I quit three hours ago. I have been staring at this site for an hour, desperately trying to make sense of how to get involved. And I have a degree in computer science. But not long after I quit my vision started blurring and I can't seem to make any decisions. I am effectively, dumb, now. Can't wait to get smart again. I've been dipping since I was 14 and now I am 46. Can of Copenhagen a day. Just getting sick and tired of it dictating my life. Looking forward to reading about others feeling my pain.
Welcome Sir! Sounds like you are ready?
I was a slave for 24 years. I've been free for almost 9 years now. Tried to quit numerous times and failed each and every time until I found this site.
It's actually not as complicated as it seems right now. Post roll (I saw your post in May 2017?) everyday first thing giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine that day. Keep your word, no matter what!
Simple? Yep! Easy? Nope!
You can do this! It gets better!
Okay, so I just re-read what I posted to you. Then I realized it was supportive but not very helpful. After reading what you posted I came up with something that may actually help you out?
Obviously you found the quit groups. After being a member of this site for awhile now, I realized something. A lot of what people go through when they quit is very very similar If not repeating, it rymes.
Having said that, I think the best thing you can do if you want to know what is in your future is to go to a group that has been around for at least a year. Longer if you have the time or need the distraction. Start from their very first post in that group and read until today.
This has all happend before and it will all happen again!
Hope that helps!