Hey all, here to document as well as vent. Almost two weeks ago since my last post about the bad anxiety. Ashwagandha has not arrived yet but having another one of those brutal couple day spells.
What gets me the most is that I have just never been this way before. I have always been able to improve my mood, mind over matter was taught to me at a young age. It's frustrating, it's exhausting, it's actually embarrassing.
Is it all because I'm re wiring my brain? Is this really from nicotine? The brain is a powerful tool, I usually use it to my advantage. Now at times it's like I am fighting against my own brain.
I am setting a goal. Or a maybe milestone is a better word. At my 90 day mark I will be going back to talk to the Dr. I am tired of feeling like this. I'm tired of not being myself. These days make me think, was it nicotine that made me that happy care free person?