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Re: It's Time
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2018, 11:07:00 PM »
Stop focusing on your quit and start focusing on your freedom from nicotine. It makes the difference. You are now free of nicotine. Why would you want to become a slave again?
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline nb24

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2018, 11:10:00 AM »
Day 26.

I thought I was going to do better in keeping up with my progress but the best laid plans and all that...

The past two weeks have been ok, not great, but tolerable with thankfully few exceptions. The desire is still a constant but it has diminished for the most part into a bothersome annoyance, fluttering at the edge of attention and only occasionally roaring into a full on WTF I need a CAN crave! Those craves are beginning to pass quicker thanks to copious amounts of water and a quick flip through the postings of my quit brothers on our GroupMe. I really cannot stress just how much of a difference that resources makes.

I think I may be entering a new danger zone. Yesterday afternoon I caught myself rationalizing getting a can, but pouches this time instead of long cut. The idea was since I've gone a whopping three weeks with no nic, and a single pouch has a lower nic dose than what I used to pack into my lip with the long cut, that I can splurge every once in a while. So long as the splurges aren't to close together of course.... It passed and I didn't cave, but it was a new rationalization based on the length of my quit rather than a raw urge. Just one other thing to be on the look out for; isn't nicotine fun!

Anyone reading this that hasn't taken the first step, do it! Post roll and get to quitting.

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2018, 04:00:00 PM »
Quote from: nb24
Day 9.

Hell yes, I made it through my second weekend of quit. Short of a seriously bad crave on Saturday it wasn't nearly as bad as my first weekend; I'm sleeping great, and the moodiness is going more often than coming. I tried to tell myself that I wasn't going to need any quit aids, but that crazy crave on Saturday changed my tune. Off to Wal-Mart I flew to pickup a can of Smokey Mountain. I can't say that I'm overly thrilled with it but I can't deny that it saved me from getting a real can. Maybe this week I'll try to hunt done some of the other varieties that folks on the boards have mentioned.

Nice work, and great update bro!

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2018, 11:01:00 AM »
Day 9.

Hell yes, I made it through my second weekend of quit. Short of a seriously bad crave on Saturday it wasn't nearly as bad as my first weekend; I'm sleeping great, and the moodiness is going more often than coming. I tried to tell myself that I wasn't going to need any quit aids, but that crazy crave on Saturday changed my tune. Off to Wal-Mart I flew to pickup a can of Smokey Mountain. I can't say that I'm overly thrilled with it but I can't deny that it saved me from getting a real can. Maybe this week I'll try to hunt done some of the other varieties that folks on the boards have mentioned.

Offline VegasGoldenKnights

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2018, 11:36:00 PM »
Quote from: nb24
Day 5.

The past couple of days have been pretty rough, if I'm being completely honest with myself. I started this quit knowing that it was going to be a hard road but the pay off would blow away any problems along the way. What has been really surprising over the past 5 days is how often I've tried to convince myself that sneaking one in little pinch wouldn't hurt, just a little to get over the hump, it'll be alright. I have not given in, nor to I believe I will, but today it has been all consuming. I've taken to wandering the hallways at work just to keep myself occupied. If I sit at my desk for to long of a stretch thoughts of that missing can run rampant through my mind. Which then pisses me off because I'm daydreaming about a can full of cancer dirt, fuck this shit is nuts!

It's crazy but today I think today has been the worst day so far. Maybe a trip to the store to get a bag of seeds or sugar free candy will work. Hell, at this point I'm ready to try anything to settle this raging, gnawing, hole in my gut.

I did pull out the old calculator, worktowin. I'm sitting at around $44k over the last 24 years, at $5 a day. That's more than I paid for my damn Jeep!

One day at a time.
Are you not loving this freedom or what?!?!?!

Not having some disgusting garbage coming out of your mouth looking for a spit cup, you canÂ’t find one so you use your kids milk bottle?!?!?

I did that! Can you fucking believe that?!?! I had an old milk bottle in the car, had blue and green fungus in it, I dumped it out and spit in it. Middle of a Vegas summer, sitting there spit, spit, spitting nasty, disgusting trash into a disgusting milk bottle that was left in my truck...from my kids.

What kind of maniac does that? IÂ’ll tell you what kind, the kind that is a slave to dip, thatÂ’s what kind. A slave that PAYS his owner!!! Dip was outmr owner, we were her bit h and then we PAID HER!

