Author Topic: Female quitter.  (Read 3644 times)

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2019, 10:43:15 PM »
I hope you understand the number of people reaching out and looking for you. You have support here. You need to think about using it more. None of us were able to quit on our own. @Kayla6036

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2019, 12:53:17 PM »
@Kayla6036 ....where you at girl....I have not seen your post today.  Please get in contact with one of us. 
Wildirish intro

"So if any of you still have friends dippin tell them this if you dont have what it takes to quit nicotine you are gonna be TOO big of a pussy for chemo."  -Todd Garcia (Traumagnet)

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Offline Kayla6036

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2019, 10:46:12 PM »
Good story and glad to meet a fellow quitter. I’m Day 2 currently and I can tell you I’ve been down your road of trashing everything related (which can be helpful). My advice is to not give it any power, whether it is empty bottles or a certain situation. All my previous fails I put dip and everything associated with it on a pedestal. I always failed. Now I will not let it have any power over me. Don’t let it have power over you either. It is just dip, nothing more. It’s tough quitting but I can tell you this time is different because I’m not making dip into this huge thing. It’s just something I used to do (coming up on 8 yrs) and now I’m done. Welcome and if you need a quit partner just pm me and I’ll be there.

def will be messaging you in the future LOL i plan to go to EVERYONE that offered!!! THANK YOU

Offline jsjohnson

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2019, 05:06:43 PM »
Hey ya, we are in the same quit group.  I am on day 5, the only difference between us is that the nic is out of my system and it is not out of yours.  I am not in the position of giving advice, I can only tell you my story.  I started chewing snuff when I was 17.  I turned 50 last month, so that is 33 years of chewing.  I read some our fellow quitters storys and think to myself, damn I have been chewing tobacco longer that some yall have been alive.  Well that came to an end 5 days ago.  I wanted to quit..I was tired of waking up thinking about it.  My son just turned 19 last month, and he is vaping.  I blame myself because he grew up thinking it was ok to use tobacco products.  Anyway I just wanted to let you know I am here with you, but it is one day at a time.  Message me if you need me...definatly message me if you believe you are going to cave. 
Wildirish intro

"So if any of you still have friends dippin tell them this if you dont have what it takes to quit nicotine you are gonna be TOO big of a pussy for chemo."  -Todd Garcia (Traumagnet)

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2019, 03:58:36 PM »
Hello,  still getting the hang of the forum. Still not quite sure whats allowed and what isnt. Anyways to my story.

I joined a volunteer fire department at 16. I was the only female for years. Everyone either smoked or dipped. My grandma smoked and my grandpafather dipped (raised by my grandparents) ,  even my older brother dipped. Fast forward to 19 i was still on the department and actually living at the fire station and my brother comes to hang out.  We are sitting in the office talking and he takes a dip. My curiosity got the better of me.  Iv tried smoking and that just grossed me out (weird right!?!) So i ask for one and awkwardly stuff my lip and i got my first nicotine high. Later that day i bought my first can.  Id keep a dip in for hours lol but those first few days i kept getting the nicotine high and by the end of the first week i was hooked.... met my husband at 20 hid it from him a good while.  He also dips. Then eventually it was normal for me to dip. I only dipped around close friends and family. Well we had our first child and i quit for that entire pregnancy.... the car ride home from the hospital i had my husband stop and get me a can and i was hooked AGAIN.  Years go by and watched my daughter pretend dip and knew i needed to change.  Not only that but i hid i dipped from any new person or certain family.  Its very taboo for a female to dip. I even pretend at gas stations that im picking it up for my husband :-\  my husband even quit for a few months to hopefully encourage me to quit but im very stubborn and had the mindset well more for me! Now here we are 10 years later and i have my 2nd child. My grandpa passed away a few years back and i chew the same brand he did. Its sentimental somewhat but he also died of lung cancer.  Now iv decided to quit for good now. My daughter is 6 and i do not want her to think its ok. I also have a son now that im scared will eventually chew also. Its gonna be hard and i have 0 self control. My husband dips too but isnt quitting right now so itll be even harder. But he has agreed to not bring it in the house and keep it as discreet as possible around me. I wont lie. Iv already slipped up several times.  Im not sure what that means here for my quit group but im still here and still want to quit.  Tomorrow ill post on the accountability post again but back at day 1. I can do it. I have a support team and just need to learn to cope instead of using it as a crutch.  Iv already went through the house and trashed all things related to chewing. even empty bottles trigger me.  But it's all gone and i start tomorrow at day 1.


