Author Topic: Jac's Intro  (Read 1013 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Jac's Intro
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 07:25:00 PM »
Bring the quit 1 day at a time and you shall win! Shoot me a PM should you ever desire help. You can count on me.

Offline seagems

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Re: Jac's Intro
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 05:46:00 PM »
Jac, I was you just a short time ago. You should read my introduction. Wife, kids, shame, the thought of another guy sleeping with my wife and raising my four daughters simply because I chose kodiak. What a joke. Right before I turned 40 I decided it was time to quit after 20 years of chewing. I didn't think I could do any of the day to day stuff without chew. I sucked it up for the sake of my long term health and took it one day at a time. Lots of water, bubble gum and exercise. I posted roll every day. It didn't take long and I stopped thinking about chew or wanting it at all. Now I am on day 209 and I can look myself in the mirror without shame. I don't spend any time during the day thinking about another guy taking my place in my house with my wife and four girls. I am free from the pull of nicotine. It is great, and it will be yours. You can do this. It won't be easy at first, but take it a day at a time and in no time you will be writing a message like mine to some new guy trying to quit chew. Stay strong Jac, you will beat the addiction.

Offline nomorepoison

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Re: Jac's Intro
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2012, 04:36:00 PM »
Yeah Jac---you got this. Bean's right on the money by the way--a lot of very insightful people have contributed to this site. Just reading what people like me had to say has literally kept me from walking to the gas station about 300 yards from my house to buy a can of cancer.... You realize that lots of people have problems with chew.... i totally relate to your intro (I've got a new baby and wife). Point is: hang in there. I think KTC works. It is definitely helping me, and I've failed to quit lots and lots of times...because I was being weak and lazy.

Try to remember how awesome life was when you weren't jonesing 24-7..when every single decision you made was not influenced by nicotine and the desire to get more! Hang in there. NoMorePoison.

Offline Bean

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Re: Jac's Intro
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2012, 11:07:00 AM »
Great choice, Jac. Remember, quitting is done one day at a time. Post roll, keep your word all day, then repeat. Click on the "Welcome Center" link at the top if you haven't already. Read everything, posting roll, etc. PM me if you have any questions. A moderator will probably be in contact with you shortly. Check your "inbox" (upper left corner).

Also, quitting forever is really don't think about it. Don't even think about tomorrow, next week, next year. We'll worry about them when they get here. Just focus on today...this five minutes. After you post roll and give your word, fight with everything you've got to make it through today. And repeat.

Before discovering this site, I "tried" to quit a bunch of times. Always failed. The ONLY thing I have done differently this time is to use this site. Read everything you can. There is a ton of wisdom. The better you understand addiction, the better you will be able to fight it.

And, embrace the suck!!! That is the feeling of your body recovering. You GET to go through is a privilege that you earn one day at a time. Stay strong, stay quit and live free.

Offline Jac

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Jac's Intro
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:53:00 AM »
I am 34 years old and started dipping over a decade ago. OVER A DECADE AGO.

In twelve years, I have gone a total of 14 days without a dip in my mouth - a week-long cruise for my honeymoon where it was simply unavailable for purchase, and a week-long break to scam a life insurance health exam by passing their nicotine test.

Ever since this past Thanksgiving, I cannot get the fear of a slow and painful death from cancer out of my head. Every single dip I put in my mouth is accompanied by shame, sadness, and frustration.

Three nights ago, for the first time ever, I looked at my wife and thought of her with someone else. I envisioned her burying me, grieving for a few years, then marrying another man because I chose dip/death over the rest of my life with her. I looked at my boys (5 and 7) and thought of another man finishing what I started in raising them.

Its Day 2 and a lifetime to go. Hopefully, a good long lifetime. I will not dip today, I will deal with tomorrow's cravings tomorrow.
The guy's a fuckin' asshole. Anybody who talks to that asshole is a fuckin' asshole.