Author Topic: Sick of it!  (Read 2768 times)

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2016, 01:36:00 PM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: DjPorkchop
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: Pete2118
Not super tech savvy so I need to figure out how to use the forum a little better. But for now I'm posting it here, not going to chew today, not buying a can, and not going to bum a dip. I'm on it boys!
Navigating the site can be a bit confusing at 1st. Here's a link on how to post roll and one that will take you to your quit group.

Click on the following link for a video on posting roll. It helped me out. PC How to post roll

The group you'll be posting roll in will be the Novemeber group. topic/11721588/5/#new

Right now will be a good time to post roll in November. The last time I checked there were only 2 members and several vets posting support. Those 2 newbies need your support and you need theirs. Also, if you jump in now you'll get the hang of it before all the craziness starts. And it WILL get crazy once all the newbies start flooding in!

You can do this brother!
If you want, just go to November and hit "addreply" and put in your name and days quit and I or one of the vets will get you on the roll.
^^^ Yep, what he said.

I see you got 4 posts in so far. Are you still hanging in there man? Feel free to use this post as a bitch thread to get it all out. You can look back here on your day 365 day mark and say damn look where I was way back then.

Take care man!
I dunno Porkchop....been a long time since ol' Pete was here. That don't bode too good for a new quit....
Quitting is hard, and doing it solo must be much harder. I choose to quit with other quitters, just my 2 cents says I recommend you do the same. Or did you cave?
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Offline CavMan83

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2016, 09:44:00 AM »
Quote from: DjPorkchop
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: Pete2118
Not super tech savvy so I need to figure out how to use the forum a little better. But for now I'm posting it here, not going to chew today, not buying a can, and not going to bum a dip. I'm on it boys!
Navigating the site can be a bit confusing at 1st. Here's a link on how to post roll and one that will take you to your quit group.

Click on the following link for a video on posting roll. It helped me out. PC How to post roll

The group you'll be posting roll in will be the Novemeber group. topic/11721588/5/#new

Right now will be a good time to post roll in November. The last time I checked there were only 2 members and several vets posting support. Those 2 newbies need your support and you need theirs. Also, if you jump in now you'll get the hang of it before all the craziness starts. And it WILL get crazy once all the newbies start flooding in!

You can do this brother!
If you want, just go to November and hit "addreply" and put in your name and days quit and I or one of the vets will get you on the roll.
^^^ Yep, what he said.

I see you got 4 posts in so far. Are you still hanging in there man? Feel free to use this post as a bitch thread to get it all out. You can look back here on your day 365 day mark and say damn look where I was way back then.

Take care man!
I dunno Porkchop....been a long time since ol' Pete was here. That don't bode too good for a new quit....

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2016, 01:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike1966
Quote from: Pete2118
Not super tech savvy so I need to figure out how to use the forum a little better. But for now I'm posting it here, not going to chew today, not buying a can, and not going to bum a dip. I'm on it boys!
Navigating the site can be a bit confusing at 1st. Here's a link on how to post roll and one that will take you to your quit group.

Click on the following link for a video on posting roll. It helped me out. PC How to post roll

The group you'll be posting roll in will be the Novemeber group. topic/11721588/5/#new

Right now will be a good time to post roll in November. The last time I checked there were only 2 members and several vets posting support. Those 2 newbies need your support and you need theirs. Also, if you jump in now you'll get the hang of it before all the craziness starts. And it WILL get crazy once all the newbies start flooding in!

You can do this brother!
If you want, just go to November and hit "addreply" and put in your name and days quit and I or one of the vets will get you on the roll.
^^^ Yep, what he said.

I see you got 4 posts in so far. Are you still hanging in there man? Feel free to use this post as a bitch thread to get it all out. You can look back here on your day 365 day mark and say damn look where I was way back then.

Take care man!
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy.

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Offline Mike1966

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2016, 09:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Pete2118
Not super tech savvy so I need to figure out how to use the forum a little better. But for now I'm posting it here, not going to chew today, not buying a can, and not going to bum a dip. I'm on it boys!
Navigating the site can be a bit confusing at 1st. Here's a link on how to post roll and one that will take you to your quit group.

Click on the following link for a video on posting roll. It helped me out. PC How to post roll

The group you'll be posting roll in will be the Novemeber group. topic/11721588/5/#new

Right now will be a good time to post roll in November. The last time I checked there were only 2 members and several vets posting support. Those 2 newbies need your support and you need theirs. Also, if you jump in now you'll get the hang of it before all the craziness starts. And it WILL get crazy once all the newbies start flooding in!

You can do this brother!
If you want, just go to November and hit "addreply" and put in your name and days quit and I or one of the vets will get you on the roll.
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline Pete2118

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2016, 09:27:00 AM »
Not super tech savvy so I need to figure out how to use the forum a little better. But for now I'm posting it here, not going to chew today, not buying a can, and not going to bum a dip. I'm on it boys!