Offline nb24

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2018, 04:07:00 PM »
Day 5.

The past couple of days have been pretty rough, if I'm being completely honest with myself. I started this quit knowing that it was going to be a hard road but the pay off would blow away any problems along the way. What has been really surprising over the past 5 days is how often I've tried to convince myself that sneaking one in little pinch wouldn't hurt, just a little to get over the hump, it'll be alright. I have not given in, nor to I believe I will, but today it has been all consuming. I've taken to wandering the hallways at work just to keep myself occupied. If I sit at my desk for to long of a stretch thoughts of that missing can run rampant through my mind. Which then pisses me off because I'm daydreaming about a can full of cancer dirt, fuck this shit is nuts!

It's crazy but today I think today has been the worst day so far. Maybe a trip to the store to get a bag of seeds or sugar free candy will work. Hell, at this point I'm ready to try anything to settle this raging, gnawing, hole in my gut.

I did pull out the old calculator, worktowin. I'm sitting at around $44k over the last 24 years, at $5 a day. That's more than I paid for my damn Jeep!

One day at a time.

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2018, 04:15:00 PM »
Brother, every hour IS a victory.

Here's a project while you sit at your desk... get out a calculator, not your iPhone or the computer, a real honest to God calculator. Then punch this in... 24 X 365 X 4. That's $35,040, and that is how much I bet, in todays AFTER TAX dollars, you've shoved in big tobacco's fat ass wallet in addition to your lip.

I'm close to the same number bro. Pisses me off to even look at that number. But, today, you are winning. You posted roll, and today is in the books. FU BIG TOBACCO!

If I can help, let me know. This seems impossible, but I promise you it gets a whole lot better. Like, better to a degree that I cannot even describe. You are really going to like the new you.


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Re: It's Time
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2018, 02:28:00 PM »
oh yeah. I would always be at parties and couldn't wait to get home so I could dip. or anytime in public. or hanging around my gf who hated it. can't believe how much control it had over my life. We will be so much better off without it having such an impact on our lives

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2018, 11:43:00 AM »
I used to be very nervous. When I dipped as yourself and many others, I used to couldn't wait to get a dip to "Calm my nerves" so to speak. Before speaking, before fishing, before playing golf, while mowing and the list goes on and on. When I began my quit I wasn't sure how I would live without it. If I even could.

Fast forward to today, day 1,026. I have found that I'm less nervous today. It's amazing how that round can or bag, whatever a person chose to use, could run and ruin a persons life. It's amazing how looking back now, and being able to laugh that it was able to control us.

Your freedom is one second, minute, hour, day at a time from here until you reach days 50, 100, 500 etc. Hit that quit group and make yourself brothers and sisters. You will not be dissatisfied. I was a 25ish year user myself. Was able to start around 12-13 years old.

Jenny and Tom Kern

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Offline nb24

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2018, 11:22:00 AM »
Quote from: VegasGoldenKnights
Quote from: nb24
Quote from: VegasGoldenKnights
ThatÂ’s it, be MAD, be ANGRY, and use that. DonÂ’t get all caught up in the cravings and things you used to do with dip....everybody has to do that. LetÂ’s do this brother!!! Think of how disgusting we look with mud pouring out of our mouths! How dumb did we look? Dumb!!!

I’m not doing the grinds, or all of those other “tricks” everyone does, but I will say that I’ve started to eat spices like crushed red peppers and black peppercorn, straight out of the bottle, and that has curbed my cravings.

Also IÂ’m smoking weed. Yep, you heard me, I am, seems to help, or makes my mouth so darn dry that I wouldnÂ’t even think of having a dip.

Hang in there bud!
Yeah, man. The whole thing was stupid looking back on it now. I guess we all glamorized it in our own way to pretend it's something other than poison.

I'd try some weed if I could, but it's not worth getting arrested where I live in order give it a go. Besides, I think I like the idea of dealing with this without substituting one vice for another. Either way in the end we both will get over this hump and be done with this garbage forever.
We did trick ourselves, we all owed ours lives to be tricked too. ItÂ’s so gross man, I wish I could have had someone make a video or take pictures of me throughout the day showing how stupid I looked with that shit hanging out of my mouth. How did mb I looked spitting into a bottle, can you imagine, we would spit all over the place? ItÂ’s just gross!
It had to have been ridiculous, I agree. I was having a conversation earlier this morning with several co-workers, that still chew, and I really noticed the constant spitting. Seriously man, it was every 30 seconds or so these two guys are reaching for a bottle to have a spit. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't itching to get a pinch off one of them, but really seeing how gross it was to be around these two dippers was a realization for me. Talk, spit, talk, spit, the whole fucking time we were standing together, nah man, I'm good.

