Hi, All,
This is my introduction. I've been dipping for over a decade, on and off. I've had several lengthy breaks over the years and even when I've been dipping I tend not to dip daily (mostly because there's no way for me to hide a daily dip from my wife). Then, about a year and a half-ago a medical issue hit my family and rocked my world. I've been dipping incessantly since.
Particularly troubling to me is the fact that even over the last 18 months, I can go 1 to 2 weeks without dipping from time to time, but I always come back with a vengeance. Seems like a lot of folks talk about the physical toll of quitting this addiction, and yet I can't find freedom cause I'm mentally weak. I can pretty frequently beat the cravings for a weak or two, but I can't cut through the self-deception that tells me one more dip won't hurt anything.
I primarily want to quit because I'm sick of how dominant a theme the addiction has become in my life. I'm tired of thinking about where to find a can, when my next opportunity to dip will be, wanting events to hurry up and end so I can sneak a lip, etc. This thing that adds no value is dominant force in my life and and it's slowly diminishing all my other experiences.