Author Topic: Intro Post  (Read 2297 times)

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Intro Post
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2019, 07:59:18 PM »
Steelman here.  56 year old.  35 year dipper.  "Quit" many times before.  Going to make this one stick.  Triggers are killers, but being aware of them helps me not to cave.
Welcome @Steelman I am John a 50 year old that up until 28 days ago dipped for 33 years.  You can and will beat this, but you must use the tools that KTC brings to you.  The tools I have recieved from KTC are.....MOST IMPORTANT.. Wake up piss post, Every damn day.  Reach out to other members and swap numbers, these guys will keep you on your toes and hold you accountable.  Read Read Read the information on this will help you understand what is to come during your quit (Wildirish intor in my sig...good reading).  I am here if you need me just pm me...I quit with you today...If I can do it you can do it.
I’m just a bit older, stuffed a can of Copenhagen in my lip every day for 35 years or so.  Quit a little over 4 years ago.   Read up in the intros, the hall of fame speeches etc.  after that much life, breathing was a trigger for me.  But one day at a time, I am still quit today.  Engage with other quitters, you will strengthen your quit by learning from their experiences as well as your own.
@Steelman  good to see you here. Let’s make one thing clear. You have never quit you have only stopped a few times. Quitting is what will happen if you follow the KTC routine and keep your word. I am a bit older and dipped for way too long. The process works. It does suck for a while and then it doesn’t.  You need to decide if you are ready to quit. If you are here is the link to your group.

Offline Nomore1959

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Re: Intro Post
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2019, 07:15:02 PM »
Steelman here.  56 year old.  35 year dipper.  "Quit" many times before.  Going to make this one stick.  Triggers are killers, but being aware of them helps me not to cave.
Welcome @Steelman I am John a 50 year old that up until 28 days ago dipped for 33 years.  You can and will beat this, but you must use the tools that KTC brings to you.  The tools I have recieved from KTC are.....MOST IMPORTANT.. Wake up piss post, Every damn day.  Reach out to other members and swap numbers, these guys will keep you on your toes and hold you accountable.  Read Read Read the information on this will help you understand what is to come during your quit (Wildirish intor in my sig...good reading).  I am here if you need me just pm me...I quit with you today...If I can do it you can do it.
I’m just a bit older, stuffed a can of Copenhagen in my lip every day for 35 years or so.  Quit a little over 4 years ago.   Read up in the intros, the hall of fame speeches etc.  after that much life, breathing was a trigger for me.  But one day at a time, I am still quit today.  Engage with other quitters, you will strengthen your quit by learning from their experiences as well as your own.

Offline jsjohnson

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Re: Intro Post
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2019, 05:47:03 PM »
Steelman here.  56 year old.  35 year dipper.  "Quit" many times before.  Going to make this one stick.  Triggers are killers, but being aware of them helps me not to cave.
Welcome @Steelman I am John a 50 year old that up until 28 days ago dipped for 33 years.  You can and will beat this, but you must use the tools that KTC brings to you.  The tools I have recieved from KTC are.....MOST IMPORTANT.. Wake up piss post, Every damn day.  Reach out to other members and swap numbers, these guys will keep you on your toes and hold you accountable.  Read Read Read the information on this will help you understand what is to come during your quit (Wildirish intor in my sig...good reading).  I am here if you need me just pm me...I quit with you today...If I can do it you can do it.
Wildirish intro

"So if any of you still have friends dippin tell them this if you dont have what it takes to quit nicotine you are gonna be TOO big of a pussy for chemo."  -Todd Garcia (Traumagnet)

My HOF Speech

Offline Steelman

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Intro Post
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:55:27 PM »
Steelman here.  56 year old.  35 year dipper.  "Quit" many times before.  Going to make this one stick.  Triggers are killers, but being aware of them helps me not to cave.
Stay strong.