Offline CavMan83

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2016, 08:33:00 AM »
Quote from: ChristopherJ
Good morning Pete. To begin this journey to freedom, start by posting your promise - just for today - that you will not use nicotine. Don't let the cravings and the lies divert you. You are with KTC now and you don't have to fight this alone.
Come on know the right thing to do is sack up, find the November '16 quit group, and post up a day one.

Offline ChristopherJ

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2016, 07:04:00 AM »
Good morning Pete. To begin this journey to freedom, start by posting your promise - just for today - that you will not use nicotine. Don't let the cravings and the lies divert you. You are with KTC now and you don't have to fight this alone.
Don't be afraid.  You are not alone.

Offline Stranger999

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2016, 11:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Pete2118
Thanks everyone for the support and advice. I'm most definitely going to look to everyone for support and I hope I can provide some to others who need it as well. I'm looking forward to driving to work and enjoying my coffee without cope making the first few sips taste like shit tomorrow! Thanks fellas!
I was a 35 year slave to nicotine, whether it be Copenhagen or smoking cigarettes. I finally got completely sick of it and put my foot down and quit for myself last September. I made it 2 or 3 days before my mouth went numb. A lucky Google search got me here. There is so much great advice here. I don't know if I will ever read it all.

On quit day 6 I decided to try quitting here with a team. Today I am 325 days free from nicotine. My team is awesome. They remind me every day how great it is to be quit. I recommend that you get into a quit group here Pete. Give a little and gain a lot.

I quit with you today! B)B

Offline Pete2118

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2016, 11:31:00 PM »
Thanks everyone for the support and advice. I'm most definitely going to look to everyone for support and I hope I can provide some to others who need it as well. I'm looking forward to driving to work and enjoying my coffee without cope making the first few sips taste like shit tomorrow! Thanks fellas!

Offline Mike1966

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2016, 11:22:00 PM »
Welcome to KTC Pete
I started when I was 14 and have dipped for 36 years. I got sick of it too, that's the mentality you need. I was sick and tired of being controlled by that can. Sick of the withdrawal everyday between dips. Make a list of all the reasons you hate this stuff because your addict mind is going to try to convince you that dipping was the greatest thing in your life in the next few days. But we both know better.

I'm a newbie here as well but there are guys here who have years of quit behind them using this method. The KTC method. Quit 1 day at a time.

You're absolutely right, this is going to suck. But you can do it Pete. What one man can do another can do. And there are plenty of examples here of men and women who have beat it. The buzz from the freedom from NIC is 10 times greater than the buzz you got from NIC.

Post roll every day and early in the day. WUPP (Wake Up Piss Post) is our motto. It's a promise to the group and yourself that youÂ’re not going to use nicotine, not a report on how you did at the end of the day. The idea is that as you go through the day and have an urge to dip youÂ’ll remember that you made a promise to your brothers that you wouldnÂ’t dip today.

Click on the following link for a video on posting roll. It helped me out. PC How to post roll

The group you'll be posting roll in will be the Novemeber group. topic/11721588/5/#new

Congratulations on your decision to quit Pete.
I quit with you today brother
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline Tjschu

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2016, 11:20:00 PM »
I was a two can of cope a day guy! I came here and drank the kool aid and quit for 333 days so far. Quitting is simple but hard. The first 3-4 days are HELL! But if I can do it so can you!! The reward is worth the pain!!!!

Offline Pete2118

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2016, 11:15:00 PM »
Yes indeed, I sure do want to quit for me as well. Tried last year for about a week and did ok, then I went trap shooting and couldn't hit a damn clay bird. Got so pissed off my buddy had to stop me from throwing my shotgun down range. That's when I broke and went to the closest gas station. I don't want to half ass it again, I'm ready to take my beating and push through.

Offline Tjschu

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Re: Sick of it!
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2016, 11:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Pete2118
23 years of Cope Snuff and today it just hit me. I want to quit using this stuff. My kids beg me, my wife begs me and I watched my dad throw his snuff out the window and stop just like that 10 years ago. I know this is going to suck bad but here it goes.
You have to do it for you!!! You have to go through the suck! There is plenty of support here if you want it. Find your quit group Nov 16 and post your promise not to use nicotine for the day, then keep your promise. Wake up repeat. Drink tons of water exercise as much as you can. Reach out to others and build accountability. Read everything here the road map to quit is here. Are you ready to quit for you? PM me if you need anything.

Offline Pete2118

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Sick of it!
« on: July 25, 2016, 10:58:00 PM »
23 years of Cope Snuff and today it just hit me. I want to quit using this stuff. My kids beg me, my wife begs me and I watched my dad throw his snuff out the window and stop just like that 10 years ago. I know this is going to suck bad but here it goes.