Hey all. Really really glad I found this site last night. I registered this morning but just was able to start posting now. Made my first post in the April quit group.
If I'm being honest, I've known about this site for a while. It took me a number of months to muster up the courage to post on here. I'm scared. Quitting is scary. It's easier to keep chewing than make a difficult change. I've been chewing skoal wintergreen pouches since pry 2009. this has grown to a can/day addiction over the past year or so. It has gotten worse every year that's for sure. I haven't had any scares like I've read about on here but in the back of my mind I'm always worried.
I tend to dip in three settings. First, I dip when I drive. I have a job where I drive around alot from place to place, so it's pretty common that I will plan an intentionally longer route sometimes so I can have enough time to get a dip in. Number two is after my wife goes to bed. I don't have any kids or anything, so once she goes to bed I tend to stay up and get a dip or two in before going to bed. Third is drinking with my buddies. Not drinking in general, just with my buddies. I don't and never have chewed around my wife because she will beat the hell out of me. So I avoid it.
To me this isn't about money. It's a waste and I will enjoy having the money. This isn't about pleasing my wife. I need to improve my life. I need to make better decisions. Not staying up at night for an extra chew will lead to a better rested and more productive work day. Not chewing with my buddies when we are at the bar will save me some calories around the wasteline. Better choices are what I'm after here. I think chewing is the best place to start and can fix the most problems in one broad stroke.
But it's the hardest.
You are here for all the right reasons, namely YOU. Making that daily promise is what this site is built upon. We keep our word, no matter how hard it may be, because it is only for today. We win our addiction battle minute by minute, hour by hour, one day at a time. It is a simple approach to tackle a difficult problem, and it works.
The hardest part for me was dumping that can and making my first roll post. After that, I didn't want to break my word. I use my daily promise every time nicotine pops into my mind, as leverage over my addiction. You need to find how this site will best help you.
I quit with you today.
Hi man! Nice name... you from KC or Omaha? Nice sports year if you are from KC. If you are from Omaha, well say hi to Warren Buffett for me!
It isn't about money for sure. That being said, I spit out $45,000 over 25 years. That's a lot of after tax $$ that I bet your wife would kick your ass over if she got out the calculator. Dip doesn't help you drive. Not one bit.... in fact, how many shirts have you spit on or how many cans have you dropped mid-interstate exit? A lot. That adds to stress. Drinking... drop it for a couple of months. It is dangerous because it impairs your judgment right now. Hang tight, you'll have renewed confidence soon enough.
By the way, quitting doesn't have to be scary. You have given your word today, and it is clear from your typing that you are a man of your word. As such, you don't have to worry about today. Tomorrow isn't worth worrying about right now.... just focus on how you are WINNING today. You can do this. You're off to a great start. This is the best decision you've ever made.
There's a guy in my office (in KC btw) chewing the living shit out of a piece of gum right now. I have never seen him without a dip in. You've inspired me to go and talk to him.