Author Topic: No MAS GRIZZLY!  (Read 1527 times)

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« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2014, 01:10:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: Zabba
Honestly, i just got to the computer for the first time since last night and only have a few minutes. I'll figure out how to post roll and get it done real quick.

The whole buying a tin thing and not noticing was only partially my fault. Everyone that worked their new my poison and half the time just tossed it in my bag without asking me because i literally always bought at least 1. It was not difficult at all for me to toss it out. Since the mistake of accidentally ending up with a tin i have made sure everyone at the aforementioned grocery store will no longer sell to me.

I truly think I'm too stubborn to start again, in the end of my decade long poisonous career I wasn't even enjoying it. It was just something i did all day every day. I suppose i DO CARE about the days I've been quit I'm just not obsessing over it. After 4,530 days (give or take) of stuffing my face with poison 38 days seems like nothing. I know it is meaningful and I'm proud of myself thus far.

Time to go post roll.
My store guy used to put two on the counter. The number is just a representation of our achievement through that day. Most folks tend to keep track but some just add 1. Totally up to you. Obsession over making and keeping your promise each day will save your life, the rest is arbitrary.
Don't sluff off the methods here. Stick with the program, be dedicated, get in line. It's how it's done and it's how you save your own life. Be a devout KTC quitter if you want to succeed.
It's not a numbers game, zab. In general, the only thing numbers mean is that the further away you get from using nicotine, the less you feel the effects of being a recovering addict. The important thing is to keep putting days between you and nicotine use. "Just one" and your body will revert straight back to nicotine flowing through your veins being your "normal" as opposed to normal being normal.

It's not a male reproductive organ measuring contest.

Thankfully. 'help'
Drink the KTC koolaid and enjoy the sweetness of "being quit" ODAAT.
Bring it.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline G

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« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2014, 09:24:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: Zabba
Honestly, i just got to the computer for the first time since last night and only have a few minutes. I'll figure out how to post roll and get it done real quick.

The whole buying a tin thing and not noticing was only partially my fault. Everyone that worked their new my poison and half the time just tossed it in my bag without asking me because i literally always bought at least 1. It was not difficult at all for me to toss it out. Since the mistake of accidentally ending up with a tin i have made sure everyone at the aforementioned grocery store will no longer sell to me.

I truly think I'm too stubborn to start again, in the end of my decade long poisonous career I wasn't even enjoying it. It was just something i did all day every day. I suppose i DO CARE about the days I've been quit I'm just not obsessing over it. After 4,530 days (give or take) of stuffing my face with poison 38 days seems like nothing. I know it is meaningful and I'm proud of myself thus far.

Time to go post roll.
My store guy used to put two on the counter. The number is just a representation of our achievement through that day. Most folks tend to keep track but some just add 1. Totally up to you. Obsession over making and keeping your promise each day will save your life, the rest is arbitrary.
Don't sluff off the methods here. Stick with the program, be dedicated, get in line. It's how it's done and it's how you save your own life. Be a devout KTC quitter if you want to succeed.
It's not a numbers game, zab. In general, the only thing numbers mean is that the further away you get from using nicotine, the less you feel the effects of being a recovering addict. The important thing is to keep putting days between you and nicotine use. "Just one" and your body will revert straight back to nicotine flowing through your veins being your "normal" as opposed to normal being normal.

It's not a male reproductive organ measuring contest.

Thankfully. 'help'

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: Zabba
Honestly, i just got to the computer for the first time since last night and only have a few minutes. I'll figure out how to post roll and get it done real quick.

The whole buying a tin thing and not noticing was only partially my fault. Everyone that worked their new my poison and half the time just tossed it in my bag without asking me because i literally always bought at least 1. It was not difficult at all for me to toss it out. Since the mistake of accidentally ending up with a tin i have made sure everyone at the aforementioned grocery store will no longer sell to me.

I truly think I'm too stubborn to start again, in the end of my decade long poisonous career I wasn't even enjoying it. It was just something i did all day every day. I suppose i DO CARE about the days I've been quit I'm just not obsessing over it. After 4,530 days (give or take) of stuffing my face with poison 38 days seems like nothing. I know it is meaningful and I'm proud of myself thus far.

