Hey all,
I turned 27 in July, and am roughly on day #48 of quitting Skoal. I started using heavily during covid 19 (working alone) and messed up my tongue pretty good.
I've taken breaks before, but my tongue has never burned for this long. I have an appointment with the ENT on october 6. The dentist didn't see anything major in July.
I could use some words of encouragement, this is fucking hell, and I don't even crave nicotine anymore.
Thanks, good luck all
@Dolancorp , you'd do well to follow Athan's advice and post in a quit group. If you are 48 days quit, that puts your quit date at approximately July 28th, which lands you in the
November 2021 Pre-HOF Quit group. You should jump on over there and post your promise for today if you've managed to stay quit today.
I share Athan's sentiment regarding the "one and done" posters, or should I say "posers" who come in, think they are ready to quit, and get almost instantly pissed off when others hold them accountable for posting their promise, sharing digits, and any other step that we know damn well works to help an addict stay quit for 24 hours at a time.
That's how it works here, my friend: ODAAT - One Day At A Time. That's all we ask, and that's all we expect. Everybody here has been exactly where you are. We're not going to lie to you or steer you wrong in any way that we can help. We're also not going to hold your hand or coddle your balls if you start feeling all emotional and butt-hurt. The nicodemon is hoping you'll act that way so you'll tell us all to fuck off, go buy a can of death, and be right back where you started 49 days ago.
Quitting is hard. You've got to be harder. The formula is simple: Accountability + Brotherhood = Success.
Follow it, and be free. Glad you're here, Dolancorp, and I'm proud to be quit with you.
GS9502 - 564 days of badass quit.