I work in the oilfield and most of my coworkers use tobacco so the temptation is always present so this is going to be a serious challenge and I need your support!
ok man heres what i told that big red dude bout dealin with dippers...
ok big red... you got buddys what dip and you prolly wont be avoidin um eether. they think your crazy for quittin cuz they cant do it. and so they will try to under mine your quit. one a those guys is gonna offer a dip and you need a plan. here's dromes plan for you... take the can with a big smile. open the can. turn the can 180 dagrees so the contents spill out on the ground. piss on the contents. (some times you cant do that so just mash it in to the ground with your shoes). put lid back on can. hand back to buddy. repete till they get the messige. once they get that messige try bummin a dip. repete the same steps. soon they wont let you touch there dip.
i bet you cood make the same kind a thing work for you.
^^^^ This method works. I dumped my brother-in-law's can when he tried the bullshit "you know you want one" several times after a few beers. I just kinda hung my head like I couldn't stand the withdrawal anymore, and reached out for his can. He was grinning ear to ear until I flung his shit in the fire we were standing around. Was he pissed? Yep. Did he get over it? Yep. Did he harrass me anymore? Nope, and that was 2 years ago. I never had to go to phase 2 of Syndrome's plan.
I'm a firefighter with a volunteer department, and tobacco is rampant in that crowd. I'm around it all the time, so I understand your situation. Temptation doesn't mean diddly squat if you're committed to your quit and prepared for the traps. Be prepared. Your coworkers will go through stages:
1. Laughing at you because they think you can't quit.
2. Harrassing you because they're jealous.
3. Mad because you're succeeding and they're still using.
4. Respectful because you are an iron-willed badass. This one takes a while.