Time to go post roll.
My store guy used to put two on the counter. The number is just a representation of our achievement through that day. Most folks tend to keep track but some just add 1. Totally up to you. Obsession over making and keeping your promise each day will save your life, the rest is arbitrary.
Don't sluff off the methods here. Stick with the program, be dedicated, get in line. It's how it's done and it's how you save your own life. Be a devout KTC quitter if you want to succeed.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2014, 07:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Zabba
Honestly, i just got to the computer for the first time since last night and only have a few minutes. I'll figure out how to post roll and get it done real quick.

The whole buying a tin thing and not noticing was only partially my fault. Everyone that worked their new my poison and half the time just tossed it in my bag without asking me because i literally always bought at least 1. It was not difficult at all for me to toss it out. Since the mistake of accidentally ending up with a tin i have made sure everyone at the aforementioned grocery store will no longer sell to me.

I truly think I'm too stubborn to start again, in the end of my decade long poisonous career I wasn't even enjoying it. It was just something i did all day every day. I suppose i DO CARE about the days I've been quit I'm just not obsessing over it. After 4,530 days (give or take) of stuffing my face with poison 38 days seems like nothing. I know it is meaningful and I'm proud of myself thus far.

Time to go post roll.
My store guy used to put two on the counter. The number is just a representation of our achievement through that day. Most folks tend to keep track but some just add 1. Totally up to you. Obsession over making and keeping your promise each day will save your life, the rest is arbitrary.

Offline Zabba

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« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2014, 05:16:00 PM »
Honestly, i just got to the computer for the first time since last night and only have a few minutes. I'll figure out how to post roll and get it done real quick.

The whole buying a tin thing and not noticing was only partially my fault. Everyone that worked their new my poison and half the time just tossed it in my bag without asking me because i literally always bought at least 1. It was not difficult at all for me to toss it out. Since the mistake of accidentally ending up with a tin i have made sure everyone at the aforementioned grocery store will no longer sell to me.

I truly think I'm too stubborn to start again, in the end of my decade long poisonous career I wasn't even enjoying it. It was just something i did all day every day. I suppose i DO CARE about the days I've been quit I'm just not obsessing over it. After 4,530 days (give or take) of stuffing my face with poison 38 days seems like nothing. I know it is meaningful and I'm proud of myself thus far.

Time to go post roll.

Offline B-loMatt

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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2014, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: Zabba
About 2 months ago i decided to stop drinking so much Soda. I'm in good shape but one of my two vices was Soda. I drank mountain dew like it was the best thing i could ever drink. The other vice was my ninja dipping. They came hand in hand, dew and dip. I've dipped primarily grizzly products with wintergreen long cut being a particular favorite. As soon as i stopped drinking soda, my other terrible habit didn't seem as appealing.

It all started about 12 years ago when i was 18. At first it was few and far between. For the first few years it was about a can every two weeks, maybe even 3. Towards the end i was up to at least a can a day. After quitting caffeine i decided to give this a go. On 6/16/2014 i decided enough was enough. I'm not entirely sure why, but i'd imagine it had something to do with the great Tony Gwynn dying (as that also happened to be on 6/16) and the fact that i had ran out. Plus i love my parrots and having to scrub my hands for minutes before playing with them was obnoxious to say the least.

I knew it would mainly be about 3-4 days of complete misery but man was i shocked. I've never even attempted to quit before. The first 4 days were absolutely AWFUL! 'zombie' I'm so lucky 6/16 was a Monday and i had 3 days off of work. The first 15 or so were definitely also pretty bad. It's pretty amazing how badly i was trained. Every morning after my quit, and even sometimes during the day i found myself instinctively grabbing for a can in all of my holding spots. Shockingly enough, after the first month or so it has not been that terrible for me to stay clean. But i know it is still lingering inside me. The dip dreams happen about once a week and i've even caught myself asking for a tin at my local pickup spot before.. WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING I ASKED FOR IT! I actually paid for it once before i noticed what i had done!

I'm not worried about how many days i have been clean. Just the fact that i am. One day at a time for the rest of my life.

This website has made this possible for me, even though i had not signed up yet, i've been here almost every single day for at least a few minutes and have read thousands of posts. I'd post roll now, but 2am is almost too late for me to be awake now that I've stopped putting this toxic junk in my mouth. I will certainly try to post roll every day, but it may be hard as this is the first time I've been able to sit down at my PC all day.. and it's not even the same day anymore!

One day everyday.

