Author Topic: Quit Day 6 Intro  (Read 589 times)

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Offline Supplehands

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Re: Quit Day 6 Intro
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2017, 02:36:00 PM »
Welcome Loops,

You've made the best decision possible by quitting. Don't let anyone or anything (including yourself) doubt that for one second. Like any addict of anything the initial quit sucks, plain and simple. We must accept that fact. During this sucktastic phase, tell yourself that you never want to go through it again. Motivate yourself in that way. If you don't dip, you'll never have to experience another day 1, first week, first 100 days, etc. I gained roughly 15 pounds or more during my early quit. I decided that I could lose weight and that I wouldn't worry about some weight gain while I was quitting early (I did drop the weight though, because I developed several healthy habits along the way).

I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but seeing this thing through will be, potentially, the most rewarding thing you will ever accomplish. On the other side of this journey is infinite reward. Maintain focus on one day at a time. If that seems too daunting focus on an hour at a time. Develop a war chest of tools. Jump into live chat if you have a crave. Carry alternatives in your car and pocket. I used Teaza pouches and candies. I also chewed toothpicks early in my quit. Whatever helps you not dip, do it.

I dipped for 7-8 years and was as addicted as anyone else here. I quit because I was at that place in my life where I wanted to quit for me and no one else. Be selfish with your quit. As long as you stay quit, everyone in your life will benefit as a derivative. Be open and honest with your wife. Tell her how much quitting sucks, initially, and that things will get better. Recruit her to be on your quit team. invite her on to the site to read some. If you get angry and need to bitch, log on to KTC and send me angry private messages. Whatever it takes.

It gets better. One morning you'll wake up and just kind of realize, "my worst day now is better than my best day was when I was dipping"

Offline Titeloops

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Quit Day 6 Intro
« on: March 05, 2017, 09:01:00 AM »
30 year dipper on day 6 of my quit. Worked for US Smokeless Tobacco for 10 years. Had a nice habit before I started but but really became a professional dipper while with the company. The past 5 or 6 years has been a half assed attempt to quit, while really just becoming addicted to Nicotine Gum. Today has been the toughest day yet for me. Found this site, so I'll give this a go as I'm feeling like I'm on an island here. Last 5 days have been a fog. A constant crave. Someone please tell my wife that I know I'm irritable, I don't need her to point it out to me every half hour. I've gained 5 lbs this week as well. Thanks for letting me bitch, and I appreciate any help you can offer, cause this effing sucks!!
I let my nutz drape over the push pole on the strbd side as I grip the side console. I stare off into the horizon looking for nervous water as nature runs her course... Oh mighty silverking, do not gulp that brown trout..--Flats Poetry: by Fishflorida