Author Topic: Late to the show  (Read 1067 times)

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Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2014, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: schaef418
Quote from: Hubie337
Quote from: Harlan
My journey to freedom started on August 1st 2014, when I decided enough is enough. Been dipping since the early 80's. There was no plan or organizing this journey. Just decided to do something for me and stop.

The best decision during the first few days was looking online and beginning to read the posts on the killthecan forum. Reading the stories of all the folks on this forum has helped me get to this point. Through all the cravings and long long nights this group has helped me get through the hell!

I have been dipping 2 cans a day for the last 15 years. Sometimes 3 cans a day on days the Big Blue has a game at Rupp! Can't believe all the money being saved.

Thanks for all the support so far! This group has helped me through the uncontrollable urges. God bless!

Well Harlan, I think your entire post was total and utter BULLSHIT. So after the first few days you began reading the stories here and that helped you get thru hell. Awesome.

Finally, after 50 days quit, you decide to post your FIRST roll. Damn, for a guy like me sitting at 40 at the time, I was a bit jealous. I and most of my brothers had been posting for 30, 40 and 50 days straight but here comes a stud from the "mecca" of Harlan County Kentucky (I have been there) and just throws up a 50 for his first post. Again, awesome.

So, let me ask you a question, what the fuck did you learn during those 50 days ninja reading here at KTC? Obviously, you didn't learn shit about posting roll EVERYDAY. Nope, you managed to post roll twice and miss twice.

So here is the deal and I guess I am asking the rest of my November quit brothers to either agree or not: You can not post roll here. I simply don't buy into your 50 day quit story. In fact, I really don't think ANYONE should be able to post a day 7 or 15 as their first day to be honest. I think your first time posting roll should be DAY 1 since it is the first time you have sworn to your group that you would stay quit.

If you want to post roll, I suggest you post a day 1 in January. You can tell everyone your story if you want but you are only the 3rd poster to show up with double digit quit days, post roll for 1 or 2 days and bail in the last few weeks. Good bye. will not be welcomed back into November. Just move on.

And yes, I agree that anyone coming in should post day 1 no matter what (although that make me a hypocrit since I posted a day 6) on their first day of posting.
Finally, glad I'm not the only one who thought this intro was weird.
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Offline schaef418

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2014, 10:34:00 AM »
Quote from: Hubie337
Quote from: Harlan
My journey to freedom started on August 1st 2014, when I decided enough is enough. Been dipping since the early 80's. There was no plan or organizing this journey. Just decided to do something for me and stop.

The best decision during the first few days was looking online and beginning to read the posts on the killthecan forum. Reading the stories of all the folks on this forum has helped me get to this point. Through all the cravings and long long nights this group has helped me get through the hell!

I have been dipping 2 cans a day for the last 15 years. Sometimes 3 cans a day on days the Big Blue has a game at Rupp! Can't believe all the money being saved.

Thanks for all the support so far! This group has helped me through the uncontrollable urges. God bless!

Well Harlan, I think your entire post was total and utter BULLSHIT. So after the first few days you began reading the stories here and that helped you get thru hell. Awesome.

Finally, after 50 days quit, you decide to post your FIRST roll. Damn, for a guy like me sitting at 40 at the time, I was a bit jealous. I and most of my brothers had been posting for 30, 40 and 50 days straight but here comes a stud from the "mecca" of Harlan County Kentucky (I have been there) and just throws up a 50 for his first post. Again, awesome.

So, let me ask you a question, what the fuck did you learn during those 50 days ninja reading here at KTC? Obviously, you didn't learn shit about posting roll EVERYDAY. Nope, you managed to post roll twice and miss twice.

So here is the deal and I guess I am asking the rest of my November quit brothers to either agree or not: You can not post roll here. I simply don't buy into your 50 day quit story. In fact, I really don't think ANYONE should be able to post a day 7 or 15 as their first day to be honest. I think your first time posting roll should be DAY 1 since it is the first time you have sworn to your group that you would stay quit.

If you want to post roll, I suggest you post a day 1 in January. You can tell everyone your story if you want but you are only the 3rd poster to show up with double digit quit days, post roll for 1 or 2 days and bail in the last few weeks. Good bye. will not be welcomed back into November. Just move on.

