Hey all. Name is Josh. I'm from Tampa, FL and new to the KTC online group. I'm on Day 2. I've had multiple Day 2's in my life and they all sucked. This one really, really sucks. The foggy, vertigo, spaced out, worthless, jacked up, addict feeling filled with shame and regret for starting and stopping and starting again. I've tried hypnosis, meditation, replacements, anti depressants, nicotine gum, anything and everything.
I started dipping over 30 years ago and now I'm 45. Virtually my entire life I've been owned by a silver topped can. It's regulated my life and told me what I can and can't do.
I've got a great wife, family, job, dog, friends. Everything is good. But I had been shoving 2 + cans of copenhagen in my mouth every day for as long as I can remember. After breakfast. Before lunch. After lunch. Mid day. After Dinner. And of course, before bed. That was the biggest, longest one. Hitting the golf course? That's one dip before the round at the range, then add all along the round. That's between 1/4 and a 1/2 can of copenhagen in my mouth without fail for over 5 hours non stop only adding. Sure, I'd spit it out after the round. But I'd put another one in for the drive home and almost always added more halfway home. That's before dinner. My auto pilot was so strong I didn't even realize when I dipped and how much I was putting in. I didn't realize that I stopped taking dips out and started just adding constantly to it throughout the entire day. The only real time dip wasn't in my mouth was when it absolutely couldn't be socially, or due to work, or my gums and jaw hurt so bad I just couldn't stand to do it from the pain.
When I do something, I usually go all out with it. Sometimes that's good. Other times, not so much. I have a feeling I'm in good company.
It makes me sick thinking about it and writing it down. It has ran my schedule, mood, and life for way too long. I never really sat back and paid attention. But I am now. While I'm shaking at my computer, I'm thinking about how this stuff has straight owned me. I've been thinking about it since chris2alaska tagged me proactively Friday night without knowing me at all, and said it's time to join the quit group. The next day was yesterday, which was Saturday.
Yesterday was the first time that I can remember going a full day and night without dip. I've done it before, but usually it was by necessity, like when I was in the hospital for a week with a blood clot in my left arm a few years ago.
The day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The night was bad, but it wasn't really all that bad. At least, not as bad as my mind said that it would be.
Today, well today has been pretty rough. I'm spinning. I'm shaking. I can't focus. I can't concentrate. I'm mad and sad at the same time. Vertigo. Chills. Hot. Cold. Anger. Old silvertop is not happy and he's fighting back.
I have a reminder on my phone to go off ever hour and remind me not to dip. I know me and know that I need that hourly reminder or I could literally slip without even realizing it. That's pathetic, but if that's how it has to be that's how it has to be.
It's past 5pm now on Sunday. I woke up at 6 am. I went golfing this morning and I didn't dip all day. My face didn't rip off, even though that's how it feels, it's just like a golf swing. Feel ain't real.
I'm committed to staying off.
I'm paying attention now.
And that's exactly what I'm going to do. Pay attention, and suffer until my next reminder. And then suffer again, but that's ok. I can do anything and withstand any amount of pain or discomfort for an hour if I'm paying attention.