Thanks guys. Think I'll post in here as things about my own quit occur to me.
For example, I've been here for more than two weeks, and haven't gotten any phone numbers yet. Today I'll ask some of the folks I've gotten support from for their numbers.
Also, it turns out I did post something of an introcuction on the December 09 group roll call page on September 2. Fog. Who knew?
Slept not more than 2 hours during one stretch, not more than an hour at a stretch apart from that last night. No death dreams like I was having the second night of my quit though, so there's a benny.
My concentration still sucks, but that was a characteristic of mine prior to quitting also.
I saw a post from (I think) Skoal Monster talking about his quit, and how he tried to quit slowly, not dipping for the first few hours of the day, then shoving a dip in. His words to describe this were memorable, though I may not have the quote exactly right... "My cave was the reward for my quit". I think that may be why I think it's better to go cold turkey, because otherwise the dip would feel like a reward for having held off. By the way, I went cold turkey. It fucking bites.
I saw another post, I think this one was in the Words of Wisdom section, can't remember who from. He mentioned ALL KINDS of shit going wrong in his life, but still kept his quit. Just got out of prison, bus rolled over 50 million times, bitch tried to stab me in the bathroom, etc, something like that. It made me think about all the things that are not as I'd like them in my own life, and that if he can do THAT, I can do THIS. People write things like "why do you old guys, who have been quit since forever, even bother?" I have a pretty good idea why for most of you. I'm just damn glad you do, because it helps me say "I CAN DO THIS".