And yes, I agree that anyone coming in should post day 1 no matter what (although that make me a hypocrit since I posted a day 6) on their first day of posting.

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2014, 10:31:00 AM »
Quote from: Harlan
My journey to freedom started on August 1st 2014, when I decided enough is enough. Been dipping since the early 80's. There was no plan or organizing this journey. Just decided to do something for me and stop.

The best decision during the first few days was looking online and beginning to read the posts on the killthecan forum. Reading the stories of all the folks on this forum has helped me get to this point. Through all the cravings and long long nights this group has helped me get through the hell!

I have been dipping 2 cans a day for the last 15 years. Sometimes 3 cans a day on days the Big Blue has a game at Rupp! Can't believe all the money being saved.

Thanks for all the support so far! This group has helped me through the uncontrollable urges. God bless!

Well Harlan, I think your entire post was total and utter BULLSHIT. So after the first few days you began reading the stories here and that helped you get thru hell. Awesome.

Finally, after 50 days quit, you decide to post your FIRST roll. Damn, for a guy like me sitting at 40 at the time, I was a bit jealous. I and most of my brothers had been posting for 30, 40 and 50 days straight but here comes a stud from the "mecca" of Harlan County Kentucky (I have been there) and just throws up a 50 for his first post. Again, awesome.

So, let me ask you a question, what the fuck did you learn during those 50 days ninja reading here at KTC? Obviously, you didn't learn shit about posting roll EVERYDAY. Nope, you managed to post roll twice and miss twice.

So here is the deal and I guess I am asking the rest of my November quit brothers to either agree or not: You can not post roll here. I simply don't buy into your 50 day quit story. In fact, I really don't think ANYONE should be able to post a day 7 or 15 as their first day to be honest. I think your first time posting roll should be DAY 1 since it is the first time you have sworn to your group that you would stay quit.

If you want to post roll, I suggest you post a day 1 in January. You can tell everyone your story if you want but you are only the 3rd poster to show up with double digit quit days, post roll for 1 or 2 days and bail in the last few weeks. Good bye.

Offline schaef418

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2014, 10:14:00 AM »
Guess you're done Harlan? Couldn't hack it for more than 2 days here, but by yourself, you accumulated 50 days quit. Finding that hard to believe. Enjoy your road to caving.

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2014, 12:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Hubie337
Quote from: tarpon17
Oh Harlan!!!

Wherefore art thou Harlan?? Big blue got you by the balls?

Need some info stat to make sure you're still quit.
He has posted twice in November.
Yes, the group he claims helped him so much.........
I take his comment to mean the collective "group" of KTC, not any one quit group. I also wish he would tell you that himself, but he seems to come here "as needed". For further clarity ... as needed = as needed by him. Hope that changes as each roll is posted!!
I agree with your interpretation Smeds. I don't think Harlan has drank the KTC koolaid yet, but I hold hope. He has apparently accessed some of the resources here and found them helpful. If he keeps digging, he may find out how important 100% roll posting and involvement on the site is. Nevertheless, there are obviously many successful quitters who have done it without KTC. I have heard that there are more ex smokers than active smokers. This means that many have successfully tamed the nic bitch, with or without KTC.

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2014, 06:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Hubie337
Quote from: tarpon17
Oh Harlan!!!

Wherefore art thou Harlan?? Big blue got you by the balls?

Need some info stat to make sure you're still quit.
He has posted twice in November.
Yes, the group he claims helped him so much.........
I take his comment to mean the collective "group" of KTC, not any one quit group. I also wish he would tell you that himself, but he seems to come here "as needed". For further clarity ... as needed = as needed by him. Hope that changes as each roll is posted!!
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Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2014, 03:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Hubie337
Quote from: tarpon17
Oh Harlan!!!

Wherefore art thou Harlan?? Big blue got you by the balls?

Need some info stat to make sure you're still quit.
He has posted twice in November.
Yes, the group he claims helped him so much.........
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Hubie337

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2014, 03:25:00 PM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Oh Harlan!!!

Wherefore art thou Harlan?? Big blue got you by the balls?

Need some info stat to make sure you're still quit.
He has posted twice in November.

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2014, 02:05:00 PM »
Oh Harlan!!!

Wherefore art thou Harlan?? Big blue got you by the balls?

