Author Topic: New and committed to quitting!  (Read 1391 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2009, 11:33:00 AM »
Popped my Zyrtec this morning because I had been trying to cut back from daily but figured might has well keep that standard for now until I've adjusted from the Nic. If you don't already take something like that for allergies, might try to see if that addresses.

Either way, keep with it and I know the pain of trying to prove this time is different.

Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2009, 11:22:00 AM »
Feel like crap. Cant tell if its allergies or a damn cold. Couldnt sleep last night. Woke up with sore throught and head feeling like it was going to explode. My damn wife was laughing at me since everytime I have tried to quit before I get sick. Then I useally say F this I always felt better with my habits. So I just smiled and said not this time babe. I will deal with this and move on through this day and the next. Great support system. But i guess when you say I am quitting for the 1000th time you have a little extra proving to do.

Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2009, 10:48:00 AM »
Day 9 and feeling the best I have felt in a long time. Lots of energy today and finally had a good night sleep. Actually up early for a change and was able to enjoy the morning coffee with out feeling miserable! Hopefully the days continue to get better!

Not going to let my guard down though I know the demons are always out there to get me. But for this very moment - I am going to enjoy how freakin great I feel!



Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2009, 04:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Snoopy
And now that you kindly checked in on me, how about yourself? Survive the weekend?
Yes sir... Got thru the weekend. Sunday was tough pretty much rained all damn day so I was very bored had to fight the beast alot but managed to not surrender.

Never thought I be sitting at day 8 but here I am!

Offline Snoopy

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2009, 10:48:00 AM »
And now that you kindly checked in on me, how about yourself? Survive the weekend?

Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2009, 09:42:00 AM »
Into day seven everything seems to be getting better. Still have conversations in the head but seem to fade away. Physical symptoms seem to be slowing and that is freakin great. In less than two weeks I have my first real challenge Bristol Night Race road trip and that is what keeps entering the brain. Almost as if my mind is realizing that it is hopeless to fight me now. So I am getting a plan in order to tackle that test. But I have learned battle today not 14 days from now.

It will work out I am determine!

Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2009, 09:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Snoopy
Hang in there Wayne. Venting is free and I'm expecting I'll be doing my share as well. (Already texted my wife telling her wrong day to quit because I just spent the past 2 hours in the warehouse working on a production issue for a system I've never seen before, yet my teams responsbility.)

Stick to it this weekend, I'll be in the same boat.

Jack (aka Snoopy)
I have finally come to realize that there is always a wrong day to quit. And one day that excuse we keep telling ourselves will be too late. So it is the right time to quit no matter what happens. F it we will do this. It is so damn important for me to post up on Monday to accomplish a small goal of a weekend.

So best of luck this weekend and stay busy! I am about tired of seed but its keeping me busy in the boring times.


Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2009, 09:23:00 PM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Welcome back. I thought I remembered you, did a couple clicks worth of research, did a little reading, you were originally in May 08.

I do believe we have 7 regular posters and a few straglers from the original many. We just surpassed a half a comma, 500 plus days quit. You could be one of us. You still can be. What are you going to do to make that happen?

I suggest you go back to May 08, do some reading. Give yourself more reasons never let a day 1 (or 5) happen again. People here will bend over backwards to keep you quit......if you let them.

Day 1's are over for you my friend, make it stick.

Yup its me...Mule has checked in on me every once in a while so I knew where to go when the time was right. I said all the reasons to quit before but I think at that time my wife was on my shit to quit. Now this is my decision and very important to me. So i stopped three days in told her what I accomplished. Like I said earlier I suppose that time of my life just wasnt my time to quit. No excuses now doing this for me and no one else. Of course my kids, wife will benefit from it also.

Today has really sucked I have had that devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other. The devil gets his ass kicked and keeps coming back. I will get threw it and post tommorrow and hope tommorrow gets a little easier.

Thanks for your support!


Offline Snoopy

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2009, 05:21:00 PM »
Hang in there Wayne. Venting is free and I'm expecting I'll be doing my share as well. (Already texted my wife telling her wrong day to quit because I just spent the past 2 hours in the warehouse working on a production issue for a system I've never seen before, yet my teams responsbility.)