Great job getting clean, Zabba! I assume you're here for some back up. You understand the likelihood of relapse without layers of accountability. Quitting on the day Tony Gwynn died makes you a Sultan. (----click here). If you aren't concerned about how many days you've been clean, you've already lost. Figuring out a way to post your promise and support other quitters every day is a lot easier then figuring out a way to not get dead. What would Tony do? Check out the welcome center and do the right thing. You might even find some soda/tonic/pop quitters around here somewhere. Welcome! Don't let us down.
Hey Zabba, did you find roll call and get posted?

Nice job on the quit thus far, but there's still work to be done, as you seem to realize. Heck, paying for a can and not even realizing it? That can't happen, bro. Far too dangerous.

Yell if you need help finding your group or posting roll call. And I am a soda quitter. Like CWC said, we have a soda group here and would love to have you join us there as well.
Zabba, the hell of those first few days is something I never want to face again. I stopped using nicotine several times over my 20+ years, but I was stupid enough to start using again everytime until I found this site... I stay involved here to make certain I never forget that I am one bad decision away from being a slave on the suicide by instalment plan again. Posting roll takes less than a minute to do. My life is worth a minute of my time every day...

Offline G

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« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2014, 11:17:00 AM »
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: Zabba
About 2 months ago i decided to stop drinking so much Soda. I'm in good shape but one of my two vices was Soda. I drank mountain dew like it was the best thing i could ever drink. The other vice was my ninja dipping. They came hand in hand, dew and dip. I've dipped primarily grizzly products with wintergreen long cut being a particular favorite. As soon as i stopped drinking soda, my other terrible habit didn't seem as appealing.

It all started about 12 years ago when i was 18. At first it was few and far between. For the first few years it was about a can every two weeks, maybe even 3. Towards the end i was up to at least a can a day. After quitting caffeine i decided to give this a go. On 6/16/2014 i decided enough was enough. I'm not entirely sure why, but i'd imagine it had something to do with the great Tony Gwynn dying (as that also happened to be on 6/16) and the fact that i had ran out. Plus i love my parrots and having to scrub my hands for minutes before playing with them was obnoxious to say the least.

I knew it would mainly be about 3-4 days of complete misery but man was i shocked. I've never even attempted to quit before. The first 4 days were absolutely AWFUL! 'zombie' I'm so lucky 6/16 was a Monday and i had 3 days off of work. The first 15 or so were definitely also pretty bad. It's pretty amazing how badly i was trained. Every morning after my quit, and even sometimes during the day i found myself instinctively grabbing for a can in all of my holding spots. Shockingly enough, after the first month or so it has not been that terrible for me to stay clean. But i know it is still lingering inside me. The dip dreams happen about once a week and i've even caught myself asking for a tin at my local pickup spot before.. WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING I ASKED FOR IT! I actually paid for it once before i noticed what i had done!

I'm not worried about how many days i have been clean. Just the fact that i am. One day at a time for the rest of my life.

This website has made this possible for me, even though i had not signed up yet, i've been here almost every single day for at least a few minutes and have read thousands of posts. I'd post roll now, but 2am is almost too late for me to be awake now that I've stopped putting this toxic junk in my mouth. I will certainly try to post roll every day, but it may be hard as this is the first time I've been able to sit down at my PC all day.. and it's not even the same day anymore!

One day everyday.

Great job getting clean, Zabba! I assume you're here for some back up. You understand the likelihood of relapse without layers of accountability. Quitting on the day Tony Gwynn died makes you a Sultan. (----click here). If you aren't concerned about how many days you've been clean, you've already lost. Figuring out a way to post your promise and support other quitters every day is a lot easier then figuring out a way to not get dead. What would Tony do? Check out the welcome center and do the right thing. You might even find some soda/tonic/pop quitters around here somewhere. Welcome! Don't let us down.
Hey Zabba, did you find roll call and get posted?

Nice job on the quit thus far, but there's still work to be done, as you seem to realize. Heck, paying for a can and not even realizing it? That can't happen, bro. Far too dangerous.

Yell if you need help finding your group or posting roll call. And I am a soda quitter. Like CWC said, we have a soda group here and would love to have you join us there as well.

Offline copingwithoutcopen

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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2014, 08:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Zabba
About 2 months ago i decided to stop drinking so much Soda. I'm in good shape but one of my two vices was Soda. I drank mountain dew like it was the best thing i could ever drink. The other vice was my ninja dipping. They came hand in hand, dew and dip. I've dipped primarily grizzly products with wintergreen long cut being a particular favorite. As soon as i stopped drinking soda, my other terrible habit didn't seem as appealing.

