very many people at all to offer any kind of help, as I know it is there at a moments notice should I need it. I'm disappointed that the excitement of being quit has worn off, even though I have no desire to put this shit in my face anymore as the fear of cancer scares the shit out of me. I still get craves at Day 16, and I suspect that I will continue to get them, but I have no desire to put a dip in. So why am I not overly pleased with the progress that I have made? Why am I being such a douche about not offerring to help anyone? I've always considered myself as the type of person that thought "you are only responsible for yourself" and all that shit. I hate that this attitude has carried over into KTC. Thats not what this place is about at all, and shame on me for being that way. I guess I just felt like I owed my Quit Group and apology for not being as good as I can be and paying it forward as others have done. I love coming to this site on a daily basis and reading it all day long. I love the fact that if I need help its there for me. It truly helps me, as it has so many others. I just want to get that fire back that I had when I originally joined. I appreciate all those in our May Quit group that have stepped up and I apologize for not being one of them. I will make a better effort to pay it forward and do my part. Still Glad to be Quit with all of you today!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2013, 11:53:00 PM »
Quote from: matthewb51
So I am about to wrap up day 8 of my quit, and boy let me tell ya, I feel good. There is no doubt in my mind that quitting the nic bitch has been the best decision I have ever made. I wake up feeling better every morning, I am getting better sleep at night, I feel better after working out, and don't want to immediately throw a dip of that shit in my face when something bothers me or things don't go my way. My relationship with my wife is only getting better. I know that I am still early on in my quit, but for anyone who has any doubts about this program or qutting, it fucking works. You have to want it though. Reach down in them panties, grab them balls of yours and man the fuck up. I also wanted to give a shout out to Evil_Won for checking up on me and his support, as well as AgLawyer and the other guys I got to know in the chat room. My quit is strong. How about yours?

Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Great Job on the quit!  Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind.  The wintergreen helped me a bit.  Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor.  I typically used it in the car.  Hate those long drives.  Like you I chew gum all day.  Anything without nic is cool.  Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew,  this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. After reading all of your responses, I know that I can kick this things ass. I'm acutally looking forward to totally dominating the horrible habit! Bronco, your words stuck out the most, "pussies hope, real men quit." That will stick with me and be my motivation. Not only will I not let myself down, or my wife and famiy, but I look forward to not letting you all down. Thanks guys!
Nicely done Matthew. Every day gets better. But be vigilant. Always be vigilant. You're still very early in your quit. AgLaywer and Evil_Won didn't get this far without recongizing that SHE is always there.

Be quit today. That's what matters. And NEVER, EVER think "I got this." -- because the moment you think you got this, SHE strikes. And make no mistake, she's watching. She's always watching.

Stay strong. stay quit.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline matthewb51

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2013, 10:08:00 PM »
So I am about to wrap up day 8 of my quit, and boy let me tell ya, I feel good. There is no doubt in my mind that quitting the nic bitch has been the best decision I have ever made. I wake up feeling better every morning, I am getting better sleep at night, I feel better after working out, and don't want to immediately throw a dip of that shit in my face when something bothers me or things don't go my way. My relationship with my wife is only getting better. I know that I am still early on in my quit, but for anyone who has any doubts about this program or qutting, it fucking works. You have to want it though. Reach down in them panties, grab them balls of yours and man the fuck up. I also wanted to give a shout out to Evil_Won for checking up on me and his support, as well as AgLawyer and the other guys I got to know in the chat room. My quit is strong. How about yours?

Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Great Job on the quit!  Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind.  The wintergreen helped me a bit.  Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor.  I typically used it in the car.  Hate those long drives.  Like you I chew gum all day.  Anything without nic is cool.  Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew,  this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. After reading all of your responses, I know that I can kick this things ass. I'm acutally looking forward to totally dominating the horrible habit! Bronco, your words stuck out the most, "pussies hope, real men quit." That will stick with me and be my motivation. Not only will I not let myself down, or my wife and famiy, but I look forward to not letting you all down. Thanks guys!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Offline matthewb51

