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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #47 on: June 15, 2014, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: RobFulton1
Day 15

Wanted to reach for it bad today. Got into an argument with my ex-wife. Felt that stress well up inside. Wanted a dip. BAD.

But it wouldn't have helped anything at all. I'm currently mowing through sunflower seeds and spitting them like there's no tomorrow. I'm on here reading and posting. But I'm not dipping. NB be damned, she won't win. Today or ever.

Run day again tomorrow. Concert to do tonight yet. Pounding the stress and the crave into the ground cannot come soon enough.

Still QLF. This is one of those days where I find myself saying "F" a lot. Ugh.

I'll get through this. Reading the forums and the HOFs. Some bad ass quitters giving me inspiration.

Every Damn Day. Because there's TMTLF
You're winning. Keep it up. Keep your foot on the nic bitch's throat.
Early in my quit i remember looking at my wife and telling her i didn't know if i could make it. After a few words of inspiration on this forum and a tear i pulled through.

When it gets tough you do whatever it takes. If putting a few words down on your intro helps do it. If you got to drop a tear do it. Eventually your brain will agree with your heart and you'll be knocking down days like there's no tomorrow.

It sounds like you have determination and drive in the bag. Now your working on time. It's a good thing we only do this one day at a time.

Stick with the plan my friend it's all going to come together. Settle in, keep your head pointed toward the door. There is nothing back there for you. Your worth it.
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #46 on: June 15, 2014, 07:44:00 PM »
Quote from: RobFulton1
Day 15

Wanted to reach for it bad today. Got into an argument with my ex-wife. Felt that stress well up inside. Wanted a dip. BAD.

But it wouldn't have helped anything at all. I'm currently mowing through sunflower seeds and spitting them like there's no tomorrow. I'm on here reading and posting. But I'm not dipping. NB be damned, she won't win. Today or ever.

Run day again tomorrow. Concert to do tonight yet. Pounding the stress and the crave into the ground cannot come soon enough.

Still QLF. This is one of those days where I find myself saying "F" a lot. Ugh.

I'll get through this. Reading the forums and the HOFs. Some bad ass quitters giving me inspiration.

Every Damn Day. Because there's TMTLF
You're winning. Keep it up. Keep your foot on the nic bitch's throat.
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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2014, 04:02:00 PM »
Day 15

Wanted to reach for it bad today. Got into an argument with my ex-wife. Felt that stress well up inside. Wanted a dip. BAD.

But it wouldn't have helped anything at all. I'm currently mowing through sunflower seeds and spitting them like there's no tomorrow. I'm on here reading and posting. But I'm not dipping. NB be damned, she won't win. Today or ever.

Run day again tomorrow. Concert to do tonight yet. Pounding the stress and the crave into the ground cannot come soon enough.

Still QLF. This is one of those days where I find myself saying "F" a lot. Ugh.

I'll get through this. Reading the forums and the HOFs. Some bad ass quitters giving me inspiration.

Every Damn Day. Because there's TMTLF
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2014, 03:50:00 AM »
Quote from: CavMan83

Awesome journal you got going there....may have to start doing that myself. Am proud to be in your quit group....

Noticed earlier you asked:

Any recommendations for fake dips or things that helped you guys?

I use Bacc-Off straight when I HAVE to have something in the lip. Closest thing to Copenhagen I've tried...doesn't get all muddy and packs pretty good. Saying that, I was a can a day....been quit for 3 days now and only used one can of Bacc-off....I don't know if that's good or bad....

Keep strong....guys like me are taking cues from you!
I've used Hooch a lot, started using it around the 14 day mark. Heard a lot of guys like smokey mountain too. SM is too long for my tastes, but this next batch I'm gonna blend and see how that does.

Keep plugging along bro, you're about to start having more good days than bad. It is totally worth staying quit, so don't let the NB talk you into any compromise.
I was a ninja dipper, but I will have a berserker quit - Here's some encouragement

NEVER Ring the Bell! Watch this. It will change your life.

When a crave hits watch this.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind Always."

?Gentlemen, we are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good. ? ~ Vince Lombardi

"We all have our own demons that we face on a day to day basis. Some we can talk to others about. Some that we have to work through on our own. ...the nic bitch continues to knock on the doors my friends. Stay strong, stay vigilant." - Fireheeler; 6/11/14 in AUG14

Never cured, but quitting like this

What cost is too high?

