Hey, Not sure I'm supposed to do this, but I'm going to anyway. You are hearing it from someone on Day 1. You say it was easy for you to quit at the beginning? Well, that is your addiction talking, trying to convince you that you can quit at any time. You say you don't eat, don't sleep, get depressed and are stressed out? Stop thinking about what you don't need (dip), think about the things you appreciate in life. Dip did not enhance your experiences! It didn't then, and it should not now! Go eat your favorite food, and do your favorite activity! Don't let this addiction control you! You made a decision to quit, now stand strong and live life the way it was supposed to be lived, to its fullest! I'm on round 1 for quitting, but I have stopped many times, one time for as long as a year. My addiction controlled me for 27 years, and I will no longer let it rule my life. Nor should you!
Take control, refocus your mind priorities and I thank you for this post!!