Author Topic: Thank Ypu!  (Read 3145 times)

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Offline Texas22

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2013, 10:06:00 AM »
Well done on your 1000 days! what a feeling that must be! cant wait to get that many days under my belt! one day at a time!
The only easy day was yesterday. -BUD/S slogan

Offline StevieG

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Thank you and congrats.

Offline Pinched

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2013, 09:54:00 AM »
Husker, congrats on 1,000 days today! Your intro had some dust on it so I blew it off and figured that not only did you deserve some recognition for today but that some of your history could help strengthen the quit resolve of others as well.

Well done and thank you for sticking around!
'oh yeah'
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2012, 06:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: husker06484
Quick story...

So Friday night we lose our game 14-0 and as we do after most games we head back to my house for some food and beer. In the room I have 4 dippers with their mouths full of shit. One even has Redman on one side and Grizzly in the other. A coach asks me how do I do it? How do I sit in a room ful of dippers and not dip. The answer was quite easy. I told him. I am no longer a dipper. After 600+ days I dont want it or consider my self a dipper anymore. I went on to tell him I will always be an addict and that knowledge is enough to not dip. If I throw one in I will start all over again and it just isnt worth it. One day at a time ladies and gentlemen

well done and nice time get them on this website too
X 2!!! Surprised the redman/grizz dude didn't have a cig or cigar in his hand as well lol!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'


Great victory and way to keep the shit from creeping back in, she is a sneaky bitch that attacks in many forms .......
Attaboy Husk! Testify! 'clap'

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2012, 06:15:00 PM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: husker06484
Quick story...

So Friday night we lose our game 14-0 and as we do after most games we head back to my house for some food and beer. In the room I have 4 dippers with their mouths full of shit. One even has Redman on one side and Grizzly in the other. A coach asks me how do I do it? How do I sit in a room ful of dippers and not dip. The answer was quite easy. I told him. I am no longer a dipper. After 600+ days I dont want it or consider my self a dipper anymore. I went on to tell him I will always be an addict and that knowledge is enough to not dip. If I throw one in I will start all over again and it just isnt worth it. One day at a time ladies and gentlemen

well done and nice time get them on this website too
X 2!!! Surprised the redman/grizz dude didn't have a cig or cigar in his hand as well lol!
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'


Great victory and way to keep the shit from creeping back in, she is a sneaky bitch that attacks in many forms .......
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

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Offline Kdip

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2012, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: husker06484
Quick story...

So Friday night we lose our game 14-0 and as we do after most games we head back to my house for some food and beer. In the room I have 4 dippers with their mouths full of shit. One even has Redman on one side and Grizzly in the other. A coach asks me how do I do it? How do I sit in a room ful of dippers and not dip. The answer was quite easy. I told him. I am no longer a dipper. After 600+ days I dont want it or consider my self a dipper anymore. I went on to tell him I will always be an addict and that knowledge is enough to not dip. If I throw one in I will start all over again and it just isnt worth it. One day at a time ladies and gentlemen

well done and nice time get them on this website too
X 2!!! Surprised the redman/grizz dude didn't have a cig or cigar in his hand as well lol!

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2012, 01:10:00 PM »
Quote from: husker06484
Quick story...

So Friday night we lose our game 14-0 and as we do after most games we head back to my house for some food and beer. In the room I have 4 dippers with their mouths full of shit. One even has Redman on one side and Grizzly in the other. A coach asks me how do I do it? How do I sit in a room ful of dippers and not dip. The answer was quite easy. I told him. I am no longer a dipper. After 600+ days I dont want it or consider my self a dipper anymore. I went on to tell him I will always be an addict and that knowledge is enough to not dip. If I throw one in I will start all over again and it just isnt worth it. One day at a time ladies and gentlemen

well done and nice time get them on this website too

Offline husker06484

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2012, 12:34:00 PM »
Quick story...

So Friday night we lose our game 14-0 and as we do after most games we head back to my house for some food and beer. In the room I have 4 dippers with their mouths full of shit. One even has Redman on one side and Grizzly in the other. A coach asks me how do I do it? How do I sit in a room ful of dippers and not dip. The answer was quite easy. I told him. I am no longer a dipper. After 600+ days I dont want it or consider my self a dipper anymore. I went on to tell him I will always be an addict and that knowledge is enough to not dip. If I throw one in I will start all over again and it just isnt worth it. One day at a time ladies and gentlemen

Offline husker06484

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2011, 02:08:00 PM »
I havent wrtten in here in a long time but i have a few thoughts and I might as well put them some where....

