Do whatever it takes to keep your mind and body busy. Pay for your gas outside. Avoid all the places where you bought dip for a while. Drink water, and exercise.
But honestly, you're going to suffer for a while, because your body is screaming for its fix. Quitting sucks, especially the first three days. Embrace the suck, because it's part of the quit. Once you make it through the initial suck, commit to never going through it again.
Posting roll is the backbone of this site. It's our solemn promise to ourselves, our quit group, and the entire KTC community to not use nicotine in any form for the entire day. We make that promise every day.
You can find instructions for posting roll
here. Your quit group is
here. Get to know the guys and gals in your quit group. They are your life line.
Read as much as you can in the forums, and the main KTC site. The more knowledge you have, the more likely you are to be successful.
The methods here work if you trust them, and jump in with both feet.