You found your Quit Group, and posted roll. Nice job! Just a couple minor things wrong with your post - You posted in the bottom section, the section where supporters post. Quitters in your Quit Group should post in the upper section. But, don't worry about it, it will make sense to you soon enough. One thing to remember, the only way to screw up roll is by not being on roll.
The second thing I wanted to mention - this is your Day 2. Your Day 1 is the day you decide to quit. Again, not a huge deal, but you can post Day 3 tomorrow.
I also chewed for 24 years. I've been clean for more than three. This place works if you let it. Come here early every morning and post roll. Make your promise, keep your promise. Grab some digits (phone numbers) from Quitters in your group, and from vets as well. Mine are just a PM away if you want them.
I chewed the hell out of sugar free gum when I first quit. Some use fake dip, others use seeds or hard candy. Any of those do a good job of satisfying the oral fixation part of the addiction.
As for the chemical withdrawal part of the addiction. give it about three days. Drink lots of water to flush the chemical out of your body.
After you've taken care of the oral fixation and chemical withdrawal, it's a mental game. You have to steel your resolve. Come here and read as much as your schedule allows. You may have to pay at the pump when you fill up for a while.
Honestly, what it comes down to is very simple. Don't cave for any reason. Take a walk or a run, or whatever you have to do to take your mind off Skoal.
Again, welcome, and keep coming back here.