Fear is what keeps so many people from quitting...The fear of the unknown, the fear of what life will be like without a dip because life is dipping. Everything you do, you have a dip in....I knew I was killing myself, I knew that the warning label said this product cause cancer...I did it anyways, because I was to scared to live without the bitch. So many times I would stop and freak out 4 hours later and run to the store because I didnt know what I was going to do in the morning when I was in traffic without a dip...Fucking fear of the unknown kept me a slave...Then when I realized it wasnt fear it was my addiction that had such a strong hold on me and it was the addiction masking itself as fear that is when I was able to stop...IT is so easy...Just dont dip! It cant be a simpler concept..Dont put something into your mouth that will kill you...But the addiction tells you it is ok...Its never ok...FUCK YOU UST!!!! You dirty whore bag cumdumpsters who like their hair pulled while you have a gag ball in your mouth and a donkey fucking you up the ass mother fuckers! You sell this shit knowing full well whats in it and you profit millions upon millions off killing people....Fucking great job....So anyways....Really my thoughts have led me to this....Dont be afraid of the unknown...Dont let an addiction that will kill you control your life..Fucking a dip does not take the pain away from someone dying, it does not make you feel better after a fight with your wife...It will not get you your job back after you were fired, it wont take the place of friendship lost or wifes love....Fucking live your life for you not your addiction....Take taht step and be free and learn that you can do anything you want without a dip in....Stop being scared to quit...Just fucking quit!

Offline husker06484

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2011, 11:20:00 AM »
FUCK OFF NB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You wont win!!! You cant win!!! You are a piece of shit...So Fuck off!!!!!

OK I feel better!!!!

Offline jcook

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 04:08:00 PM »
Your story sounds just like mine and countless others here ........ so since our beginnings are very similar, let me give you a peak at just down the road:

The "fog" lasted for me about four weeks. For some it's just a week, for others longer. I was pretty much angry every day until around day 50 or so. Just me. Something else I began to notice ...... this freedom thing. The freedom to do what I wanted to do and not be on a chain held by a can. The freedom to spend time with my family for as long as I wanted, and not feel the pull to walk away to be alone with the dip. Somewhere along my quit, the freedom began to out last the anger. I am at 114 days clean today. I'm still a new guy. The vets told me in the beginning that I had no idea how good it could get. Now I know. They were right. This path you are on is rough. Only heroes trod here. What you find is freedom and pride. All you have to do is walk this path today. If you get a tomorrow, walk it then too. But just focus on walking it today. Thanks for being here, you help me stay quit.
"I like a man who grins when he fights." - Winston Churchill

Day 1: 11-28-10
HOF : 03-07-11

Offline tarpon17

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 03:07:00 PM »
Welcome husker, don't forget to make a plan and stick with it. What are you going to do the next time you have a presentation to give? Or your wife gives you grief? Or the lawn mower breaks?

Get #'s. A vital component to every quitter. Get some phone #'s of your buds in June. If you can't make it to roll call, text someone your promise and they'll post for you. Also, if you are raging, craving, or about to go bonkers, text or call someone and they can help you through the hard times.

This isn't a solo activity, its a big group hug and we all count on each other. That said, welcome again, and PM me if I can be of any service to you.


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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 03:03:00 PM »
Quote from: husker06484
.....Waiting around till everyone went to bed, taking long drives out of the way, hoping the light turned red just so the dip would last longer.....
Guilty, Guilty and Guilty. You wouldn't believe how many people here did all of those things and more. I passed my street many times because I wasn't ready to spit the cat turd out. Even slowed down hoping a light would change to red. Such is the behavior of an addict. Good to be quit with you.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Thank Ypu!
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 02:41:00 PM »
Quote from: husker06484
5 Days quit today and cant wait for 6 and 7 and so on....One day at a time is really working with me.....I have tried for many years to quit and I happened to luck into finding this site....I read and read and read some more....To look at all the decsriptions of a "mad dipper" does just to get the fix in...I was described to a T on so many levels and in so many different parts of this site.....Waiting around till everyone went to bed, taking long drives out of the way, hoping the light turned red just so the dip would last longer.....Rediculous stuff I am actually embarrassed that it had that much control over me....What I can say is this site and the idea of accountability has given me the strength to take my life back one day at a time.....Cant thank everyone who has talked to me already on the site and off and for thsoe of you that have written stuff....I find my self just reading and reading to keep my mind on the task at hand.... 5 days sucked but its getting better and better.....Thanks again all...Stay strong!!!!

Great job and keep it up. I recognize some of myself in this post. One day at a time.

Offline husker06484

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Thank Ypu!
« on: March 21, 2011, 02:38:00 PM »
5 Days quit today and cant wait for 6 and 7 and so on....One day at a time is really working with me.....I have tried for many years to quit and I happened to luck into finding this site....I read and read and read some more....To look at all the decsriptions of a "mad dipper" does just to get the fix in...I was described to a T on so many levels and in so many different parts of this site.....Waiting around till everyone went to bed, taking long drives out of the way, hoping the light turned red just so the dip would last longer.....Rediculous stuff I am actually embarrassed that it had that much control over me....What I can say is this site and the idea of accountability has given me the strength to take my life back one day at a time.....Cant thank everyone who has talked to me already on the site and off and for thsoe of you that have written stuff....I find my self just reading and reading to keep my mind on the task at hand.... 5 days sucked but its getting better and better.....Thanks again all...Stay strong!!!!
