Author Topic: Quitting....Help!!  (Read 4336 times)

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Offline dgossard

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2011, 05:08:00 AM »
Thank you!!!!

Offline Phil4

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2011, 01:13:00 PM »
Quote from: seagems
Quote from: dgossard
3.5 days. I am going a bit nuts. My cravings are horrible. I am being an absolute bitch to those around me without meaning to be. I have retreated to my bedroom for the most part and an occassional trip to the back deck to stand in the rain and think. I didn't realize how many things I did and had a chew in my mouth...almost everything. Trying to think positive, but my negativity keeps creeping in. I'm sure I drove one particualr friend crazy today since he and my immediate family are the only ones in on this. I'm afraid he will have second thoughts about trying to help me through this by the time it's over. Anyway, wanted to thank everyone here for their good  thoughts and well wishes. I'm taking it one day at a time...I guess that's all we can do.
dgossard, just get through today. Don't worry about being grumpy, that will pass very soon. This might seem impossible now, but trust me that it is much easier than you think it is going to be. Just get through one day at a time, don't look ahead. You can get through today. Deal with tomorrow tomorrow. I've done that every day for 105 days after chewing for 20 years and now I don't even think about nic. You've got this. Be glad this sucks, you will never have to go through it again and the suck will keep you from caving.
You got this, dgossard. Hang in there. I quit with you today!
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Offline seagems

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2011, 11:45:00 AM »
Quote from: dgossard
3.5 days. I am going a bit nuts. My cravings are horrible. I am being an absolute bitch to those around me without meaning to be. I have retreated to my bedroom for the most part and an occassional trip to the back deck to stand in the rain and think. I didn't realize how many things I did and had a chew in my mouth...almost everything. Trying to think positive, but my negativity keeps creeping in. I'm sure I drove one particualr friend crazy today since he and my immediate family are the only ones in on this. I'm afraid he will have second thoughts about trying to help me through this by the time it's over. Anyway, wanted to thank everyone here for their good thoughts and well wishes. I'm taking it one day at a time...I guess that's all we can do.
dgossard, just get through today. Don't worry about being grumpy, that will pass very soon. This might seem impossible now, but trust me that it is much easier than you think it is going to be. Just get through one day at a time, don't look ahead. You can get through today. Deal with tomorrow tomorrow. I've done that every day for 105 days after chewing for 20 years and now I don't even think about nic. You've got this. Be glad this sucks, you will never have to go through it again and the suck will keep you from caving.

Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2011, 07:32:00 AM »
What he said.

The chat room is especially helpful for screaming fits of rage. BTDT
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
KTC Retread...Quit for the final time 10/21/2011
Though I am peaceful, please do not assume that I have somehow forgotten how to be violent.

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2011, 07:14:00 AM »
Quote from: dgossard
3.5 days. I am going a bit nuts. My cravings are horrible. I am being an absolute bitch to those around me without meaning to be. I have retreated to my bedroom for the most part and an occassional trip to the back deck to stand in the rain and think. I didn't realize how many things I did and had a chew in my mouth...almost everything. Trying to think positive, but my negativity keeps creeping in. I'm sure I drove one particualr friend crazy today since he and my immediate family are the only ones in on this. I'm afraid he will have second thoughts about trying to help me through this by the time it's over. Anyway, wanted to thank everyone here for their good thoughts and well wishes. I'm taking it one day at a time...I guess that's all we can do.
you no the sposal suport part a this site aint just for sposes. and if you gotta reem some buddy jump on here and speshully the chat. unless its that dick head at work what doesnt think he has to wash his hands after usin the jon. you can fly off the handel and be totaly mercyless on that dude.
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Offline dgossard

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2011, 03:45:00 AM »
3.5 days. I am going a bit nuts. My cravings are horrible. I am being an absolute bitch to those around me without meaning to be. I have retreated to my bedroom for the most part and an occassional trip to the back deck to stand in the rain and think. I didn't realize how many things I did and had a chew in my mouth...almost everything. Trying to think positive, but my negativity keeps creeping in. I'm sure I drove one particualr friend crazy today since he and my immediate family are the only ones in on this. I'm afraid he will have second thoughts about trying to help me through this by the time it's over. Anyway, wanted to thank everyone here for their good thoughts and well wishes. I'm taking it one day at a time...I guess that's all we can do.

