Author Topic: Looks like it's time.  (Read 1060 times)

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Re: Looks like it's time.
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2013, 11:38:00 AM »
Listen to what all these guys are saying.

1. You've got to quite for YOU...nobody else. That's the way addictions work.

2. You've got to quit cold turkey. As you've seen, "tapering" or "cutting back" does not work. It's too easy to throw another dip in..."just this once".

3. Cold turkey will suck...a lot. Once you accept the fact that your life is going to suck for a while before it gets better, it's easier.

4. Quit, drink water, stay away from coffee and beer, eat healthy, and exercise HARD. Exercising hard will make you not crave for a while, help to rid your system of the nicotine poison, and it will help you sleep at night.

5. Post a lot on this site. Get phone numbers of guys in your Quit group. Text and call between each other. Talk a lot back and forth.

6. Quit it. We will support you and help you along the way.

Offline Radman

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Re: Looks like it's time.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2013, 10:50:00 AM »

1. Quit NOW. Tapering or weening is just prolonging the suffering. The quickest way to end the agony is to let your body flush the poison. The best and fastest way to do that is quit completely, excercise frequently and drink lots of water.

2. Help your wife to understand that you are an addict. She has no idea what you are dealing with. Let her read the spouse section and that may help. Right now, she thinks you're just an ass. Understanding is the key.

Reach out if you need anything.

Offline EFNKodiak

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Re: Looks like it's time.
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2013, 10:43:00 AM »
B2L, Stay on this site and read as much as you can. The best place to start - Quit right now. Throw out the snus or anything else containing nicotine and just quit. Like KKLJINC said - the e-cigs are faggy and the patches are.... Let's just say don't waste your money on this crap because it all has nicotine. One important aspect of this site is quitting cold turkey. It works and has gotten me to day 27.

If you haven't used nicotine today even better. Go and post role with the July quit group and make a promise to stay quit for the rest of the day. At the top of the page click on the salmon colored welcome center thingy. It has all the information you need to get started.

I lied to everyone around me about dipping and it even f'ed up my relationship with my wife. All of this because of an addition to nicotine. Why do we do this to ourselves? I don't know, but it is retarded and costs a ton of money. Toss the snus and quit now. Post roll, quit today and repeat tomorrow. I'm quitting with you today.

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Looks like it's time.
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2013, 10:43:00 AM »
Quote from: B2L
I have been chewing for 6 years and it's time for me to quit. It's ruining my relationship with my wife and my health is suffering because of it. I have tried to quit several times in the past and ended up giving in, but this time I'm doing it for good.
I just need to figure out the best place to start. The second time I attempted to quit, I stopped using normal dip and switched over to using snus. To say the least, that didn't fix anything and now I'm using 2 cans of snus everyday. It's costing me a ridiculous amount of money and I've lost several teeth because of it.

Since I'm using so much, should I ween myself off of it? I tried using an electronic cigarette to help me cut back, but it just doesn't satisfy the same cravings.

I'm starting to resent my wife because she just won't get off my back about it. She's not very supportive of me and just assumes that I'm lying about wanting to quit. Which is understandable, since I had lied to her about chewing from embarrassment since we've been together. I lied to her for a year, we had been together, but I didn't tell her and hid from her that I was chewing. After she found out, I said I would quit, which I did for about two weeks and then continued to lie to her. She has told me several times that she wouldn't even be with me if she knew from the start. There are some major trust issues and I know it's my own fault, but I really do want to quit.

Any suggestions?
Many suggestions... decide to be quit for you, get rid of all the bs nicotine products and excuses, read all this stuff, then place your promise here, choose to honor that pledge every minute of every day. Get to know the folks in your group and exchange numbers. When the waters get rough throw a rope and someone will catch it and pull you back in. Get to know the great people that have charted the course before you. Help someone else if you can.

Those are my only suggestions, welcome!

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Looks like it's time.
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2013, 10:28:00 AM »
Quote from: B2L
I have been chewing for 6 years and it's time for me to quit. It's ruining my relationship with my wife and my health is suffering because of it. I have tried to quit several times in the past and ended up giving in, but this time I'm doing it for good.
I just need to figure out the best place to start. The second time I attempted to quit, I stopped using normal dip and switched over to using snus. To say the least, that didn't fix anything and now I'm using 2 cans of snus everyday. It's costing me a ridiculous amount of money and I've lost several teeth because of it.

Since I'm using so much, should I ween myself off of it? I tried using an electronic cigarette to help me cut back, but it just doesn't satisfy the same cravings.

I'm starting to resent my wife because she just won't get off my back about it. She's not very supportive of me and just assumes that I'm lying about wanting to quit. Which is understandable, since I had lied to her about chewing from embarrassment since we've been together. I lied to her for a year, we had been together, but I didn't tell her and hid from her that I was chewing. After she found out, I said I would quit, which I did for about two weeks and then continued to lie to her. She has told me several times that she wouldn't even be with me if she knew from the start. There are some major trust issues and I know it's my own fault, but I really do want to quit.

Any suggestions?
Welcome B2L, few things we need to go over here, first, you have to quit for your desire not your wives or anyone else. You have to want it. Next, we dont do patches, or those faggy e-cigs, we grab our balls and quit cold turkey.

Weaning does not work, what does work is just manning up and doing it. We are about accountability, here, find your quit group and post roll every day! Get numbers and find support people for you. Dont let the group down. Post roll stay quit for 24 hours and then quit again.

Your in for a few tough days, but get through and quit with us. Hit the Welcome Center Salmon colored link at the top of the page. Read up post roll and join us. Hope you decide to quit with us. I quit today, so can you.

Offline B2L

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Looks like it's time.
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:22:00 AM »
I have been chewing for 6 years and it's time for me to quit. It's ruining my relationship with my wife and my health is suffering because of it. I have tried to quit several times in the past and ended up giving in, but this time I'm doing it for good.
I just need to figure out the best place to start. The second time I attempted to quit, I stopped using normal dip and switched over to using snus. To say the least, that didn't fix anything and now I'm using 2 cans of snus everyday. It's costing me a ridiculous amount of money and I've lost several teeth because of it.

Since I'm using so much, should I ween myself off of it? I tried using an electronic cigarette to help me cut back, but it just doesn't satisfy the same cravings.

I'm starting to resent my wife because she just won't get off my back about it. She's not very supportive of me and just assumes that I'm lying about wanting to quit. Which is understandable, since I had lied to her about chewing from embarrassment since we've been together. I lied to her for a year, we had been together, but I didn't tell her and hid from her that I was chewing. After she found out, I said I would quit, which I did for about two weeks and then continued to lie to her. She has told me several times that she wouldn't even be with me if she knew from the start. There are some major trust issues and I know it's my own fault, but I really do want to quit.

Any suggestions?