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Re: Just quit
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2010, 03:35:00 PM »
Quote from: RagingJew
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: Jt88
Well, I made it through my first full day.

I made a "Dip Money" jar and every single day I'm going to put 5 dollars in it to represent the can of Cope I would have bought. When I reach the HOF, I'm going to reward myself with something nice with that 500 dollars.
man thats a grate goal you got there but man dont worry bout the hall rite now ok. rite now i want you to worry bout today and today only. post up and keep your word. bild the tools to help you stay quit. bild your net werk of guys yiou can leen on. i cna think of my 2 yeers comin up cause i had the fogs and the craves and the all to reel dip dreems and i fot thru it. i got guys on my speed diel if it gets to harry that i needs to reech out. but you no what? even tho i cna think a the 2 yeers i'm only worryin bout today. cause today i ain't dippin. werd.
That is the single best Idea I have read in these threads. Way to go, bro.
That's how you bend that nic bitch over on a daily basis.
JT, we got your back. It's a hell of a journey through this quit thing, so reach out, not if, but when you need it. PM people, make friends, get numbers, read, read, read. This has been done and you can do it too.
"The second you stop and believe your own hype, you've lost."
   - Mark Owen, Navy Seal & Author: No Easy Day

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2010, 01:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Syndrome
Quote from: Jt88
Well, I made it through my first full day.

I made a "Dip Money" jar and every single day I'm going to put 5 dollars in it to represent the can of Cope I would have bought. When I reach the HOF, I'm going to reward myself with something nice with that 500 dollars.
man thats a grate goal you got there but man dont worry bout the hall rite now ok. rite now i want you to worry bout today and today only. post up and keep your word. bild the tools to help you stay quit. bild your net werk of guys yiou can leen on. i cna think of my 2 yeers comin up cause i had the fogs and the craves and the all to reel dip dreems and i fot thru it. i got guys on my speed diel if it gets to harry that i needs to reech out. but you no what? even tho i cna think a the 2 yeers i'm only worryin bout today. cause today i ain't dippin. werd.
That is the single best Idea I have read in these threads. Way to go, bro.
That's how you bend that nic bitch over on a daily basis.

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2010, 07:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Jt88
Well, I made it through my first full day.

I made a "Dip Money" jar and every single day I'm going to put 5 dollars in it to represent the can of Cope I would have bought. When I reach the HOF, I'm going to reward myself with something nice with that 500 dollars.
man thats a grate goal you got there but man dont worry bout the hall rite now ok. rite now i want you to worry bout today and today only. post up and keep your word. bild the tools to help you stay quit. bild your net werk of guys yiou can leen on. i cna think of my 2 yeers comin up cause i had the fogs and the craves and the all to reel dip dreems and i fot thru it. i got guys on my speed diel if it gets to harry that i needs to reech out. but you no what? even tho i cna think a the 2 yeers i'm only worryin bout today. cause today i ain't dippin. werd.

Offline brianl

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2010, 10:46:00 AM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Brian and Bean got it right. And remember, everyone in here takes this very seriously, don't post messages being silly about going camping with a bunch of dippers or skipping a day of roll call. Do it. One day at a time and soon you'll be looking at a long line of quit.

Tins used to not be behind the counter, and when I was in grad school and broke as shit, I probably 5 fingered tins two or three times a I was stupid....
T17.... me too.
I got busted in high school for stealing a bag of redman from a supermarket.
My Dad put me through the fucking wall!!!!
Still didn't learn though....until 50 days ago!!


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Re: Just quit
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2010, 01:55:00 AM »
Well, I made it through my first full day.

I made a "Dip Money" jar and every single day I'm going to put 5 dollars in it to represent the can of Cope I would have bought. When I reach the HOF, I'm going to reward myself with something nice with that 500 dollars.

