Author Topic: Joshaway Intro  (Read 2795 times)

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2014, 07:21:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: joshaway
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Bob
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Josh is solid,

note guys he said he will be posting roll daily (verified that in chat with him). It is the posting in the other areas on the site that he may not be around often.

Am standing right beside you today Josh, keep up the great quit.
U sir are amazing and real strong on quits very good my friend
Don't worry about the future. We can only worry about the now.

Set yourself up for success by planning for it though. Have contacts, and do what you can now. The future will take care of itself once you buy in.
I am posting roll everyday. Guess my post came across the wrong way. I am quit after all. And yeah this place definitely is helping me, no doubt.
Stick around and make some friends. It's the best thing you can do for your quit.
Glad to have you with us. Proud to be quit with you.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2014, 03:31:00 PM »
Quote from: joshaway
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Bob
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Josh is solid,

note guys he said he will be posting roll daily (verified that in chat with him). It is the posting in the other areas on the site that he may not be around often.

Am standing right beside you today Josh, keep up the great quit.
U sir are amazing and real strong on quits very good my friend
Don't worry about the future. We can only worry about the now.

Set yourself up for success by planning for it though. Have contacts, and do what you can now. The future will take care of itself once you buy in.
I am posting roll everyday. Guess my post came across the wrong way. I am quit after all. And yeah this place definitely is helping me, no doubt.
Stick around and make some friends. It's the best thing you can do for your quit.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline joshaway

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2014, 03:22:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Bob
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Josh is solid,

note guys he said he will be posting roll daily (verified that in chat with him). It is the posting in the other areas on the site that he may not be around often.

Am standing right beside you today Josh, keep up the great quit.
U sir are amazing and real strong on quits very good my friend
Don't worry about the future. We can only worry about the now.

Set yourself up for success by planning for it though. Have contacts, and do what you can now. The future will take care of itself once you buy in.
I am posting roll everyday. Guess my post came across the wrong way. I am quit after all. And yeah this place definitely is helping me, no doubt.

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2014, 02:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Bob
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Josh is solid,

note guys he said he will be posting roll daily (verified that in chat with him). It is the posting in the other areas on the site that he may not be around often.

Am standing right beside you today Josh, keep up the great quit.
U sir are amazing and real strong on quits very good my friend
Don't worry about the future. We can only worry about the now.

Set yourself up for success by planning for it though. Have contacts, and do what you can now. The future will take care of itself once you buy in.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Bob Copenhagen

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2014, 02:35:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Josh is solid,

note guys he said he will be posting roll daily (verified that in chat with him). It is the posting in the other areas on the site that he may not be around often.

Am standing right beside you today Josh, keep up the great quit.
U sir are amazing and real strong on quits very good my friend

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2014, 02:22:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Josh is solid,

note guys he said he will be posting roll daily (verified that in chat with him). It is the posting in the other areas on the site that he may not be around often.

Am standing right beside you today Josh, keep up the great quit.

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: joshaway
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.
Just how sucessful were you in the past trying to quit?

Yeah thought so.

You are not going anywhere.

You need this place.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2014, 02:16:00 PM »
Everytime someone writes a great intro I give the advice to read your intro everyday. So Josh read your intro as often as you can, it is a great insight on where you are now. Quitting is hard work but one of the things that helps is remembering where you were when you started. You never want to go back there. Good start.

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2014, 01:58:00 PM »
Thanks for the support, not sure how long I will stay involved on here. But it is definitely a help to me and dont plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I may disappear for a while due to work, but will post roll through someone via phone. I need to get more than longhorns contact though in my group. I apologize to others that have PM their number. I didnt save them as i was freaking pretty bad a fews days ago and seriously almost said fuck it and get another dip. But I didnt, so here we are.

Offline Tuco

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2014, 01:39:00 PM »
Way to go, Josh. That list is excellent - you should print that out and keep it with you. The first week absolutely sucks, and you're already more than halfway through it.

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 01:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: joshaway
Ok here is my intro. Didnt want to do this, but here it goes. This site seems to be making my quit different this time.

I have smoked and or dipped for the last 25 years. Smoked and dipped about 10 years of that time. Have tried to quit dipping more times than i can remember, but never quit without nicotine, either had the patch on or would swap over to smokes. I started dipping when i was around 14-15 years old and have dipped all the way up to now at 40 years old. I was an over achiever and had worked my way up to 2 sometimes 3 cans of Copenhagen a day, Tired of my gums hurting and me being a slave to this shit, loosing teeth and gums looking like shit.
Tired of going to store at 1am because i wouldnt have enough dip with me for morning coffee the next day.
Tired of wondering if the sores are going to turn into cancer.
Tired of spilling my spit can somewhere.
Tired of wasting my money.
Tired of the heartburn.
Tired of my truck stinking.
Tired of seeing my young son pretend he is dipping.
Tired of the ring on my jeans.
Tired of hiding dip every time I say I am quitting.
Tired of my dentist chewing my ass out.
Tired of being a slave to it.

