32 hours Dip Free - light headache, restless and slept like shit last night. Motivated and confidant. Tired of sneaking around to dip, tired of being ashamed, tired of being addicted, tired of destroying my health. Its time !!
@Perio1! It's been almost a year for me, but I still remember those days (and nights)! Hell, I still have them 362 days into my quit. Every day quit is a good day, though. Every day you don't feel you have to buy a can of death is a good day. MNx gave you the link to freedom, my friend, and you get there ODAAT. Drink plenty of water, read all you can on this site, and post your promise first thing each day. You may be the first June 2021 quitter, so check your private messages because I'm going to send you my digits. (Note: only swap digits through PM, never in the forums.) Reach out if you need to talk to someone, bitch to someone, or just want to hear from someone who knows what you're going through. We've all been there, brother. We're addicts, so we're still there.
You've got this, dude.
Stay Quit! - GS9502