Author Topic: Preparing to quit  (Read 4695 times)

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Offline Zeus

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Re: Preparing to quit
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2021, 07:49:23 AM »
You are the epitome of a dip addict! You have thrown up every obstacle to quitting and have prepared yourself for failure with your brilliant plan. Nearly all of us sounded just like you at first. The good news is that you can still quit--by doing it the KTC way. Quit buying your own bullshit. Your best judgement has led you to 25 years of keeping yourself enslaved to a poisonous, putrid can of monkey shit. Brilliant!! You're going to do everything to rationalize keeping yourself on the cancerjuice. All you need to do is to post your promise to stay quit today... and keep your word. You can keep your word, correct? 

Things are going to happen in life and you can still quit. (Nicotine solves zero problems)
You can be anxious and stressed and still quit. (Nicotine doesn't take stress away, it contributes stress!)
You can quit cold turkey and still quit. (In fact, it's not quitting if it isn't cold turkey)
You don't need lexapro to quit nicotine (We're not going to get between and your doctor, but its true-- you can still quit if lexapro or other anti-anxiety drugs didn't exist)
You do have the power, not nicotine. You've always had the power.
Step 1 is posting your promise to roll call. Do that, then you can start planning the rest of your life.
You will live without that shit just fine. You're not losing anything beneficial to you by quitting.
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Re: Preparing to quit
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2021, 05:08:40 PM »
@JZ   One does not “prepare to quit”. Picking a day in the future, or getting prepared is just addict speak for your not quit.  Only one way to do it and that is rip the bandaid off and go cold turkey.  It’s not going to be easy but nothing worth a shit comes easy.  If you want to kick the habit you will need to be ready to fight for it.  Are you willing to pay the price for freedom?
What he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Preparing to quit
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2021, 10:46:29 PM »
@JZ   One does not “prepare to quit”. Picking a day in the future, or getting prepared is just addict speak for your not quit.  Only one way to do it and that is rip the bandaid off and go cold turkey.  It’s not going to be easy but nothing worth a shit comes easy.  If you want to kick the habit you will need to be ready to fight for it.  Are you willing to pay the price for freedom?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 10:59:34 PM by SmokeyMountainExpress »

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Re: Preparing to quit
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 10:01:50 PM »

You have a real opportunity here, if you're serious about quitting.

Dump that can that's in your pocket now, and post roll in the April2021 group!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take back your life and freedom!

We're all here to help.


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Re: Preparing to quit
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2021, 02:52:40 PM »
Welcome, @JZ. As MNxEngineer said, we're glad you found this site and hope you commit 100% when you're ready.

I think your definition of "Cold Turkey" and ours may be different. You said "I can't do it cold turkey" and then followed that with a statement about using jerky chews. Our "cold turkey" does NOT include fake chews AS LONG AS THEY DON'T CONTAIN NICOTINE. Use all of the Hooch, Teaza, Bac-Off, whatever you need as long as the product is nicotine and tobacco free. Most of us have done exactly that to fight the oral fixation part of this addiction.

As you learned from your last stoppage, there will always be "rough patches" in life, but as you also learned 1 Problem + Nicotine = 2 Problems. There are no solutions in a can, only problems. After I quit, I talked to my doctor because of anxiety and sleeplessness. She prescribed Xanax, but I didn't take it long because I didn't like the way it made me feel; it wasn't me. My family and friends understood and just dealt with my anger, confusion, and anxiety until those lesser demons of nicotine withdrawal subsided. Now I have nothing to blame my less bubbly personality traits on other than being a natural asshole ;)

When you are ready, we'll be here. Although the process can be hard sometimes, the formula is easy: Brotherhood + Accountability = Success. MN gave you the link to freedom. Use it.

GS9502 - June 2020 Renegade of Quit
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Re: Preparing to quit
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 12:46:39 PM »
Hey @JZ.

Glad you found KTC. The process here is simple - make a promise, keep your word. But it isn't always easy which is where this community comes in. We have all been in your shoes so there is nothing you can't share with us or anything you are experiencing which countless others can't offer firsthand advice. We are here to help and hold you accountable. But we can't do that until you are 100% nicotine free. To post anything more here requires you throw away anything you have which delivers nicotine to your body.

When you are ready to dive in cold turkey, here is the link for your freedom: April 2021

Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 | Comma 3x: 07.11.24 | 31st FL: 10.19.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
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Offline JZ

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Preparing to quit
« on: January 19, 2021, 12:16:29 PM »
Hey everyone.  I'm glad I found this site.  I am 45 and have been dipping 2 cans of Cope long cut straight a day for 25 years.  I have quit in the past but then something happens in life and I go back.  This time, I want to quit!  I already struggle with stress and anxiety and that's usually what kills it for me.  In reading the preparing to quit I am working on a plan.  I have an appointment set with the doc to get on something like lexapro to help me get through this.  I have already ordered some hooch and black buffalo.  My thought is to kick the nic first and then deal with the hibit side of having something in my lip.  I have discussed with my wife and will be talking to my 3 daughters (19 and 16 year old twins) about what I will be going through and try not to take it personal if I am on edge, which I already am without the quit.  I want to be in control, not the nic in control of me!  I just know I can't do it cold turkey.  Last time I started dipping jerky chew and that helped for about 3 months but then had a rough patch in life and a friend gave me a dip and here I am today, feeling helpless against this damn chemical!  Hopefully as soon as the meds kick in I will dump the dip and be able to join this group of champions who are winning this battle.   I know this is step 1 and it's the easiest and I look forward to not having spit cups everywhere around me again!  I'll keep y'all posted as I begin my journey.  Keep up the great work everyone, you have motivated me to take this head on!