Stick to it this weekend, I'll be in the same boat.

Jack (aka Snoopy)

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2009, 04:54:00 PM »
Welcome back. I thought I remembered you, did a couple clicks worth of research, did a little reading, you were originally in May 08.

I do believe we have 7 regular posters and a few straglers from the original many. We just surpassed a half a comma, 500 plus days quit. You could be one of us. You still can be. What are you going to do to make that happen?

I suggest you go back to May 08, do some reading. Give yourself more reasons never let a day 1 (or 5) happen again. People here will bend over backwards to keep you quit......if you let them.

Day 1's are over for you my friend, make it stick.


Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2009, 04:10:00 PM »
I had a very rough past couple of days. Clammy, nervous, sweating, constant feeling of sluggishness. Day five I was hoping would be going better than it is. My symptoms are worse than the famous day three. Entering a weekend, which I can say I have never been clean since I can remember. I feel so damn anxious and just cant freakin concentrate and damn hot flashes like an old lady. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 'bang head' 'bang head' 'bang head' !

I wont give up on my quit I a freakin determined I just needed to type my vent. I cant wait to post on Monday with a first clean weekend. Have a packed weekend with my family and no beer for a while anyhow.


'Finger' Just had to stick a finger to the air cause thats how I feel right now!

Offline daddioof5

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2009, 01:08:00 PM »
Wow I could pretty much just copy Jack's (aka Snoopy) post with the exception of number of children. Nice to see there are fellow ninjas like me out there. Always thinking no one new until your wife busts you and you feel like a 14 yo getting busted jacking off.

As you might know from my home page or whatever its called here I started this site in 08'. But for several reasons starting with turmoil (i perceived anyhow) and then leading to just sporting events, future plans, anything my mind could justify for nicotine. Smokes to quit dipping, dipping to quit smoking and thats how my cycle has been for the past 20 + years.

I was using this site for a while making my posts then caved and left. I guess that time in my life just wasnt my time. Well Im back and waited until my 5th day to ensure I was moving in the right direction and not in it for the short time. Spent last week camping with the family and I stared at my kids while I was hiding and enjoying my nicotine crap and I realized at this pace I would need to one day look my children in the face and tell them daddy is going to die because he chose nicotine over them. EASY DECISION FOR ME AT THAT POINT. Went to the Dr. when I got back and started Chantix. Feeling good so far and I am determined to kill the nicotine bitch forever.

Look forward to quitting with everyone and getting through this crap together. I am a huge UFC fan as well.

Wayne (aka daddioof5 - have five kids duh!)

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Re: New and committed to quitting!
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 09:16:00 PM »
Quote from: daddioof5,Jan
Hello all I am new here but not new to quitting! today is my day (actually as of 11:00 last night) so I am almost 1 day in. Not sure where and what to do here to get in a group the welcome message stated May2008, but it wont let me post. Anyhow will figure that out looking forward to getting and giving support for all of us to get rid of the shit! Ordered some Hooch to assist and not sure what to expect there.

Hello all I am new here but not new to quitting! today is my day (actually as of 11:00 last night) so I am almost 1 day in. Not sure where and what to do here to get in a group the welcome message stated May2008, but it wont let me post. Anyhow will figure that out looking forward to getting and giving support for all of us to get rid of the shit! Ordered some Hooch to assist and not sure what to expect there.


[/QUOTE]Welcome... i have found this site to give me the tools i need to finally beat this habit. After 28 years, i am on day 26 of my quit and it is already getting easier. Hooch helps although i prefer Smokey Mountain. I have spent a lot of time on this site reading and it is motivating to know others are going thru the same shit i am. Also helps to see the veterans and read their advice and let you know what to expect as they have already paved the way. do this now. do not back down and finally whip this

Offline daddioof5

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New and committed to quitting!
« on: January 28, 2008, 08:38:00 PM »
Hello all I am new here but not new to quitting! today is my day (actually as of 11:00 last night) so I am almost 1 day in. Not sure where and what to do here to get in a group the welcome message stated May2008, but it wont let me post. Anyhow will figure that out looking forward to getting and giving support for all of us to get rid of the shit! Ordered some Hooch to assist and not sure what to expect there.