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2010, 06:52:00 PM »
Make no mistake, I take this very seriously as well. I have already posted roll for the day to mark my first day of my new journey. I have thrown away my last can and I don't even hang out with anybody who dips. There was never any peer pressure involved, it was just something I did because I enjoyed doing it. No one has ever offered me a dip and I've never shared a dip with anyone else. Other than a few acquaintances at work, I don't even know anybody else who dips. This was my own foul habit.

I'd like to thank you guys for the warm welcome. I know it won't be easy, but it certainly will be a heckuva lot easier with support from people who've been through it already.

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2010, 04:31:00 PM »
Brian and Bean got it right. And remember, everyone in here takes this very seriously, don't post messages being silly about going camping with a bunch of dippers or skipping a day of roll call. Do it. One day at a time and soon you'll be looking at a long line of quit.

Tins used to not be behind the counter, and when I was in grad school and broke as shit, I probably 5 fingered tins two or three times a I was stupid....

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2010, 08:06:00 AM »
Great choice. Read all you on this site. Here's all you have to do:
1) commit to not dip today by posting roll,
2) keep your word all day,
3) repeat daily
I wish I had stopped at your age. Like you, I started in HS, thought "I can quit anytime" and then (20 yrs later) I quit.

"yesterday + 1" is your new motto. Embrace the will get better. You can do this!!!

Offline brianl

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Re: Just quit
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 07:47:00 AM »
Welcome JT88,

You've come to the right place if you're serious about maning up and strapping your QUIT on.

Get rid of all the cans you've got laying around.
Read as much as you can on this site. Go to the welcome center and absorb. Learn how to post roll and understand the commitment behind it.

Remeber that everyone here knows what you're going through, and are all examples that it CAN BE DONE!!

Is it gonna suck? yes
Is it gonna be a battle? yes
Is it gonna save your fucking life? yes
Will you have the support? yes

PM me if I can be of any help.
Stay Strong-Stay Quit

Offline Jt88

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Just quit
« on: October 15, 2010, 11:46:00 PM »
Hello, everybody. My name is Jim and I am about to turn 22. This year, I figured that the best gift I can possibly give myself is to finally kick this nasty habit.

I first started when I turned 18 and found the novelty of buying things that I couldn't previously purchase. I had tried cigarettes prior to this in my teenage years, but did not like them. I had been wanting to try a can of dip, but was too embarrassed to ask any of my older friends to buy it for me.

Well, I walked to the store that day and bought a can of Copenhagen Black. The first few dips were nasty, but eventually I grew to really like it. This began my addiction.

I tried several different dips, but Cope Black was still my favorite. My dips started getting bigger and bigger, until it got to the point where I'm at now where one can will only give me two dips.

After Cope Black was discontinued, I moved on to Grizzly Fine Cut Natural, and then eventually back to Cope Snuff once Grizzly wasn't so cheap anymore.

I have maintained a can a day habit off and on over the past four years. There are several times where I'd quit for two or three months, not of my own choice, but due to money or relationship reasons. In the end, I'd always start again.

When I first started, I told myself that I'd only do it for a few months and then stop, fully knowing the risks involved.

That was four years ago.

I've had my first experience with health issues related to this over the past year or so. From the unexplained mouth sores that scare me until they go away to my doctor telling me my blood pressure is way too high for my age and weight, this just isn't a risk that I want to continue taking.

I'm tired of scrounging for change to buy a can, dropping the exact 5.07 on the counter that will buy me my silver and black can of poison. I'm tired of not wearing my contacts just because I know they will burn when I put them in if I've dipped at all that day. I'm tired of having stains on my pants. I'm tired of wondering if that sore is going to go away this time. I'm tired of explaining to the cute cashier that it's for my brother and that I too find it repulsive.

The ironic thing is that I found this site while I had half a can packed in my lip. I've been telling myself over the past few months that I'd quit after just one more can. One can turned in to another, and then another, and so on.

Well, now I'm finally putting my foot down before it's too late (and also hoping that it's not already too late). I am done with this. I'm not kidding myself anymore when I tell myself that I'm not addicted. "I could quit at anytime" is what I'm so used to telling myself, well, now it's finally time to prove it.