Author Topic: Long time habit  (Read 2918 times)

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Offline Aumegrad

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Re: Long time habit
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2019, 08:05:10 AM »
Congrats on the best decision of your life.  It won’t be easy, but nothing of worth really is.  But before getting too far, you must acknowledge that this isn’t a “habit”, it’s an ADDICTION.  A habit is not putting the toilet seat down.  Nicotine is more serious than this.  In fact, nicotine is ranked just behind heroine and cocaine as the worlds most addictive substances.  Think about that for a minute.  Your fight against nicotine must be a focused effort to destroy the enemy, while maintaining full cognizance of who it is.  Minimizing its control on your life will only lead to failure.  So with all that said, repeat after me ... “long time ADDICTION”!

You can effectively fight this utilizing the tools on this website.  Ask me how I know ... Aumegrad 363 days nicotine free after a 26 yr addiction!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 08:07:15 AM by Aumegrad »
Who is Aumegrad ???? ...

What were his thoughts at 100 days ???? ... [url=]HoF

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Offline DesertDweller

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Re: Long time habit
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2019, 11:29:46 PM »
I started cope when i was 18 and will be turning 60 in a few months.  So i have had about a 41 year habit.  Its been my God and has consumed every aspect of my life.   Get up and first thing i put in my mouth and last thing before bed  and who knows how much in between.  I remember my first can was 38 cents on the military base and last paid can was 6 bucks plus.  Could of paid off my house with all the crap i put in my face.  Lately its affected my breathing and heart.  Recently was in afib and got cardioverted and I'm sure the cope had something to do with it.
Anyway i would appreciate all the support any long time members can give to keep me from a cave and i would love to encourage my fellow new quitters as we all need it.    My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx if anyone wants to text and lets kick this cans ass
Outstanding that you want to exchange numbers.
That is a cornerstone of what we do here.
However, we encourage you to use the PM system for exchanging numbers. This is an open forum and not the best place to post your number.
Quit on!

Glad to see you've made the decision to quit prof. We've all been where you are, where we've finally said enough and will do anything to quit. You've certainly come to the right place! If you will make your promise each morning, stick to that promise, and help the shit out of your fellow quitters, I know you can quit this poison! I will text you my number and again, so glad you're here!

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Offline Leonidas

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Re: Long time habit
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2019, 11:25:08 PM »
I started cope when i was 18 and will be turning 60 in a few months.  So i have had about a 41 year habit.  Its been my God and has consumed every aspect of my life.   Get up and first thing i put in my mouth and last thing before bed  and who knows how much in between.  I remember my first can was 38 cents on the military base and last paid can was 6 bucks plus.  Could of paid off my house with all the crap i put in my face.  Lately its affected my breathing and heart.  Recently was in afib and got cardioverted and I'm sure the cope had something to do with it.
Anyway i would appreciate all the support any long time members can give to keep me from a cave and i would love to encourage my fellow new quitters as we all need it.    My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx if anyone wants to text and lets kick this cans ass
Outstanding that you want to exchange numbers.
That is a cornerstone of what we do here.
However, we encourage you to use the PM system for exchanging numbers. This is an open forum and not the best place to post your number.
Quit on!
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Offline Profbeetle

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Long time habit
« on: July 19, 2019, 08:49:30 PM »
I started cope when i was 18 and will be turning 60 in a few months.  So i have had about a 41 year habit.  Its been my God and has consumed every aspect of my life.   Get up and first thing i put in my mouth and last thing before bed  and who knows how much in between.  I remember my first can was 38 cents on the military base and last paid can was 6 bucks plus.  Could of paid off my house with all the crap i put in my face.  Lately its affected my breathing and heart.  Recently was in afib and got cardioverted and I'm sure the cope had something to do with it.
Anyway i would appreciate all the support any long time members can give to keep me from a cave and i would love to encourage my fellow new quitters as we all need it.    My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx if anyone wants to text and lets kick this cans ass
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 11:18:51 PM by Leonidas »