DCHOGS is the person I referenced in the first line. It is crazy how a perfect stranger can quickly be a new friend.
I am so excited I have a new best friend in Quit. For what ever reason I kind of took a 50 or so day vacation from KTC, Syndrome texted me about your post and then Butch asked me to post for him and yea I am back in. So first start with what you know about what your up against. Here is your state's grade:
http://www.stateoftobaccocontrol.org/st ... /virginia/Texas is not any better.
I am a high school counselor and I was very fortunate that I could go into my office when I quit and shut the door. I chewed for 23 years and I was a complete mess. I squirreled away cans all over the place in my desk, in my file cabinets, behind bookshelves in the Library, I kept finding them.
about two weeks in I was have having a really bad day and our quarterback had come in to talk to me about college, but I basically unloaded all my grief of dipping to him. Luckily we had a great relationship and he knew that dipping sucked and could see people struggle with it so he was a great support for me and others became great support as well. I really wanted to fix every body and not let anyone dip. that part did not work out so well.
So I made it through my first year dip free and so at the beginning of last school year, I was determined to make a difference in hopefully deterring people from starting tobacco, chewing or smoking.
At first I really had no support from anyone, it was going to be another distraction from testing and curriculum stuff. (They cover it in health class and that is enough.) I signed up for a kick butts day at their website:
http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/what_we_ ... butts_day/ , This has been a really helpful website for me and others. It sparked lots of interest and because the State of Texas mandated that schools start public messages against bullying, tobacco, and alcohol, I got some support because nobody else really had to do anything.
I posted this in DCHOGS into place and I wanted to make sure I kept a copy for review. This place is awesome and works.
My most favorite of all clubs I have come across is the REBEL clubs of New Jersey.
http://www.monroetwp.k12.nj.us/HighSchool/Clubs/REBEL/The name is catchy, the wording is great, and the target audience are a bunch of Rebels that need a voice.
I have tried several times to form an accountability program for students in need in a group setting, but without much success, but I have found that as I have put myself out there as a person people can talk to about withdrawals and facts of tobacco I have been sought out by students.
The catchy posters that are available from state programs are very helpful. I have a couple of extra ones I do not mind sending you. my email at work is
richard.armstrong@cfisd.net send me your mailing address at school and I will ship them to you.
When you let everyone around you know what your doing, then your accountability circle gets really big.
I quit because I was sick of being a slave to nic. My own kids (three daughters are my biggest cheerleaders).