Hey guys,
I'm Brandon, 21 years old and I am a Copenhagen addict. I have been dipping since I was 17. Copenhagen Wintergreen was my poison of choice, and just took my last lip a half an hour ago. I have been dipping almost every day since November of 2012. My habit started by stealing Cope Snuff off of my step dad every now and again when I was around 12, the buzz kept me going back. When I turned 17 my ex-girlfrind showed me a convenient store that sold to minors, and ever since I've been dipping non-stop. When I got to college and met other dippers, I started going through 1-3 tins a day. I was able to "quit" for five days from June 5th to the 10th last month which was the longest I have gone without dipping since I started. Dipping has destroyed my gums, and I feel my health deteriorating as well. For the past few months when I dip, I get extremely lethargic afterwards, but I keep going back. After considering the health costs and other detriments dip presents, I have decided to finally part ways with the destructive habit for good. I have tried and failed to quit many times before, but failure breeds success, and with the help of this community it is the time to actually quit. I am very happy I came across this site, and I feel very optimistic, I am truly looking forward to getting off of the shit.
Enough about me, I am looking forward to getting to know all you guys on the forums! This website is fantastic and I can't wait to help each other conquer this addiction! I am in the October 2016 quit group, but I am having trouble understanding the roll call posts, if someone could help explain. Thanks!
"Either I will find a way or I will make one" -Hannibal ~214 BC