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2013, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: bleeckerdogs
Great Job on the quit! Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind. The wintergreen helped me a bit. Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor. I typically used it in the car. Hate those long drives. Like you I chew gum all day. Anything without nic is cool. Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew, this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. After reading all of your responses, I know that I can kick this things ass. I'm acutally looking forward to totally dominating the horrible habit! Bronco, your words stuck out the most, "pussies hope, real men quit." That will stick with me and be my motivation. Not only will I not let myself down, or my wife and famiy, but I look forward to not letting you all down. Thanks guys!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2013, 03:09:00 PM »
Great Job on the quit! Walmart sells Smokey Mountain (fake dip) Problem is they stock it with all the real CANCER causing kind. The wintergreen helped me a bit. Packs nice, spitable, decent flavor. I typically used it in the car. Hate those long drives. Like you I chew gum all day. Anything without nic is cool. Good luck, come back here everytime you want to chew, this site is helping save my life, and it will for you too.

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2013, 03:07:00 PM »
The idea of letting something so horrible for you control you baffles me. 

Don't let this be baffling we are addicts. The more we used the addictive substance the more we needed to satisfy our need! Nicotine is such a very addictive poison that it is often compared with other drugs including heroin, cocaine etc. in its addictive powers.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2013, 03:04:00 PM »
Welcome and congrats on a great choice!!! It sounds like you're already off to a great start...keep it up.

Remember, it is the attitude you have when you start something that largely determines your success. I know you say this "isn't fun." Let me suggest something...DECIDE that it is. That is, EMBRACE THE SUCK!

I know it is easier said than done, but you can do it. Turn the tables on the Nic Bitch...learn to enjoy the Hell you're going through right now. It is the feeling of healing. See it for what it is...your body's bullshit attempts to get more nicotine. That's all it is. Actually take note of all of the bullshit rationalizations and excuses your own brain tries to fool you with. Who is it kidding?!! We're addicts, we're professional liars, we see the excuses coming from a mile away. There is some real humor just got to find it.


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Re: My Intro/Day 2
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 02:52:00 PM »
Welcome to QUIT Matthew! There are some bad ass Quitters here! Great choice on quitting before you start your family. I dipped for 23 years and am a nicotine addicted degenerate. However I am QUIT for 74 days. Strawberry gum and Pickle Seeds are the trick for me. I don't do the fake shit. But it does work for others.

You gotta grind this bitch out man. One day at a time. Find your group and post roll every day. The guys here are in your face Quit. I love it. A veteran told me in my 2nd day that hope is for pussies....real men Quit! I'll never forget it..

Welcome to the other side of the fence. The grass is green and the food is delicious. Stay Quit brother! KC Bronco
?People want to see the car crash instead of the race. But, when you're the one in the car that's crashing, it's not much fun. I'm enjoying the race.?
? Nikki Sixx, Motley Crue

Offline matthewb51

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  • Interests: Working, Spending time with my beautiful wife, spending time with my family and friends, lifting weights, Cardinals Baseball, Rams Football, Mizzou Football/Basketball, Blues Hockey, and Bucs Football
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My Intro/Day 2
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:07:00 PM »
So this is day 2 of my quit. As I'm sure the majority of you can imagine, it's not a whole hell of a lot of fun. I knew going into this that it would undoubtedly be one of the tougher things that I have done so far. I've been dipping for 10 yrs. now. I recently got married about a year ago and have wanted to quit for much longer than that. Last Friday night I was sitting down stairs watching TV with my wife when I decided that it was time to be done with this shit. The idea of letting something so horrible for you control you baffles me. Couple that with the fact that we are trying to have a child, and the mere thought of not being around to raise my children scares the shit out of me. First and foremost, my quit is for me, but secondly it is for those loved ones who I most certainly want to be around for as long as I can. I am currently chewing gum non stop and it seems to help. I have not purchased a can since last Friday morning and don't plan on doing so. I am literally like a kid at Christmas waiting to get my JakesMint Chew in the mail. Knowing that I can come here and read about others that are going through the same thing gives me hope that I can keep up my quit. I plan to take one day at a time and help whoever I can, as I know that same help will be here for me. Thank you all in advance!
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.