Author Topic: Time is now  (Read 1432 times)

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Offline Rawls

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2015, 11:44:00 AM »
Quote from: bassmaster07
Quote from: Rawls
Congrats on the kidos! Real dad now!

Did you quit last Sunday? Or this Saturday, when you threw away the can?
Just want to get it straight... When was the last time tobacco was in your mouth?

Great decision... You got a great group getting started in June... Get to know as many of them as you can.
Quit on Sunday night. That was the last time it was in my mouth. For various reasons, like many here I am sure, family and wife did not know that I was still dipping. It sat in my truck all week tucked away until Sat night. I had made up my mind on Friday that I would toss it out next chance I got. I did. It was great.

Being back at work sucks was such a part of my work life and commute for work.

Happy to clarify. Thanks for asking.

Your officially on day 10. Day 1 was the eighth.
Quit with you today.
Fish on!
Quit on!
Bassmaster07 is On!!. EDD ODAAT
I believe.....

Offline bassmaster07

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2015, 11:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Rawls
Congrats on the kidos! Real dad now!

Did you quit last Sunday? Or this Saturday, when you threw away the can?
Just want to get it straight... When was the last time tobacco was in your mouth?

Great decision... You got a great group getting started in June... Get to know as many of them as you can.
Quit on Sunday night. That was the last time it was in my mouth. For various reasons, like many here I am sure, family and wife did not know that I was still dipping. It sat in my truck all week tucked away until Sat night. I had made up my mind on Friday that I would toss it out next chance I got. I did. It was great.

Being back at work sucks was such a part of my work life and commute for work.

Happy to clarify. Thanks for asking.


Offline Jeff W.

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2015, 08:07:00 PM »
I'm glad you're here bass, you've made a great decision to free yourself of this beast. As the others have said, hit the welcome center and learn to post roll with your quit group. I cannot understate how important that is to do, every day. When the cravings come, your word is something that you can reach out for and grab hold of. Shoot me a PM if you want to trade numbers for support.

Offline Talonad

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2015, 06:53:00 PM »
Quote from: bassmaster07
Ok, so I quit last Sunday, March 8th 2015 w/o really knowing that would be the day. I have been at home for 10 days helping around the house since the birth of our twin girls (total 4 daughters now). Today is the first day back at the office and found this place. Think i am going to like it. Anyway, with no dipping at home or around the wife, last Sunday night I ran to the grocery store for a late night trip. That was a great dip after being at hospital for a few days w/ no dip and a day at home. It really hit home last Friday that it had almost been a week. With the late nights with the twins and the overall schedule routine change most of the normal triggers were gone I guess. So, i decided I was done. Made a return trip to the grocery store this Saturday night and threw away my last can! It was great.

30yr male. Dipping for 7-8 years. Cope longcut. NOW DONE
Congrats! keep it strong! Go to the Welcome Center and read everything there, then come post roll with us in June 15 Goons Jump in with both feet, because your life depends on it and those girls are gonna want a daddy! I quit with you today!
My Introduction
My HoF Speech "Quit Goon Strong"

The suck is my penance, the suck is my armor, the suck is my own and I will own it!

Quit date 3/1/2015
HOF 6/8/2015
2nd Floor9/16/2015
3rd Floor 12/25/2015
1st Year 2/28/2016
4th Floor 4/4/2016

ODAAT with the BAQ in June Goons 15 June 15 S.O.A.

Offline Rawls

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2015, 06:02:00 PM »
Quote from: bassmaster07
Ok, so I quit last Sunday, March 8th 2015 w/o really knowing that would be the day. I have been at home for 10 days helping around the house since the birth of our twin girls (total 4 daughters now). Today is the first day back at the office and found this place. Think i am going to like it. Anyway, with no dipping at home or around the wife, last Sunday night I ran to the grocery store for a late night trip. That was a great dip after being at hospital for a few days w/ no dip and a day at home. It really hit home last Friday that it had almost been a week. With the late nights with the twins and the overall schedule routine change most of the normal triggers were gone I guess. So, i decided I was done. Made a return trip to the grocery store this Saturday night and threw away my last can! It was great.

30yr male. Dipping for 7-8 years. Cope longcut. NOW DONE
Congrats on the kidos! Real dad now!

Did you quit last Sunday? Or this Saturday, when you threw away the can?
Just want to get it straight... When was the last time tobacco was in your mouth?

Great decision... You got a great group getting started in June... Get to know as many of them as you can.
I believe.....

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2015, 03:30:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC! You've found the place to quit. Read the welcome center to learn about the site. PM me your number so we can get in tough throughout the day. Post roll every morning as early as possible. I'm in a hurry right now but thought I'd give you a quit welcome home.

Offline KCLyle

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Re: Time is now
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2015, 03:20:00 PM »
Glad to hear you made the decision to be done. Just stay strong when those schedule triggers come back. The day that you quit was the day you committed to seeing those 4 girls walk down the aisle someday.

Offline bassmaster07

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Time is now
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:11:00 PM »
Ok, so I quit last Sunday, March 8th 2015 w/o really knowing that would be the day. I have been at home for 10 days helping around the house since the birth of our twin girls (total 4 daughters now). Today is the first day back at the office and found this place. Think i am going to like it. Anyway, with no dipping at home or around the wife, last Sunday night I ran to the grocery store for a late night trip. That was a great dip after being at hospital for a few days w/ no dip and a day at home. It really hit home last Friday that it had almost been a week. With the late nights with the twins and the overall schedule routine change most of the normal triggers were gone I guess. So, i decided I was done. Made a return trip to the grocery store this Saturday night and threw away my last can! It was great.

30yr male. Dipping for 7-8 years. Cope longcut. NOW DONE