It all started about 12 years ago when i was 18. At first it was few and far between. For the first few years it was about a can every two weeks, maybe even 3. Towards the end i was up to at least a can a day. After quitting caffeine i decided to give this a go. On 6/16/2014 i decided enough was enough. I'm not entirely sure why, but i'd imagine it had something to do with the great Tony Gwynn dying (as that also happened to be on 6/16) and the fact that i had ran out. Plus i love my parrots and having to scrub my hands for minutes before playing with them was obnoxious to say the least.

I knew it would mainly be about 3-4 days of complete misery but man was i shocked. I've never even attempted to quit before. The first 4 days were absolutely AWFUL! 'zombie' I'm so lucky 6/16 was a Monday and i had 3 days off of work. The first 15 or so were definitely also pretty bad. It's pretty amazing how badly i was trained. Every morning after my quit, and even sometimes during the day i found myself instinctively grabbing for a can in all of my holding spots. Shockingly enough, after the first month or so it has not been that terrible for me to stay clean. But i know it is still lingering inside me. The dip dreams happen about once a week and i've even caught myself asking for a tin at my local pickup spot before.. WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING I ASKED FOR IT! I actually paid for it once before i noticed what i had done!

I'm not worried about how many days i have been clean. Just the fact that i am. One day at a time for the rest of my life.

This website has made this possible for me, even though i had not signed up yet, i've been here almost every single day for at least a few minutes and have read thousands of posts. I'd post roll now, but 2am is almost too late for me to be awake now that I've stopped putting this toxic junk in my mouth. I will certainly try to post roll every day, but it may be hard as this is the first time I've been able to sit down at my PC all day.. and it's not even the same day anymore!

One day everyday.

Great job getting clean, Zabba! I assume you're here for some back up. You understand the likelihood of relapse without layers of accountability. Quitting on the day Tony Gwynn died makes you a Sultan. (----click here). If you aren't concerned about how many days you've been clean, you've already lost. Figuring out a way to post your promise and support other quitters every day is a lot easier then figuring out a way to not get dead. What would Tony do? Check out the welcome center and do the right thing. You might even find some soda/tonic/pop quitters around here somewhere. Welcome! Don't let us down.

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« on: July 23, 2014, 04:50:00 AM »
About 2 months ago i decided to stop drinking so much Soda. I'm in good shape but one of my two vices was Soda. I drank mountain dew like it was the best thing i could ever drink. The other vice was my ninja dipping. They came hand in hand, dew and dip. I've dipped primarily grizzly products with wintergreen long cut being a particular favorite. As soon as i stopped drinking soda, my other terrible habit didn't seem as appealing.

It all started about 12 years ago when i was 18. At first it was few and far between. For the first few years it was about a can every two weeks, maybe even 3. Towards the end i was up to at least a can a day. After quitting caffeine i decided to give this a go. On 6/16/2014 i decided enough was enough. I'm not entirely sure why, but i'd imagine it had something to do with the great Tony Gwynn dying (as that also happened to be on 6/16) and the fact that i had ran out. Plus i love my parrots and having to scrub my hands for minutes before playing with them was obnoxious to say the least.

I knew it would mainly be about 3-4 days of complete misery but man was i shocked. I've never even attempted to quit before. The first 4 days were absolutely AWFUL! 'zombie' I'm so lucky 6/16 was a Monday and i had 3 days off of work. The first 15 or so were definitely also pretty bad. It's pretty amazing how badly i was trained. Every morning after my quit, and even sometimes during the day i found myself instinctively grabbing for a can in all of my holding spots. Shockingly enough, after the first month or so it has not been that terrible for me to stay clean. But i know it is still lingering inside me. The dip dreams happen about once a week and i've even caught myself asking for a tin at my local pickup spot before.. WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING I ASKED FOR IT! I actually paid for it once before i noticed what i had done!

I'm not worried about how many days i have been clean. Just the fact that i am. One day at a time for the rest of my life.

This website has made this possible for me, even though i had not signed up yet, i've been here almost every single day for at least a few minutes and have read thousands of posts. I'd post roll now, but 2am is almost too late for me to be awake now that I've stopped putting this toxic junk in my mouth. I will certainly try to post roll every day, but it may be hard as this is the first time I've been able to sit down at my PC all day.. and it's not even the same day anymore!

One day everyday.