Hey guys,
I'm back for round 2. It's been a while. I was able to quit for 30 days while on deployment at the end of 2018, and have been back ever since. Fell into some rough times after that deployment, but have a whole new reason to get back at this. I transitioned out of the service, had my first child, and am moving on to a new career. I spent my life dying living. Pushing the maximum tempo every day. I've been numb to death for years, lived in the minute-second. That kid has brought my risk tolerance down 1 million x. I cant look at him without ripping the chew out of my mouth.
I'm moving on 1-1.5 cans for 15 years. Working on day 1, the fog has already set in and I am in my own hell. If anyone can refresh my memory and guide me where to go from here- I really need an accountability partner to punch this ticket. 17 hours in.
Stay Dangerous,