Today, that will be what gets me through.

Offline VegasGoldenKnights

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2018, 09:56:00 AM »
Quote from: nb24
Quote from: VegasGoldenKnights
ThatÂ’s it, be MAD, be ANGRY, and use that. DonÂ’t get all caught up in the cravings and things you used to do with dip....everybody has to do that. LetÂ’s do this brother!!! Think of how disgusting we look with mud pouring out of our mouths! How dumb did we look? Dumb!!!

I’m not doing the grinds, or all of those other “tricks” everyone does, but I will say that I’ve started to eat spices like crushed red peppers and black peppercorn, straight out of the bottle, and that has curbed my cravings.

Also IÂ’m smoking weed. Yep, you heard me, I am, seems to help, or makes my mouth so darn dry that I wouldnÂ’t even think of having a dip.

Hang in there bud!
Yeah, man. The whole thing was stupid looking back on it now. I guess we all glamorized it in our own way to pretend it's something other than poison.

I'd try some weed if I could, but it's not worth getting arrested where I live in order give it a go. Besides, I think I like the idea of dealing with this without substituting one vice for another. Either way in the end we both will get over this hump and be done with this garbage forever.
We did trick ourselves, we all owed ours lives to be tricked too. ItÂ’s so gross man, I wish I could have had someone make a video or take pictures of me throughout the day showing how stupid I looked with that shit hanging out of my mouth. How did mb I looked spitting into a bottle, can you imagine, we would spit all over the place? ItÂ’s just gross!

Offline nb24

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2018, 09:41:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
One day at a time. Own your quit today, you can do it. Wake up tomorrow, repeat. Slow down and enjoy life, with an intact jaw and mouth. Congrats on quitting, itÂ’s the best thing you can do for yourself.
Thanks for the support. It's going to be challenge, no doubt about that. But taking it one hour, one day at a time, will get me through.

Offline nb24

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2018, 09:31:00 AM »
Quote from: VegasGoldenKnights
ThatÂ’s it, be MAD, be ANGRY, and use that. DonÂ’t get all caught up in the cravings and things you used to do with dip....everybody has to do that. LetÂ’s do this brother!!! Think of how disgusting we look with mud pouring out of our mouths! How dumb did we look? Dumb!!!

I’m not doing the grinds, or all of those other “tricks” everyone does, but I will say that I’ve started to eat spices like crushed red peppers and black peppercorn, straight out of the bottle, and that has curbed my cravings.

Also IÂ’m smoking weed. Yep, you heard me, I am, seems to help, or makes my mouth so darn dry that I wouldnÂ’t even think of having a dip.

Hang in there bud!
Yeah, man. The whole thing was stupid looking back on it now. I guess we all glamorized it in our own way to pretend it's something other than poison.

I'd try some weed if I could, but it's not worth getting arrested where I live in order give it a go. Besides, I think I like the idea of dealing with this without substituting one vice for another. Either way in the end we both will get over this hump and be done with this garbage forever.

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2018, 08:52:00 PM »
One day at a time. Own your quit today, you can do it. Wake up tomorrow, repeat. Slow down and enjoy life, with an intact jaw and mouth. Congrats on quitting, itÂ’s the best thing you can do for yourself.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline VegasGoldenKnights

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Re: It's Time
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2018, 06:36:00 PM »
ThatÂ’s it, be MAD, be ANGRY, and use that. DonÂ’t get all caught up in the cravings and things you used to do with dip....everybody has to do that. LetÂ’s do this brother!!! Think of how disgusting we look with mud pouring out of our mouths! How dumb did we look? Dumb!!!

I’m not doing the grinds, or all of those other “tricks” everyone does, but I will say that I’ve started to eat spices like crushed red peppers and black peppercorn, straight out of the bottle, and that has curbed my cravings.

Also IÂ’m smoking weed. Yep, you heard me, I am, seems to help, or makes my mouth so darn dry that I wouldnÂ’t even think of having a dip.

Hang in there bud!