Sorry to hear. However, we can’t change the past. I have sent you a private message and email. Other quitters have sent you messages. It is much easier with help and guidance. Simplify your quit. WUPP EDD - wake up piss post every damn day. Then keep your promise. Worry only about quitting only for today at the longest. There were times I focused one hour at a time. What do you want more? Satisfy the urge to put crap in your mouth and spit or increase the odds of living a long healthy life? You are in control of your future. Hope you will allow us to help you succeed one day at a time.

Offline SixString

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2019, 12:55:23 AM »
Sorry to hear you starting over. And I'm gonna just be real with you and mention some things that stood out.

You are a ADDICT. And that's going to be something that stays with you until you clock out from this world.

You have 0 self control. Using that as a reason is a gateway for you using it as an excuse if you decided to cave.

You have 100 percent control on whether or not you decided to put nicotine in your system. Did you put the pinch in, or did the pinch put itself in your lip?

You mention your husband still dipping plus you having 0 self control. That doesnt sound like a good combo.

This "support team" that you have didnt do much to stop you from caving today.. and if that team includes members on this site. Then that means you didnt make the effort in trying to everything you can to stop yourself from caving.

It really comes down to how bad you want it. You caving today shows that you say you want it but not willing to work for it.

You came here for accountability. But when it got tough you did what you do best with nicotine.. and hid it from us all.

Now you got to start this cycle again. Waking up and torturing yourself. Your craving are going to suck. You are going to wake up in a shitty mood and hate life. But you got to suck it up and deal with it.

Offline NurseFarmer

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Re: Female quitter.
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2019, 12:25:24 AM »
Good story and glad to meet a fellow quitter. I’m Day 2 currently and I can tell you I’ve been down your road of trashing everything related (which can be helpful). My advice is to not give it any power, whether it is empty bottles or a certain situation. All my previous fails I put dip and everything associated with it on a pedestal. I always failed. Now I will not let it have any power over me. Don’t let it have power over you either. It is just dip, nothing more. It’s tough quitting but I can tell you this time is different because I’m not making dip into this huge thing. It’s just something I used to do (coming up on 8 yrs) and now I’m done. Welcome and if you need a quit partner just pm me and I’ll be there.

Offline Kayla6036

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Female quitter.
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:41:00 PM »
Hello,  still getting the hang of the forum. Still not quite sure whats allowed and what isnt. Anyways to my story.

I joined a volunteer fire department at 16. I was the only female for years. Everyone either smoked or dipped. My grandma smoked and my grandpafather dipped (raised by my grandparents) ,  even my older brother dipped. Fast forward to 19 i was still on the department and actually living at the fire station and my brother comes to hang out.  We are sitting in the office talking and he takes a dip. My curiosity got the better of me.  Iv tried smoking and that just grossed me out (weird right!?!) So i ask for one and awkwardly stuff my lip and i got my first nicotine high. Later that day i bought my first can.  Id keep a dip in for hours lol but those first few days i kept getting the nicotine high and by the end of the first week i was hooked.... met my husband at 20 hid it from him a good while.  He also dips. Then eventually it was normal for me to dip. I only dipped around close friends and family. Well we had our first child and i quit for that entire pregnancy.... the car ride home from the hospital i had my husband stop and get me a can and i was hooked AGAIN.  Years go by and watched my daughter pretend dip and knew i needed to change.  Not only that but i hid i dipped from any new person or certain family.  Its very taboo for a female to dip. I even pretend at gas stations that im picking it up for my husband :-\  my husband even quit for a few months to hopefully encourage me to quit but im very stubborn and had the mindset well more for me! Now here we are 10 years later and i have my 2nd child. My grandpa passed away a few years back and i chew the same brand he did. Its sentimental somewhat but he also died of lung cancer.  Now iv decided to quit for good now. My daughter is 6 and i do not want her to think its ok. I also have a son now that im scared will eventually chew also. Its gonna be hard and i have 0 self control. My husband dips too but isnt quitting right now so itll be even harder. But he has agreed to not bring it in the house and keep it as discreet as possible around me. I wont lie. Iv already slipped up several times.  Im not sure what that means here for my quit group but im still here and still want to quit.  Tomorrow ill post on the accountability post again but back at day 1. I can do it. I have a support team and just need to learn to cope instead of using it as a crutch.  Iv already went through the house and trashed all things related to chewing. even empty bottles trigger me.  But it's all gone and i start tomorrow at day 1.