Need some info stat to make sure you're still quit.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2014, 11:22:00 AM »
My point is what group is he claiming helped him if he just joined 3 days ago after 50 days of quit?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2014, 11:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: Harlan
My journey to freedom started on August 1st 2014, when I decided enough is enough. Been dipping since the early 80's. There was no plan or organizing this journey. Just decided to do something for me and stop.

The best decision during the first few days was looking online and beginning to read the posts on the killthecan forum. Reading the stories of all the folks on this forum has helped me get to this point. Through all the cravings and long long nights this group has helped me get through the hell!

I have been dipping 2 cans a day for the last 15 years. Sometimes 3 cans a day on days the Big Blue has a game at Rupp! Can't believe all the money being saved.

Thanks for all the support so far! This group has helped me through the uncontrollable urges. God bless!

Nice bro ... now's the time to start thinking about paying it back a little. KTC was there for you during these first 50, but mostly as a read resource (until yesterday). I think you'll have a lot to offer to others fighting for their lives. Post roll, and get engaged. KTC needs you, struggling quitters need you ... and trust me, you'll need them. Welcome brother ... saddle up!
Smeds covered it. It is probably time to start giving back to KTC, huh? I'm not talking about money. You probably got a lot of support from KTC. And what did it cost you? Nada...not one thin dime. And, if you're more of a "taker" by nature ( ;) ), giving just a few minutes of your time is one of the best tools to staying quit. And staying quit is really the most important part of your quit.

I recall my first days here. A few folks set me straight within minutes of my first post. I couldn't believe it. I needed that. Newbs need that. It builds accountability.

It just takes a second to log on, post roll, give a few "at-a-boy's" and "stay quits." And, based on my personal experience, it means the world to a new quitter. It let me know I was part of something bigger than me. And it let me believe that I could do this...which has made all the difference in controlling addiction.

So, what do you say? Pay it forward...just a little?

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2014, 07:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Harlan
My journey to freedom started on August 1st 2014, when I decided enough is enough. Been dipping since the early 80's. There was no plan or organizing this journey. Just decided to do something for me and stop.

The best decision during the first few days was looking online and beginning to read the posts on the killthecan forum. Reading the stories of all the folks on this forum has helped me get to this point. Through all the cravings and long long nights this group has helped me get through the hell!

I have been dipping 2 cans a day for the last 15 years. Sometimes 3 cans a day on days the Big Blue has a game at Rupp! Can't believe all the money being saved.

Thanks for all the support so far! This group has helped me through the uncontrollable urges. God bless!

Nice bro ... now's the time to start thinking about paying it back a little. KTC was there for you during these first 50, but mostly as a read resource (until yesterday). I think you'll have a lot to offer to others fighting for their lives. Post roll, and get engaged. KTC needs you, struggling quitters need you ... and trust me, you'll need them. Welcome brother ... saddle up!
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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2014, 09:23:00 PM »
Welcome HCB! Impressive day count for a first time poster. I agree with schaef though. Post roll and make that promise to yourself and the rest of us to not use nic. It's a powerful tool when used properly.

Quit with you today!
Quit date 08/22/14
HOF 11/29/14


Offline schaef418

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2014, 11:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Harlan
My journey to freedom started on August 1st 2014, when I decided enough is enough. Been dipping since the early 80's. There was no plan or organizing this journey. Just decided to do something for me and stop.

The best decision during the first few days was looking online and beginning to read the posts on the killthecan forum. Reading the stories of all the folks on this forum has helped me get to this point. Through all the cravings and long long nights this group has helped me get through the hell!

I have been dipping 2 cans a day for the last 15 years. Sometimes 3 cans a day on days the Big Blue has a game at Rupp! Can't believe all the money being saved.

Thanks for all the support so far! This group has helped me through the uncontrollable urges. God bless!

Good decision to quit. Welcome to November.

One question, why didn't you join in August and post roll? Commit to this and it will help. Post roll every day first thing, meet other quitters, keeping reading here, enforce your quit, and post roll every day first thing.

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Re: Late to the show
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2014, 10:26:00 AM »
Welcome Harlan County Boy! You have come to the right place to quit. Read the welcome center and post roll everyday. Quitting is hell, but you can do it, just like the rest of us. BTW, 33 year chewer here and I've been quit for 216 days! Never again for any reason!