Addict Life

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2014, 09:08:00 PM »

Awesome journal you got going there....may have to start doing that myself. Am proud to be in your quit group....

Noticed earlier you asked:

Any recommendations for fake dips or things that helped you guys?

I use Bacc-Off straight when I HAVE to have something in the lip. Closest thing to Copenhagen I've tried...doesn't get all muddy and packs pretty good. Saying that, I was a can a day....been quit for 3 days now and only used one can of Bacc-off....I don't know if that's good or bad....

Keep strong....guys like me are taking cues from you!

Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2014, 11:45:00 AM »
Day 13

Cravings have been much less the last few days. I'm glad for that. I know they come and go, but I'm grateful that they're a little less right now.

Finished the second week of Couch to 5k this morning - 2.5 miles in a little over 34 minutes, all together. It's getting easier. I seriously feel great.

It's a good day to be quit! So is everyday.
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

Quit Date: June 1, 2014

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2014, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: RobFulton1
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: RobFulton1
They get weak and nervous or aren't committed, and they cave. They fall off. And I hate it. It weakens the group...
Nope. Not even...

They were weak already... Their weakness has nothing to do with you or your group.

Not. One. Thing.

You're stronger for their cave... It's your look at what you do NOT want to be anymore. Your resolve is stronger because of it.
That's a good call, AJ.

I still hate it for them, though. I'm telling ya, can't put a price on the freedom. I'd rather struggle with cravings the rest of my life than to go back.
Freedom is my favorite word.

As the day roll by, you'll understand it better and better.

Rock on man...
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2014, 08:24:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: RobFulton1
They get weak and nervous or aren't committed, and they cave. They fall off. And I hate it. It weakens the group...
Nope. Not even...

They were weak already... Their weakness has nothing to do with you or your group.

Not. One. Thing.

You're stronger for their cave... It's your look at what you do NOT want to be anymore. Your resolve is stronger because of it.
That's a good call, AJ.

I still hate it for them, though. I'm telling ya, can't put a price on the freedom. I'd rather struggle with cravings the rest of my life than to go back.
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

Quit Date: June 1, 2014

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2014, 08:19:00 PM »
Quote from: RobFulton1
They get weak and nervous or aren't committed, and they cave. They fall off. And I hate it. It weakens the group...
Nope. Not even...

They were weak already... Their weakness has nothing to do with you or your group.

Not. One. Thing.

You're stronger for their cave... It's your look at what you do NOT want to be anymore. Your resolve is stronger because of it.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline RobFulton1

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2014, 08:08:00 PM »
Day 11, And the cravings are still here, but not as strong as yesterday. They come and go. It's sunflower seeds for me today - which thankfully I've always liked anyway. But I think having something to spit helps.

Had 3 days with my little girl (she's 3) without having to go out back and dip. I know I said this already the other day, but I can't tell you how great that feels.

We've had a few cavers in Sept14 so far. I started out being mad, but now I'm just kind of bummed for them. If I can do this, they can do this. They get weak and nervous or aren't committed, and they cave. They fall off. And I hate it. It weakens the group, but I hate it most for them. This poison-free freedom I have now, I wouldn't trade. Yes, some days suck, but I'm so much better for it. We all are.

Just some thoughts while I had a sec. lol. My 2 cents are whatever they're worth.

Grateful for you guys who read here and post along with me. Proud to be quit with you all today.
"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

Quit Date: June 1, 2014

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #37 on: June 10, 2014, 09:55:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: RobFulton1
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: RobFulton1
Wow, MAJOR bad craving after lunch today. Day 10, and it's worse than the rest for some reason. I'm chewing gum and it's helping. It's not a "911" exactly, I'm not caving. But wow, haven't had a craving like this since about day 2.

This happen to anyone else?
Yes, I still have an occasional crave at day 68. You did the right thing and came here. You had a plan! Did you text the folks in your text circle? That helps. Stay strong, craves only last 3 minutes.
Yeah man, I've got 2 circles, and I texted them both. And I put the hammer on that gum. LOL

Got through it. No caving!