Offline syndrome

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2011, 10:34:00 AM »
hay dgossard i'm glad you finely got with the program here. rememember there aint no majic pills. keep postin up roll and keepin your word and i promise you'll keep quit. but you gotta do both.
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Offline syndrome

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2011, 06:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ok so you came here bout 2 weeks ago with the same thing. bunch a folks told you whats what. dont think you ever lissend cuz i dont think you posted up roll. now dammit there aint no big secrit you can take with you. you post up roll and quit a day at a time. if you aint gonna do that then quit wastin these fine quiterers time.
Don't take a seat in the life raft if you aren't serious about saving your life. We create freedom. 1 day at a time. Join us.
Good job posting again. Pm me if you need anything. You can count on me.
the problim scow is that she made that post and buggerd off agin. in 2 more weeks shes gonna come back agin askin for help. she wants a majic pill. she dont want to put in the hard work. i no you like lost cauzes but save your enrgy here man.
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Offline seagems

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2011, 11:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ok so you came here bout 2 weeks ago with the same thing. bunch a folks told you whats what. dont think you ever lissend cuz i dont think you posted up roll. now dammit there aint no big secrit you can take with you. you post up roll and quit a day at a time. if you aint gonna do that then quit wastin these fine quiterers time.
Don't take a seat in the life raft if you aren't serious about saving your life. We create freedom. 1 day at a time. Join us.
Good job posting again. Pm me if you need anything. You can count on me.
dgossard, you can do this. These guys who tell you to take it one day at a time know what they are talking about. Post roll every morning, get through that day, and do it again. I was no different than you 100 days ago. I thought I needed chew to do anything or to be happy doing anything. I started posting roll every day and took it one day at a time. Only one day at a time. That is key, only think about the current day. It got so much easier ever day I posted roll. Today I am on day 100 without chew or nicotine and go through my days without even thinking about it. You've got this. Water, bubble gum, exercise, and roll every morning. If a 20 year chewer like me can do it, you can do it - your future self will thank you.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2011, 11:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ok so you came here bout 2 weeks ago with the same thing. bunch a folks told you whats what. dont think you ever lissend cuz i dont think you posted up roll. now dammit there aint no big secrit you can take with you. you post up roll and quit a day at a time. if you aint gonna do that then quit wastin these fine quiterers time.
Don't take a seat in the life raft if you aren't serious about saving your life. We create freedom. 1 day at a time. Join us.
Good job posting again. Pm me if you need anything. You can count on me.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2011, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ok so you came here bout 2 weeks ago with the same thing. bunch a folks told you whats what. dont think you ever lissend cuz i dont think you posted up roll. now dammit there aint no big secrit you can take with you. you post up roll and quit a day at a time. if you aint gonna do that then quit wastin these fine quiterers time.
Don't take a seat in the life raft if you aren't serious about saving your life. We create freedom. 1 day at a time. Join us.

Offline syndrome

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2011, 08:20:00 AM »
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ok so you came here bout 2 weeks ago with the same thing. bunch a folks told you whats what. dont think you ever lissend cuz i dont think you posted up roll. now dammit there aint no big secrit you can take with you. you post up roll and quit a day at a time. if you aint gonna do that then quit wastin these fine quiterers time.
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Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2011, 07:12:00 AM »
Quote from: nicofiend
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ONE FUCKING DAY AT A TIME, with a hell of a lot of will power, and determination. period!!!! ( you been there you quit for three months, you just dont cave!!)
I'll go an extra step and say five minutes at a time. Dude it ain't easy, and maybe we'll talk more about the depression and how that affects you. BTDT, and it is ugly, but nicotine is the devil's deception in dealing with that, this I know. You have embarked on an 'undo it yourself' project, but this site right here, if you allow it, will help you through so you don't have to do it all by yourself. Post the roll, every day. Quit for just five minutes, then quit again for the next five.
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
KTC Retread...Quit for the final time 10/21/2011
Though I am peaceful, please do not assume that I have somehow forgotten how to be violent.

Offline nicofiend

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2011, 06:00:00 AM »
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
ONE FUCKING DAY AT A TIME, with a hell of a lot of will power, and determination. period!!!! ( you been there you quit for three months, you just dont cave!!)

Offline steve1357

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Re: Quitting....Help!!
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2011, 05:55:00 PM »
Quote from: dgossard
I have been chewing for over 8 years. I quit for 3 months and started again during a heavy bout of depression. Now I am chewing 1 to 2 cans a day. I have Insomnia so I have one in my mouth 24/7 it seems. I need to quit. I would like to have some tips or advice on how others have quit. I'm tired of this controlling my life and it is. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you.
First place I would go for advice is here, lots of solid quitters left a lot of wisdom:


You said you quit for three days. What happened?

Quitting is not easy; you did it for 3 months.

The only way I know how to quit is:

1. Post roll every morning when I wake up.
2. keep my word
3. Repeat

Dump your can and post day one now. Quit one day at time, starting today!