Your presentation states:
I will try for the 21st time to quit this harmful addiction and will eventually succeed! I will not stand for the destructive increase in smokeless tobacco that is deteriorating our youth! I will stand UP!
You also state that you want to help your fellow "dippers" in your post.
You will not find "fellow dippers" here.
We've quit, and you can do it too.
You have spent a lot of time researching facts about smokeless tobacco. You're even bright enough to see that advertising overlooks the harsh realities of its use.
You cannot quit an addiction. You can simply quit using the drug. You, sir, are an addict. You are an addict like all of us and every other user out there. We always will be addicts. We cannot turn back. We cannot control our addictions.
We can control our actions though, and I have not used smokeless tobacco for the last 345 days because of a simple program instituted by this site:
Post roll
Stay quit
I've read your presentation stating your reasons for quitting, yet I don't see you actually doing it. If you would like to see ours,
click here. It's not flash enabled, but it's very useful.
You can do it bud. Believe in yourself, and just stop using.