I have done the same thing as others on here, hiding it from spouses, feeling like shit when your kid asks you why you do something that is bad for you, etc... and always justified it with I like it and cancer aint going to get me. Hopefully I dont have cancer, but I finally realized how fucking selfish dipping is and how stupid I have been, spending 4-5 bucks a can to give myself cancer possibly. Wow what a genius I am.

So I am on day 4 today without nicotine. I am feeling better, no heartburn anymore. I am not freaking as bad as i have been the last few days. Actually sleeping now.

Thanks for the support from others on here so far, some of the best advise I got was to tear off the nic patch, which I did that day and to try out the herbal snuff.

So one day at a time...keep on keeping on!!
Remember me from chat? I am so fucking happy to see this intro Josh, your quit has made mine stronger today! Keep pushing brother, the worst is almost over.
If Thumble's happy, I'm happy. Glad to see you post, Josh. Keep it going!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Joshaway Intro
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 01:17:00 PM »
Quote from: joshaway
Ok here is my intro. Didnt want to do this, but here it goes. This site seems to be making my quit different this time.

I have smoked and or dipped for the last 25 years. Smoked and dipped about 10 years of that time. Have tried to quit dipping more times than i can remember, but never quit without nicotine, either had the patch on or would swap over to smokes. I started dipping when i was around 14-15 years old and have dipped all the way up to now at 40 years old. I was an over achiever and had worked my way up to 2 sometimes 3 cans of Copenhagen a day, Tired of my gums hurting and me being a slave to this shit, loosing teeth and gums looking like shit.
Tired of going to store at 1am because i wouldnt have enough dip with me for morning coffee the next day.
Tired of wondering if the sores are going to turn into cancer.
Tired of spilling my spit can somewhere.
Tired of wasting my money.
Tired of the heartburn.
Tired of my truck stinking.
Tired of seeing my young son pretend he is dipping.
Tired of the ring on my jeans.
Tired of hiding dip every time I say I am quitting.
Tired of my dentist chewing my ass out.
Tired of being a slave to it.

I have done the same thing as others on here, hiding it from spouses, feeling like shit when your kid asks you why you do something that is bad for you, etc... and always justified it with I like it and cancer aint going to get me. Hopefully I dont have cancer, but I finally realized how fucking selfish dipping is and how stupid I have been, spending 4-5 bucks a can to give myself cancer possibly. Wow what a genius I am.

So I am on day 4 today without nicotine. I am feeling better, no heartburn anymore. I am not freaking as bad as i have been the last few days. Actually sleeping now.

Thanks for the support from others on here so far, some of the best advise I got was to tear off the nic patch, which I did that day and to try out the herbal snuff.

So one day at a time...keep on keeping on!!
Remember me from chat? I am so fucking happy to see this intro Josh, your quit has made mine stronger today! Keep pushing brother, the worst is almost over.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Joshaway Intro
« on: August 04, 2014, 01:09:00 PM »
Ok here is my intro. Didnt want to do this, but here it goes. This site seems to be making my quit different this time.

I have smoked and or dipped for the last 25 years. Smoked and dipped about 10 years of that time. Have tried to quit dipping more times than i can remember, but never quit without nicotine, either had the patch on or would swap over to smokes. I started dipping when i was around 14-15 years old and have dipped all the way up to now at 40 years old. I was an over achiever and had worked my way up to 2 sometimes 3 cans of Copenhagen a day, Tired of my gums hurting and me being a slave to this shit, loosing teeth and gums looking like shit.
Tired of going to store at 1am because i wouldnt have enough dip with me for morning coffee the next day.
Tired of wondering if the sores are going to turn into cancer.
Tired of spilling my spit can somewhere.
Tired of wasting my money.
Tired of the heartburn.
Tired of my truck stinking.
Tired of seeing my young son pretend he is dipping.
Tired of the ring on my jeans.
Tired of hiding dip every time I say I am quitting.
Tired of my dentist chewing my ass out.
Tired of being a slave to it.

I have done the same thing as others on here, hiding it from spouses, feeling like shit when your kid asks you why you do something that is bad for you, etc... and always justified it with I like it and cancer aint going to get me. Hopefully I dont have cancer, but I finally realized how fucking selfish dipping is and how stupid I have been, spending 4-5 bucks a can to give myself cancer possibly. Wow what a genius I am.

So I am on day 4 today without nicotine. I am feeling better, no heartburn anymore. I am not freaking as bad as i have been the last few days. Actually sleeping now.

Thanks for the support from others on here so far, some of the best advise I got was to tear off the nic patch, which I did that day and to try out the herbal snuff.

So one day at a time...keep on keeping on!!