Double Digits today. 10% of the way to the Hall of Fame. 1% of the way to The Comma.

Never going back.

You just won a battle brother. That's how you do it. Keep it one day at a time. Enjoy each new day of freedom.
Beating craves into the pavement stops being work over time and instead becomes winning. Everything becomes a win. After years of losing, one day at a time you are winning over and over and over.

Nice job.
10 days quit! Well done.

Your post brought me back 343 days to my day 10.... I got a call from my wife that sent me into a major crave. You know the call... everything is going wrong at home and you need to fix it now. Hearing her speak into the phone brought on this huge rush of emotion... My want dip meter was pegged! I had to hang up the phone. Only having 10 days under my belt I quickly got my bearings and ran to the KTC website for help. I was able to work thru it with my will and determination and the help of my brothers and sisters here at KTC.

You will have craves. You are better than these craves and you can beat them back. Use your tools, use the site and keep your word. Today was a big victory my brother. Take it from me. I was in your shoes... at day 10... major crave.... today I sit at 353 days quit. I am not special. I am a quitter just like you. You can do this. Quit with you all day long.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2014, 08:51:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: RobFulton1
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: RobFulton1
Wow, MAJOR bad craving after lunch today. Day 10, and it's worse than the rest for some reason. I'm chewing gum and it's helping. It's not a "911" exactly, I'm not caving. But wow, haven't had a craving like this since about day 2.

This happen to anyone else?
Yes, I still have an occasional crave at day 68. You did the right thing and came here. You had a plan! Did you text the folks in your text circle? That helps. Stay strong, craves only last 3 minutes.
Yeah man, I've got 2 circles, and I texted them both. And I put the hammer on that gum. LOL

Got through it. No caving!

Double Digits today. 10% of the way to the Hall of Fame. 1% of the way to The Comma.

Never going back.

You just won a battle brother. That's how you do it. Keep it one day at a time. Enjoy each new day of freedom.
Beating craves into the pavement stops being work over time and instead becomes winning. Everything becomes a win. After years of losing, one day at a time you are winning over and over and over.

Nice job.

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #35 on: June 10, 2014, 08:37:00 PM »
Quote from: RobFulton1
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: RobFulton1
Wow, MAJOR bad craving after lunch today. Day 10, and it's worse than the rest for some reason. I'm chewing gum and it's helping. It's not a "911" exactly, I'm not caving. But wow, haven't had a craving like this since about day 2.

This happen to anyone else?
Yes, I still have an occasional crave at day 68. You did the right thing and came here. You had a plan! Did you text the folks in your text circle? That helps. Stay strong, craves only last 3 minutes.
Yeah man, I've got 2 circles, and I texted them both. And I put the hammer on that gum. LOL

Got through it. No caving!

Double Digits today. 10% of the way to the Hall of Fame. 1% of the way to The Comma.

Never going back.

You just won a battle brother. That's how you do it. Keep it one day at a time. Enjoy each new day of freedom.
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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2014, 06:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: RobFulton1
Wow, MAJOR bad craving after lunch today. Day 10, and it's worse than the rest for some reason. I'm chewing gum and it's helping. It's not a "911" exactly, I'm not caving. But wow, haven't had a craving like this since about day 2.

This happen to anyone else?
Yes, I still have an occasional crave at day 68. You did the right thing and came here. You had a plan! Did you text the folks in your text circle? That helps. Stay strong, craves only last 3 minutes.
Yeah man, I've got 2 circles, and I texted them both. And I put the hammer on that gum. LOL

Got through it. No caving!

Double Digits today. 10% of the way to the Hall of Fame. 1% of the way to The Comma.

Never going back.

"Too much to live for"

Ego Non Vinci

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Re: Too Much To Live For
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2014, 03:20:00 PM »
Quote from: RobFulton1
Wow, MAJOR bad craving after lunch today. Day 10, and it's worse than the rest for some reason. I'm chewing gum and it's helping. It's not a "911" exactly, I'm not caving. But wow, haven't had a craving like this since about day 2.

This happen to anyone else?
Yes, I still have an occasional crave at day 68. You did the right thing and came here. You had a plan! Did you text the folks in your text circle? That helps. Stay strong, craves only last 3 minutes.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.